Blue-cat-94: (typing on computer)

Amu: hey ikuto?

Ikuto: what?

Amu: what wrong with blue kitty?

Ikuto: oh she's working on her new Amuto

Blue-cat-94: actually it's a tadamu wedding wanna read it?

Amuto fans: (gasps) NOOOO!

Ikuto: do you hate me or something? (Cries in corner)

Blue-cat-94: jeez you people take me to seriously it's an ice skating Amuto story you idiot.

Ikuto: (hugs blue kitty and gives a kiss) I love you so much blue kitty

Blue-cat-94: (blushes) um I love you too ikuto-kun.

Amu: (sighs)

Ikuto: aw is amu jealous (smirks)

Amu: no, now I can be with Tadase-kun (squeals)

Blue-cat-94: amu come here a second.

Amu: what?

Blue-cat-94: (slings arm around amu's shoulder) listen I work all day at school so I don't get in trouble at home. And when I get home I'm tired yet I somehow manage to write stories that readers of Amuto can enjoy. (Has a bad aura growing) Now it's hard work so I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk about tadamu.

Amu: (shrinks) o-okay.

Blue-cat-94: that's better. I'm a little ticked so utau it's your turn for disclaimers. (Storms off growling)

Utau: oh scary! Since blue kitty-chan is mad she does not own shugo chara. On with the story!

Amu was on her balcony leaning on the rail. Then she saw a shooting star. Then she made a wish. "I wish I could be free for one day, from all the stress of school and my outside façade". Then she went to bed. (Next day) Amu got up and stretched but something felt different. So she got out of bed and went to her mirror. "Wow did my room get bigger?" so she climbed onto her dresser and looked at her reflection. There in the mirror was a cute pink kitten with pink fur, like amu's hair. And golden eyes just like amu. Amu tried to talk to the kitten but it meowed instead. And around it's neck was a red cross. "what happened to me!" amu meowed shocked.