This is just a little something me and my cousin thought of New Years Eve and I decided to publish. I happen to be a huge fan of Twilight, Vampire Kisses and Vampire Knight, this was just for fun, no flamers, and if you do flame you can burn in a hole and die, we clear?

Edward's P.O.V

It was just a normal day. Edward was reading in Carlisle's office while Alice and Bella were out hunting. Jacob was with Renesmee, doing whatever she wanted as usual. He and Jacob had recently reached an understanding, even friendship with each other after their encounter with the Volturi so he didn't really mind that they were together anymore.

He was perfectly relaxed when the phone suddenly rang. 'No one usually calls here, who is it?' He checked the caller ID and saw that it was a private number. He answered "Cullen residence, who may I say is calling?

" There was a pause, then a voice that he didn't recognize came from the phone. "Is this Edward Cullen, husband of Bella Swan who had a half-vampire child and lived?" Edward's mind was numb.

'Who the HELL is this guy and how the HELL does he know about all this stuff??' "Who are you??" He asked the mysterious person on the other end. "My name is Alexander Sterling and I seem to have found myself in a situation similar to yours," He said grimly.

"Can you help me?" Edward felt like he was reliving the whole nightmare over again. The whole bloody affair that resulted from his and Bella's honeymoon on Isle Esme was probably the worst thing to happen in his life, Bella had almost died.

He swallowed and said, "What happened?" Alexander paused, not sure how to begin, then said, " Well, I fell in love with a human girl, her name is Raven. I don't quite know what happened, we started kissing then, well, I won't go into the details but I think she's pregnant.

I heard from my family in Romania about what happened with you and Bella and I thought you could help me." He ended sheepishly. Edward couldn't believe what he was hearing. It was a miracle that one vampire-human relationship could work out without death, but two was definately pushing the limits.

Edward sighed, 'At least I wasn't the only one to make a huge mistake.' "As soon as the baby is born, which by expirience I know will be in about four weeks, you have to transform her immediately. I suggest venom straight to the heart.

Be VERY careful around her, the baby will be a lot stronger than her, as it will be a half-vampire. It will break some of her bones, most likely her ribs, and the removal is very, very bloody."

Edward cringed as he remembered the memory forever scarred in his brain. There was a long pause, " wasn't expecting that." Alexander replied after a while, sounding slightly dazed and in shock.

"I wasn't either when it happened, well I wish the best of luck to you and Raven. I must go now, Bella and my sister should be coming back soon now." "Thanks a lot Edward." And then Alexander hung up.

Edward hung up the receiver and sighed. That was one phone call he wasn't eager to receive again any time soon. He heard Bella and Alice coming back from their hunt and went to meet them at the door.

Well that's chapter 1, next chapter will involve some of the cast of Vampire Knight, hope you enjoyed! Please review :D NO FLAMES