A/N: A one-shot that came to me after reading too many Chyan stories. My first HSM fic!

Disclaimer: I own nothing to do with HSM. Only a couple of DVDs.

Word count: 223

On Being Kissed

It was a strange feeling, Ryan thought, being kissed in front of other people.

It wasn't that he was unused to being kissed. He had grown rather used to that over the past few months. And it wasn't who was doing the kissing. He had grown rather used to their tongue exploring the inside of his mouth over the past few months as well. And it wasn't the rush of excitement that came at the contact. He'd definitely become familiar with that, not that it was any less amazing than the first time he'd experienced it.

No. To be honest, what it really was was the fifty or so people who were staring as Ryan was grabbed and dipped as hot lips claimed his own.

Fingers wound themselves into his hair and he groaned in appreciation. They broke apart eventually gasping lightly and Ryan opened his eyes, not sure when he had closed them.

"I thought you didn't want to tell them," he murmured as Chad's pale pink lips stretched in a smile.

"I changed my mind. You're too hot to share. Come on. I'm buying you lunch."

Without a single word to any of his watching friends, Chad grabbed Ryan's hand and pulled him from the gym. Silence remained for a moment before Troy turned to Taylor.

"You owe me ten bucks."


A/N: I hope you liked it. I'd love any feedback you have.