Authors note: Yeah, sadly I don't own Harry Potter nor do I own twilight. You never know though, in another life I might be luckier.

There isn't enough Hermione/Twilight fanfic's in the world so I decided to make one! If you know some good ones that I might not have read already please tell me because I love them!

When people at school used say that I didn't have a life (because I was so nerdy, that is- although that's no longer the reason),sure it was an insult but it was definately a just an exaggeration, but it's now officially true.

I literally don't have a life.

You see, I'm a vampire.

Despite popular culture and what I first thought, I'm not an evil, human killing vampire like Dracula. I guess you could say, in vampire terms, I'm a vegetarian. Quite ironic isn't it?

I drink blood yes but only animal blood. I refuse to kill another human being. After the long war, I could never kill again.

Apparently, I'm very strong when it comes to resisting human blood. Well, at least that what the Cullen's, sorry, my new family, says.

Cullen's you ask? Well, becoming part of their coven is quite a long story and quite confusing so I should probably start at the beginning.

It was a nice crisp day in Washington and Harry, Ron and I had barely stayed there a week so we were still in full tourist mode.

Our days were packed to the brim with activities.

We were going out to a nice restaurant that the tour guide book recommended, when I saw this great looking book store I told them to go first and I would catch up with them. Sadly, I never had the chance to.

It was, as I had thought, a really nice book store, but as I was walking out the book store carrying a mountain of books, I new something was wrong.

I dropped all my newly bought books, not caring that I was standing in the middle of the walkway and quickly got my wand out of my jacket pocket.

But I was too late. A somewhat blurry figure suddenly threw me onto the road like I was the lightest thing in the world and was standing over my body to hurt me more before I had even hit the ground.

For the next few minutes, I gave up on the idea of living and was just hoping that death would finally overcome me. I thought it was all over, but apparently, death wanted me to wait.

In a swirl of lights and with the blaring noise of a honking car, the aching pain in me was slowly stopping and I briefly felt a set of arms wrap around me before completely blacking out.

All I can remember after that was a throbbing pain going all throughout my body for what felt like a lifetime.

When I woke up I was in a small white room with several wires sticking out of me.

I was suddenly aware of everything around me. The smells, the noises, everything! Like all my life before then had been very blurry.

PLease tell me what you think!