Goodbyes were never my thing. Hard and heart wrenching. If wondering, we did have sex, my first time and it was amazing. The goodbye part was what tore me to shreds. Sure we swapped numbers in case something happened, or in case I decided to get back into the business and needed some helping hands. Bobby said that I could always stop by, it would be hard living life alone after what I've been through. I agree and I accepted. I had friends now, I lost one only to gain four. Gordon was still out there, he was in jail but the thing was what if he got out? What if there was no end? I had to be careful and even then would he really see that I am human if he found me again?

I am still hunted no matter the fact that I have chosen to give up hunting now. Once you get into hunting all the demons know your name, they know what you do, have done and can still do. Monsters will always be out there and believe me when vampire hunts catch my eye in the newspaper or online, I pass it on. I move away if it's near. I don't hate vampires, I have learned to understand them. The ones that are misunderstood, trying to make it without getting hunted…the others are the ones that can't be understood not even by someone who was in their position. With their poison in them.

You could say I'm cautious, looking out for my safety and sanity. I now live in a two bedroom apartment with a dog and kitten. Relationship status is moot, I don't know if I can even date. I'd have to lie, keep my whole life to myself. Why two bedroom? Sam and Dean come by now and then to check up on me. Have a few drinks and give me some shooting lessons. I need them, I've lost my touch and hand-to-hand combat. I haven't given up hunting entirely, I'll do small jobs around where I live. It's been years now.

I can go outside without feeling like I am getting a bad sunburn in just one second. No more hearing heartbeats or thirst for blood, I can eat normal food and drink normal stuff now. It is safe to go outside my apartment, take my dog for a walk, go for a jog at normal speed…I don't have to worry about if only anymore. Well maybe just one…

A/N: And it's over! Finished! Wow, took me forever. Anyways, I hope you all liked the journey. Thanks for being awesome, reviewing and favoriting. I really appreciate it all. And one more, thanks for reading. Over and out.
