Author's Note: Yeah, its been a while, I'm trying to get back into the swing of things, and I get distracted and I forgot about Beka when I started doing these. Sorry if this one sucks compared to the others but I don't think I write Beka's time period very well.
If you get bored after reading this, don't forget to review and then go check out my latest "Journey of a Lifetime" it focuses around Kel's life after Lady Knight. Its a good quick read, only 1500 words total. all 25 chapters told in 100 word drabbles.
I am not Tamora Pierce
The Guard is Gone
"We are here to remember one of our own." The woman looked over the small group of people in front of her with her somber brown eyes that could glare with great ferocity. "She was one of the best." The praise came out of her mouth more easily than any had ever come. To receive compliments from her was not an easy task but for this one person, it was well deserved. She bent her head, a stray brown lock falling in front of her face as she tried to ignore the tears that started to form in her eyes.
The brawl had broke out before they had known there was even a spark of tension. Two men and their friends had argument over a game of Gambler's Chance while the two Dogs and their puppy were eating their suppers. The two dogs sighed as a men hit their table with a bleeding lip and jumped back into the ruckus. She rose to her feet, gripping her baton and stepping towards the fight, giving the nearest fighter a nap tap with perfect precision, the man fell to the floor as his eyes rolled partner followed behind her, telling the puppy to stay close and not get killed.
Swallowing hard, she looked around around the congregation of people of every class of citizens. There were nobles in their fine silk and velvet, the Lord Magistrate who always was find of the young dog. The deceased dog's friends in Rogue were present as well, including the king and queen themselves, all with harsh lines of sorrow on their faces. The Rogue's black eyes flashed towards the large group of Provost Guards, waiting for them to arrest him for what he did, but none of them wanted to admit that they were grateful for what he did to her murderer, even if it proved he could get into their cages.
The dogs pushed back every brawler that tried to to take out their anger on them that night. tankards and chair both flew through the air as tables broke beneath men's bodies being piled on them. Each time she tied up one culprit, two more seemed to take their places. Her hands worked fast as her tall, owl-like partner smashed skulls together and they both kept an eye on the eager young dog. "Where did that young 'un get to now?" her partner asked while grabbing a chair in mid-swing. "Can't stay out of trouble fer a minute. Lot like you," he grunted and dodged a drunken punch. She shook her head. "She's got our backs.. "Not really reassuring," he chuckled and ducked again.
"Even as a Puppy I could trust her to watch my back." The woman's brown eyes had a small twinkle in them as she remembered her one time trainee. "She always knew when to keep her mouth shut, it was speaking up that she had problems with."
The lord magistrate and a few others chuckled in the crowd.
"But when it came time to work, she put her whole self into it." The woman grinned at the crowd, "She brought down the biggest, chasing the queen rat through Port Caynn sewers, and I think she even wanted to hobble our own Rogue a few times." A tiny smiled tugged on the blond Scanran in the front of the room.
"But her turf was the lower city. The people, the businesses, everyhting in the lower city. SHe wanted to protect it all. She'd sniff out anything amiss, and then she wouldn't let go once she got her teeth in it."
The brawl was almost put down, back up had come and now most the fighters were hobbled and the inn was crawling with dogs. "Where'd she get to now?" she asked her tall partner. "I---there!" the man pointed out the door where their puppy was sprinting down the street after one of the brawlers. "Pox rot her," she cursed and sprinted out the door ignoring her partner's yell for her to wait. She ran after the young puppy that wanted to be just like her but often was getting into trouble for her efforts. The night was closing in on her as her breathing burned her throat as she ran through the streets that she knew from her days as a message runner. She also knew that the rat was running right towards a dead end. She saw them, her puppy and her rat both in fighting stances, half hidden in the shadows. She didn't want to have a puppy die on her, not her first one. She ran at rat, baton raised, but he shifted as she got within striking distance and she then saw what was in his hand hidden in the shadows; a knife. The blade sliced her belly open, her blood pouring out and every thing else poisoning her blood inside. Before she fell to the ground, she delivered one final nap tap, dropping the rat to the ground with her. Curling into a ball on the ground, she barely understood her puupy's shrieks and whistling, calling for dogs. She simply looked at the nicked and worn baton in her hand. Solid and strong, it had never touched a rat's blood before, most of her uses of the baton resulted in broken bones, bruises, and such but it never ripped flesh. Now, her symbol of pride, her baton and black uniform, had rusty liquid soaking into them, and her blood would leave her mark in these items forever. Sighing, she closed her eyes, allowing death to come, she had brought many to justice in her life for the fate of theirs. It was time for the black god to do the same for her.
Sergeant Clara Goodwin looked out over the crowd, a single tear finally leaking out of her brown eyes but true compassion echoed in her voice. She was a true terrier and the best bloodhound of the kennel, curse any of you who deny it." A fierce glare lowered itself onto the crowd. "She was The Provost's Guard of the Lower City, my own puppy. The world would be a better place if we all had her determination and loyalty live on through us all," she said with a growl of sorrow present in her voice and she slammed a fist on the podium in front of her. "Let's hear it for one of the best, Guardswoman Rebeka Cooper!"
A/N: Once again I'm sorry if it turned out wrong but I liked it. Don't forget to hit the little review button below, flames or praise I'll take both :D
Thanks for reading!
~Kate of Carlay~