Last chapter guys! OK so I guess its more of an epilogue than a chapter - just tying up loose ends and what not :) so yeah its pretty short...
Hope you have enjoyed reading my ramblings, thanks for all the reviews! :D
Enjoy :) xx

Chapter Nine

I sat alone, atop the same cliff where Jake and I had sat only days ago. Or was it longer? I had lost all sense of time. Every fragile pulse of my heart was a random happening in this endless void. And every pulse of my heart ached with more intensity than the last.

I wrapped my arms around my knees and rested my head for a short while, feeling the chilly sea air whip around my features.

"Enough now," I whispered to myself, but my voice was lost on the wind. I smiled to myself, staring out over the rolling waves below me.

I had got what I wanted, if only for a few minutes. I knew in my heart now that Jacob loved me, just that he loved Renesmee more.

There was nothing I could do to change that. I would surrender.

I would savour those memories forever, my happiest days. Being in his company, his arms around me, the taste of his lips on mine. I would leave now, before the memories could become twisted with pain, or anger. I would start afresh.

I got to my feet, my fate decided and my heart in agreement.

Perhaps I would return, someday. I couldn't leave Seth as an only child for too long could I? He might get cocky, I thought to myself, and let out a soft laugh.

I took a deep breath, turning towards the vast forest. I knew the pain would lessen soon enough. The fires of my anger and suffering had been doused by Jacob's show of compassion. Perhaps that was all I needed. A little forgiveness, understanding. A little liberation.

"Well," I breathed, "Leah Clearwater, this is your life," and I took the first step, barefoot, into the wilderness beyond.