Author: Warning to all ShizNat lovers, beware or suffer for this fic will make you angry. I have no regrets for writing this pair and I hope the readers won't be too outraged.

Me and the Kaichou girl

Chapter 1

The sky was a clear blue as the birds chirped happily on this sunny day. The sunlight shined through the window, the rays happened to land on a sleeping red haired girl. She turned over onto her side trying to block out the annoying heat of rays on her face.

Finally being awaken by the alarm clock she shot up and looked through the window. "Stupid weather, why can't you be rainy all the time?" the girl yelled as she hurled her fist at the window.

"You're about 3.12 seconds off from your usual morning wake up routine Nao" said a girl who sounded a bit between happy and sad. "Yeah so what Miyu?" Nao replied as she turned her head around to face the cyan haired girl in the other bed across the room.

"Perhaps Nao needs to be a little more of a morning person" Miyu stated as Nao grew a twitch in her eye. "Well that can't helped, I'm not exactly the morning person, you know that" Nao replied as she pulled the covers off of her. "Nao is 17.9 seconds off from the routine of getting out of bed then heading to the bathroom for a shower lasting 19 minutes and 47.6 seconds" Miyu said as Nao got up from bed.

"Sheesh do you need to be so accurate? chill out will you?" Nao asked as she headed for the bathroom. Closing the door behind her, she stared at the mirror. Staring hard into her reflection she noticed something. "Bah stupid bed hair" Nao growled as she fixed her head.

Nao sighed as she looked at herself again. 'Has my life really become that repetitive and predictable?' Nao thought as she looked at her hands. "Hard to believe these are the same hands that were used during the festival" Nao mumbled to herself.

Things had quietened down after the carnival. The school was rebuilt and when the chaos was gone the people came back. Students were enlisting, teachers hired back and well things were boring.

During the festival I had so much to keep me entertained. But now it's all gone my powers, my chance for revenge and well I can't figure out the last one. The only thing that reminds me of the carnival is Miyu.

After the summer holidays were over I was moved out of Aoi's dorm with her and was sent to share this dorm with Miyu for school reasons they say. Right when I had gotten use to living in that bed I get moved, life is unfair.

Since Alyssa left to go to an exchange school Miyu hasn't been the same. Well then again what is the same for her? I don't know why she didn't go with Alyssa after all she was suppose to protect her, Miyu mentioned something about Miss Alyssa's wish that she would keep an eye on me. And so far she has been doing more than that, she keeps track of my daily routine, makes sure I get to school on time, I'm not late for class, she's like a strict mother or something.

I often wonder how the other HiME's are doing. We haven't heard from some of them but I manage to keep in touch with Natsuki, Mai and Mikoto. I don't go very well with the others that still roam the school so I like to keep it simple and stay away from them, especially one particular person.

Her eyes stared down at the hot water that poured down her body as the picture of a brunette girl with red eyes came into her mind. "Shizuru Fujino" Nao muttered.

She took away the person most dear to me, she's just lucky that my mother is alive otherwise I'll make her life a nightmare. The thought of her makes me want to wring her neck, but then what?

If I did have my revenge during the carnival, would I be happy? It wouldn't bring me mother back but at least it will show her what it feels like to lose someone you care about.

Nao turned the knobs as the water stopped. She opened the shower door blindly reaching out for a towel. Finally finding a towel she brought it to her face and dried up her hair. She looked to see Miyu standing there with her usual blank stare.

"Whaaa Miyu can't I even get privacy here?" Nao screamed as she covered herself with her towel. "Nao is running late unless she doesn't hurry she'll be late for class" Miyu said as she walked out of the bathroom.

Nao sighed as she wrapped the towel around her. 'Even in the shower I can't get privacy' Nao thought as she hung her head. Walking out of the bathroom she headed for the closet to get her school uniform and some clean underwear.

Ignoring the fact that Miyu was standing there she threw the towel down as she got herself dressed.

I've rather grown use to Miyu watching me as I dress, the fact that she rarely leaves me alone is getting me more and more insane, insane to the point I'll be eating as much Mayonnaise as Natsuki eats.

Nao turned around as she bent down to get her books for today. Once she was all packed she walked over to the kitchen to get her lunch. Miyu had always prepared her lunch every day but tried to change the lunch every now and then. They walked out of the room with Miyu locking it behind them, then following Nao to their usual school route.

Miyu kept a close eye on Nao as the girl would always try to run off to find a different route or get away from Miyu, but all efforts failed. Nao walked quietly ignoring Miyu's usual staring she does. 'Believe me if she was human she would understand that what she does is over protecting and weird' Nao thought.

Nao looked at her watch to check the time. "Any second now" Nao mumbled as a blunette girl came around the corner of the building. "Natsuki" Nao called out. "Hey Nao, hey Miyu" Natsuki replied as she greeted the two. "Hello Miss Kuga nice day don't you think?" Miyu asked as she stared at Natsuki. "Sure I guess in one way or another" Natsuki replied.

"I'm surprised Natsuki is up this early when she usually like to sleep in on school days after having a 'rough' note" Nao smirked. Natsuki shot her a glare as she looked away. "Well still being held on leash are we Nao?" Natsuki asked as she laughed. Nao's smirk turned to a glare as she eyed her raven haired companion.

Nao continued walking along as Natsuki walked beside her and Miyu following behind. Nao and Natsuki chatted quietly as Miyu watched the two girls passing messages back and forwards.

I guess since after the festival I've kinda warmed up to Natsuki. We still have arguments every now and then but I'm the one mostly starting them for fun. She and Shizuru had been together since the festival was over, they talk at the halls of Fuka Academy. However she has been acting a little strange lately, maybe she hasn't be laid in a while.

Nao laughed quietly as Natsuki was talking away. Nao looked over to see a black haired girl riding on the back of an orange haired girl. "Hey Mai, Mikoto" Natsuki called out. Mai turned around as she raced over with Mikoto riding on her back happily.

"Hey Natsuki" Mai greeted as she bowed her head. "Hey Nao" Mikoto said as she smiled. "Hey Mai, hey Mikoto how are you?" Nao asked. "Doing alright just giving Mikoto a piggy back to school, speaking of which we get going or we'll be late" Mai replied as she hurried. "Dada dada charge" Mikoto cheered as she pointed to where Mai was running too.

Nao began to run as Natsuki and Miyu followed behind racing in to beat the bell. Nao ran along the pavement running past the students walking in avoiding to collide into any of them. She came to stop as she made it inside. She looked behind to see Natsuki and Miyu were not far off from her.

"Hey Natsuki you better go easy on the Mayonnaise, it's slowing you down, the effects are showing on your cheeks" Nao called out as she cracked laughing. Natsuki turned red showing she was now in 'angry Natsuki' mode. "That's it you're going to get it now!" Natsuki yelled as she ran at a faster pace.

Nao turned tail and began running to her class. She dodged the traffic constantly looking back to see the berserked Natsuki chasing after her. 'Almost there just a little more' Nao thought devilishly. Nao, all in one move, quickly took a sharp left hiding behind the corner of the wall watching Natsuki run past her.

"Hm Nao one Natsuki zero" Nao muttered as she walked from behind the corner only to find a glaring Miyu in front of her. "H-hey Miyu, I'm behind schedule aren't I?" Nao asked nervously. "Yes you are, I suggest you get to class now" Miyu replied. Nao nodded as she disappeared off into a cloud of dust.

Nao stopped outside the classroom as she walked in. Mikoto was sitting there daydreaming about Mai's cooking and whatnot. Nao sat down in her seat as she looked around the classroom. 'Things are usual here the boys chatting with the girls, the girls flirting with the boys, man do they have anything better to do then that?' Nao thought.

The bell rang as the teacher walked in doing the usual greeting the students then getting on with the school work. Nao stared up at the clock waiting for the bell to ring. She got out her book and pen and began writing down the things the teacher was writing on the board. 'I don't care what it says, what it means as long as I write it I won't get any complaints' Nao thought as she was writing.

Eventually the bell rang for class changeover, and Nao lifted her head up in delight. She packed her books away and getting up from her seat, she headed for the exit. Just as she walked out, someone collided with her,sending her to the ground with the culprit on top.

Nao opened her eyes to see chestnut hair in her face. She looked to see it was the one person she hated most. "Shizuru?" Nao asked. Shizuru groaned as she got up wiping her clothes. "Sorry Miss Yuuki" Shizuru apologized as she looked at the girl. Shizuru gave a quick bow then running covering her face.

Nao laid there dumbfounded as she let what just happened, process in her brain. 'Yeah you better be sorr- wait was she…?' Nao thought. She sat up before getting back onto her feet and cleaning herself up. She shot glares at the students that were looking at her then walking off.

As she walked down the hallway she could hear students chatting to each other whispering about something. Nao looked over to see the two girls that would know what was going on.

Aoi Senou and Chie Harrada are the two biggest gossips in the entire school. If something is up they'll now about it. Chie takes the pictures while Aoi gathers the gossip. It is rumoured that they have the entire school building wired up, in this case nothing is safe with them around.

Hey Aoi, Chie what's up?" Nao called out. Aoi and Chie turned as they walked over to Nao. "Hey Nao how are you?" Aoi asked cheerfully. "Fine, just coping since being moved out and sharing a room with a strict Android" Nao replied as she eyed Chie. "Jealous that I get to share a room with Aoi are we?" Chie asked as she pinched Nao's cheek.

"Watch it or I'll skin your ass" Nao replied pushing Chie's hand away. "Anyway I don't suppose you would know what is up?" Nao asked. "What do you mean?" Aoi replied. "I mean what is everyone talking about?" Nao asked. "You didn't hear, it's the biggest scoop of the year" Aoi replied.

"Yeah but what is it?" Nao asked as she felt her patience getting stretched to its limits. "It's about Shizuru and Natsuki" Chie replied. "Yeah what about them?" Nao asked. "They've broken up" Chie replied as she turned her head away. Nao stood there wide eyed in horror.

'They've… broken up, that's new' Nao thought.

To be continued…


Blackfang64: hello and welcome to the game show

Audience and Author: Truth or dare

Blackfang64: Now let's meet out contestants for today Nao Yuuki, Shizuru Fujino and Natsuki Kuga

Audience: (applauses as the three girls walk out and onto the stage)

Blackfang64: Welcome girls glad to have you with us

Shizuru: Thank it's great to be here

Nao: Whatever (begins texting)

Natsuki: Why the hell am I in chains? (Camera looks down to Show Natsuki wrapped in chains)

Blackfang64: Well for security reasons we had to take the procedure of getting you to stay still on stage for the game

Natsuki: When I get out of here I'm kick your-

Blackfang64: Okay let's begin Now Nao I believe you had dared Shizuru to eat a whole box full of Mayonnaise bottles correct?

Nao: Yeah something like that

Blackfang64: Well lets see how Shizuru went

Audience: (turns there attention to the video of Shizuru eating the Mayonnaise)

Blackfang64: Okay let's fast forward to the end (watches as the video fast forwards to the end) Oh and she has done it folks, give her a round of applause

Shizuru: Thank you, I must say after all that Mayonnaise I lost my sense of taste for three days

Blackfang64: Well I'm surprised that Natsuki hasn't lost her sense of taste yet

Nao: she's got her taste, she's just lost her brain cells

Natsuki: that's it come here (Natsuki tries to get out of the chains)

Blackfang64: uh Shizuru since you one the dare you get to ask Natsuki for truth or dare

Shizuru: okay, Natsuki truth or dare?

Natsuki: humph dare

Shizuru: very well, I dare Natsuki too… dress in a (whispers into Natsuki's ear)

Natsuki: WHAT!?

Blackfang64: There we have it folks it's a dare

Natsuki: What, I refuse, what's the point of this sho-

Blackfang64: I'm afraid we're out of time tune into next time for Natsuki's dare, goodnight everyone

End of Omake

Author: Okay a ShizNao fic I know what you're thinking but hey it's new and unexpected. Breaking up the beloved pair is a crime against nature itself, you'll find out what happens in the next chapter. Tell then read and review to let me know what you thought. I'm free to any ideas you have as this will be some of the fan's fic as well.