If you hate random, stupid crap based off of just as random quotes, then you really shouldn't read this. Enjoy!

Prowl watched the three teenagers walk into the rec. room. With an internal groan, he resisted the urge to beat his head against the table. Don't get him wrong, he liked the three, but... Primus, they had strange conversations. Almost every time he had managed to get involved in a conversation of theirs, his logic chips overloaded, especially if all three of them were together.

Mikaela snickered. "Sam, it wasn't that bad."

"It was too!"

Another snicker, this time from Miles. "Bro, you should have seen yourself when the bad guy came out of the closet."

Despite himself, Prowl was curious. What are they talking about...?

"If you always act that way when you watch scary movies, then why do you keep watching them?" Mikaela asked.

Prowl quickly searched the internet for these 'horror movies'. And was now more confused than ever. Humans pay for tiny disks (DVD's) that housed images that purposely terrified them?

"I... don't know."

Miles laughed again. "Aw, so amusing how you scream. All high-pitched and screechy."

"How do you scream anyways?" Sam asked.

Mikaela and Miles blinked, thinking about the odd question. "Well, when someone startles me, it usually just a squeak." Mikaela started. "Though when I'm really terrified, then it gets really high-pitched and... well, kinda shrill."

"So you have multiple screams?" Sam asked.


"What about you Miles?"

"I've discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a Great White or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot. Both are quite manly, I assure you."

"Yeah right." Sam scoffed.

"When were you ever nearly eaten by a shark?" Mikaela asked.

Prowl figured this was as good a time as any to leave.

"I'd rather not talk about it..."

"Come on, it can't me that bad." Mikaela said.

"Trust me, it is." Sam patted her shoulder.

He quickly grabbed the data-pads holding his reports.

"Just tell me."

"Well, Sam said that I was too chicken to jump into the shark tank. And I said I wasn't. And it all kinda went down hill from there."

"What happened?"

"We made a bet. I had to strip totally naked then jump in."

He hurried toward the door.



"O...kay. Then what?"

"I won. I jumped in."

"You seriously jumped in a tank full of sharks just for some money?"

He was almost there... but, alas, he wasn't quite fast enough.

"Nope. I actually won a month's supply of instant chocolate pudding."

The three jumped, startled, at the sudden bang. They looked toward the door where Prowl was now laying, twitching, his data-pads surrounding him.

"I wonder what happened to him." Sam said. The three shook their head, ignoring the unconscious tactician, going back to their conversation.

"What's the weirdest thing you've ever done for a bet Sam?"

"Well, there was this one time I ran screaming down main street, as naked as the day I was born..."

End. And before you flame me, I'd like to say that in my defense, it's five in the morning and I haven't had any sleep.

Oh, and the reason why 'I discovered I scream the same way whether I'm about to be devoured by a Great White or if a piece of seaweed touches my foot.' is in bold is because that's the quote I came across that inspired this story.

I might come back and edit this story when I'm awake. Though, I've said that several times and never have... Oh well, hope you like it.

I kinda dislike yet like how the conversation between them turned out. On one hand it seems kind of random how Sam suddenly is wondering how they scream but on the other hand I remember that they are teenagers. So, yeah... I'll shut up now.