A/N: Okay! The story's epilogue is finally here! Well to me this is more like a preview. But anyway. . . So. . . I really don't know what to say. Hmm. . . You've all been really great! Thanks for the reviews! Um. . . Yeah, how about we just go to the epilogue/preview.

Bella POV

"Bella, we're going out to hunt. Alice and Emmett will be with you."

"Okay Edward. Happy hunting!"

"Bella, are you sure you'll be alright? I mean, we don't know when the baby is coming and-"

"Edward. Don't worry about me. I'll be just fine. I have Alice with me."

"Hey! What about me?" Emmett had just bounded in the living room when I said that.

"And Emmett. But I guess that wouldn't reassure you, would it?" Edward came closer to me and whispered in my ear.

"Not really." I could feel the smile in his voice and the coolness in the way he spoke sent shivers down my spine.

"I'm sorry." I pulled my face towards his and kissed him. He was caught by surprise but quickly responded.

"Now, I think you need to go hunt." He smiled at me and nodded. He gave me a quick kiss and left.

"Yes! Now it's time to have some fun!"

"No. Now's the time to rest because I know you and Alice are going to make me wish I was never changed."

"Oh you know us too well." Emmett started dabbing his eyes and acted like he just won an award.

"Now can you go. I would like to rest before I have to play Bella Barbie or stop you from doing something stupid."

"Whatever." He smiled at me and left me to my "nap". I lied back down and looked up at the ceiling. Wow. This past quarter of a century has been really interesting. I lose my husband and my child, husband is reborn then loses memory. Then he regains his memory, our child decides to finally show itself and now. Now I'm resting waiting for our child to be born and waiting for a big explosion. But I have a good idea the explosion is going to come first.


See? What did I tell you?

A/N: There's the epilogue/preview! Hope you liked it! J Oh and review!