Um...hi? This is Larka here, and for people who are currently bashing there heads agaist walls and raising pitchforks against me, I need to say that I am NOT giving up on my story Swan Princess, I merely have huge writers block. I'll probably get the next chapter up by the end of February. As for Journey Back to Fight the Darkness...It sucks, and I'm DROPPING it. I finished this story before I began to post it so that I wouldn't drop it like the others (heh) I like this story a lot, so PLEASE GIVE IT A CHANCE AND FINSIH IT!

I love you reviewers. TheMagicalTapeworm and SecretAgent99 are two of my most faithful reviewers. THANKS GUYS!


Eleven Year Old Memories

A dusty box was pulled out from under a bed and opened by pale, delicate fingers. A slim blonde haired, blue-eyed girl pulled a picture from the box, a tear slipping down her cheek as she looked at it. . She put it face-down carefully, and then pulled out a tape from the box. A small smile grew on her face, and she put it down next to the drawing. She finally pulled an opaque teardrop charm from her pocket and laid it down beside the other objects.

"Aren't you lonely up here?" Namine turned around with a gasp, swiftly positioning herself in front of the object, but relaxing as she recognized the silver-haired boy.

Riku knelt next to her with an expression of surprise on his face.

"You still have this stuff? I thought we left it in Twilight Town." Namine shook her head.

"I-I couldn't leave it behind. I thought it was cute." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and leaned against the older boy's shoulder. Riku snorted.

"I don't think DiZ is EVER going to forgive us for messing up his perfect data," a mischievous glint flashed in his eyes, "but he'll just have to live with it."

"So we aren't going to burn the tape?" Namine asked hopefully. Riku shrugged and replied,

"Well, we can always burn it later…"

"THANK YOU!" Namine yelled, and hugged him quickly.

Both teens froze when they heard people coming up the stairs.

Yuffie, Kairi, and Sora came in to see Namine sketching in her sketchbook and Riku was lying on her bed trying to get a glimpse over shoulder.

"You might want to color that bit right there—no, there!" He said pointing wildly at a spot on the paper.

Namine turned around with a mock scowl on her face,

"Riku, who's drawing?"

"You." He huffed.

"Yes. So shut up!" Namine rolled her eyes, a smile on her face.

"Um…you were yelling." Sora said in trepidation.

"Yep." Namine said brightly, "It's fun to do."

Kairi snickered.

"Sure, you love yell—what's behind you?" She asked suddenly, seeing a corner of a tape behind Namine. In a second, Riku was sitting bolt upright and glaring at Kairi.

"It's nothing." He said through gritted teeth. Under his breath he said to Namine, "I told you we should have burned it."

Yuffie darted in and grabbed the object.

"NO!" Riku and Namine said in unison.

Namine shook her head.

"We are doomed."

"We?" Sora asked, an eyebrow raised.

"It's labeled 'Eleven Year Old Memories.'" Yuffie commented. She smirked, and skipped out of the room. Riku scowled.

"What're the odds that she's going to be evil and play it?" He asked no one in particular.

"2 to 1." Namine answered sadly, and walked downstairs.

"Explanation?" Sora asked, following Riku out of the room, gently pulling Kairi behind him.

"No." Riku said shortly. "If she shows the tape, you'll know."

"Hmm." Kairi said, her eyes showing curiosity.

Yuffie loaded the tape into the VCR, and smirked.

"Anyone for popcorn?" She asked innocently.

"Yuffie!" Namine growled, and she pulled Riku into the kitchen to make popcorn.

"They're going to find out." Riku said abruptly, as he watched the popcorn go around in the microwave.

"They were going to eventually. We wouldn't be able to hide it forever." Namine said calmly. "And I'm happy about it. I'm sick of hiding the fact that I love you."

Riku smiled.

"Well I don't think Sora's ever going to let me live it down."

"Oh well." Namine laughed, and opened the microwave. "At least the popcorn didn't blow up." She pecked his cheek and walked into the living room.

"Popcorn!" She announced. Yuffie squealed, and seized the bowl.

Riku rolled his eyes and sat down on the floor. Namine sat down a short distance away, nearer to Kairi and Yuffie. Sora sat on Riku's other side.

"I call remote!" He announced. He pressed play, and the movie began.

The shot opened to show Namine in her white dress sorting through a bunch of metal and glass objects.

"Typical of Vexen to leave a lot of stuff that we have no idea what they're for…Riku? Riku? RIKU!" She turned around to see a pale, black-dressed Riku coming up behind her. He tapped one of the…things curiously.

"Well, you can't expect Vexen to leave instructions, can you?" He asked.

Namine rolled her eyes,

"I guess not." She said, and she shook a bronze-and-glass cube. She frowned as she noticed a small opaque button on top of it.

"Riku…" She said slowly, looking intently at the button…

"Oh please don't tell me!" Yuffie burst out. "You pushed the button?!"

"Heh…Keep watching." Riku said, flushing.

Riku reached for the cube. Namine began to hand it over, but her elbow jarred against the table, and she hissed in pain, dropping the cube.

Riku tried to catch it at the same time as Namine, but neither of them managed to stop the box falling—right on the button. They held the cube, but there was a flash of light, and the two teens disappeared.

Sora paused the movie.

"NOOOOO!" Yuffie and Kairi shrieked,

"Put it on!" Kairi begged.

Sora rolled his eyes and pressed play.

"I wanted to see their reaction." He said. Riku laughed.

As the light faded, two groaning eleven year olds lay on the floor.

Namine was dressed in a plain white T-shirt and jean shorts, with her blue eyes huge in her face, and her hair long. Riku was wearing jeans and a black T-shirt, his silver hair haphazard and longish.

"My head…" Riku said.

"Ow." Namine groaned.

The tow kids started at the sound of the other's voice, and looked at each other.

"Who are you? I'm Riku." Riku asked suspiciously, "And…how did I get here?"

"I'm Namine," She said, hugging her chest, "And I don't know where we are." She started walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Riku asked, "You don't know your way around."

"Then I'm going to find my way around." Namine said firmly.

"I'm coming." Riku said quickly, and ran out the door.

Namine sighed and followed him.

There was white passageway after white passageway.

"Don't these people get sick of white?" Riku grumbled.

"I like white," Namine said, "but this is stupid."

Riku nodded in agreement.

"There's a door!" Namine said in excitement, pointing to a big door. She ran up to it and pulled on the handle.


With Riku's help, she managed to pull open the door to reveal…a library.

"Finally, some color other than white!" Riku said happily. Hs face fell, "Even if it is a library." Namine giggled.

They explored the library, climbing on bookshelves, and peering out windows.

"Weird, this place doesn't look anything like home." He commented.

Namine climbed up on a box next to him to see the town a distance off.

"What is your home like?" She asked curiously.

"Well," He said slowly, "I live on an island, so there are a lot of beaches. I have two best friends, Sora and Kairi. Sora's a bit idiotic, but he's awesome. Kairi's really nice."

"Sounds really nice." Namine said wistfully.

Riku shrugged.

"Yeah, it is, but sometimes I wish that my world wasn't just the islands. I'd like to explore more." He said, resting his cheek on his fist.

Namine suddenly smiled brightly.

"Then let's go and explore!" She said excitedly. Suddenly her face fell, and she bit her lip. She looked through the window again.

"What's wrong?" Riku asked his friend.

"Do you think there are monsters?" She asked quietly. Riku gripped her shoulder.

"Don't worry," he said, "I'll protect you."

With that, both kids ran off to find the door.

"Aww…" Yuffie said, smiling, "That's so cute."

Riku looked at Namine.

"I don't know Namine…MONSTERS?" He asked, grinning.

Namine grabbed a pillow and flung it at him. "Jeez!" He yelped.

Namine smiled sweetly.

"I knew you'd protect me."

"I was not an idiot." Sora muttered

Kairi walked over and hugged him.

"You weren't." She said. She sat down and leaned against him.

Yeah, I know, Sucky ending. Keep reading peoples!