It's just a short bleep of a chapter because I had a random fun idea. xD

Bathroom Break!

Zack wasn't sure what he was going to expect when he woke up that morning but he knew why he woke up earlier than normal. It was a very embarrassing thing, but he hadn't gone to the bathroom for days and he wasn't sure how he had managed to go without doing any of that thing. It might have been some sort of miracle medicine in Cissnei's goop, or soup as she prefers to call it. The moment he opened his eyes and into the world of blurry vision he had someone looking over him. Red hair that at first he fooled himself into believing was Cissnei's but once his vision cleared up, Zack knew, without a doubt, that he was looking up at a Turk that was not Cissnei. "Well waddaya know, he's alive." He heard that familiar voice and it still had that cocky egotistical ring to it that only Reno of the Turks could pull off on a twenty-four-seven basis.

Needless to say, Zack just about did his business right then and there with Reno hovering over him but he didn't want to lose all the dignity he had. "How did you find me?" Zack's first initial response was. He hadn't seen anyone other than Cissnei at this time, and now he was worried that the other Turks had found out Cissnei's secret and were here to finish him off once and for all. What did they do to Cissnie? Did they get rid of her? Kill her? Lock her up? Surely they wouldn't have been happy to find that she was housing a fugitive and nursing him back to health after ShinRa had hunted him down for so long and gunned him down outside of Midgar. He resisted the urge to grab the blanket and pull it over his face like a child hiding from the boogeyman.

"Who do ya think carried your fat ass here, slick?" And then he sported that sly smile once again that always made Zack feel like he was inferior to the Turk. How could someone manage to make someone feel in such a way with just a mere look? It was like they had some sort of psyche training to get to you without saying a word. The message was clear enough and Zack had to take a moment to puzzle everything out. Maybe all the Turks were helping him? He couldn't really think of any reason why Reno would help him though because he hadn't really gotten to know the man, he had barely talked to him. He only encountered the man less than a handful of times. So why he had actually gone and extended a helping hand in his recovery just seemed odd. Unless Tseng was watching his back from ShinRa and ordered the Turks to help him. Tseng really was a hard person to read, he wasn't sure if the man had actually cared about his well being or not; he wasn't even sure if Tseng viewed him as a friend like Zack viewed Tseng.

"You carried me?"

"Nope! Rude did. But I supervised."

Zack rolled his eyes upon the response. He hadn't known Reno very well but he was notorious for being somewhat of a slacker. It was infamous but second to his reason of being even more popular. He was a womanizer. Not just any womanizer though, he was the womanizer who everyone knew was a womanizer but yet often bedded with him regardless. He was a heavy drinker but still could walk straight after a night of drinking, and still brings a woman to a motel room to finish off the night. Zack could only wonder how many things the man was actually carrying from all his encounters with strange women but he didn't have the nerve to ask such a question when he was in such a condition.

"Where's Cissnei?"

"I dunno."

"What do you mean?"

"She rang to get my ass over here, I got here, and she was gone." The Turk shrugged his shoulders and straightened up from the bed. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket pocket and lit up a cigarette. He ignored the fact that there was a man who could have gotten shot in the lungs by him, or the fact that he was still trying to recover. The way Reno's world operated was if Zack Fair was living after this long, then he'd be just fine and in a way, Zack felt the same way. He just didn't like the smell of cigarette smoke. "Probably wanted to get her ass away from you for once."

Zack would have been a bit too embarrassed to ask for Cissnei's help. But Reno may very well be a blessing in disguise. A very well designed disguise at that. He was a man, Zack was a man who couldn't do anything on his own for the most part. Men were to help each other out when they were in need. So maybe Zack could even wing a shower out of Reno. Not a shower with Reno, but getting into the bathtub and letting Zack take care of the rest; although, Reno would probably make some smartass remark about Zack just drowning himself in a shower. It was still worth a try.

"I need to go to the bathroom." Zack finally said when the cigarette was smoked halfway.

"So go?" Reno gave his response. Zack simply stared at the Turk from his position and the complications behind that message clicked after a matter of moments. "Oh shit, right." He didn't give any sympathetic look towards Zack, in fact, Reno looked more amused than anything else. Apparently the misfortune of others was amusement to him. Then again, if Zack had to take a wager, he would assume it was due to the type of work Reno was in. They were designed to bring misfortune to people so the people best qualified for that type of job would be the type who could find something good out of doing it. He had to wonder how if Cissnei was actually the same way, and Tseng for that matter. Tseng would be a bit stranger to believe considering he was sort of like a rock. Nothing chipped his cold surface.

"Can you move?"

"I don't know."

"Will you pop your stitches?"

"I don't know."

"Can you wipe your own ass?"


"Well, then. Let's get to it."