I haven't done this in a long time so please forgive me if they're OOC. I'm trying to get back to writing fanfics and it's a slow process. Anyway, this is shortly after season 7 but Rory doesn't get the job on the Obama campaign and she and Lorelai haven't left for their roller coaster adventure yet. Rory decides she has one more thing to do before she moves on with her life. The story is almost finished so I should post a new chapter every other day.

I hope you enjoy it and you know, you can use that review button to tell me how much this sucks. Or doesn't. I love criticism almost as much as I love hearing that people actually like my stories. Anyway, done with the rambling so you can read.

She stands there, in front of his door, her heart beating a thousand beats a minute. The knot in her stomach tightens every time her hand reaches for the doorbell so she pulls it back and decides that it was useless. Turn around and just leave. And then she kicks herself and reaches again for the doorbell.

Because she has to ring it.

She needs this.

Finally she gathers enough courage to push the small yellow button and wait. She hears scuffling from the other side of door and a male voice grumbling. His voice. She wonders what it is about his voice that makes her heart still do cartwheels.

And then she remembers why she was here. She sighs and clutches to her purse tighter, waiting.

Finally the door opens and she sees him standing on the other side, looking tired. Not surprised. She tries to remembered if there was ever a time he looked surprised to see her. They kept bouncing in and out of each other's lives and yet they never completely manage to surprise the other one. They were like boxers, always waiting for the next round.


Rory relaxes the hand holding her purse and smiles at him.


They stand like that for a few seconds looking at each other. The young man finally breaks the silence.

"Anything thing else you might want to add to that greeting? Like what you're doing here?"

"What? Oh, uh, sorry." She chuckles and looks at him. "I was in the area and thought I'd come by and see if you'd like to go for coffee or a drink. Catch up. I would have called first but I don't have your phone number."

"Don't worry. Dropping by is fine."


And the silence is back, awkward. It had changed. She can't remember other uncomfortable silences between them. She knows there must have been but this one was different. She can't fill it in with a smile and kiss and make him forget.

"Do you want to come in?"

She nods politely and walks inside the small living room.

"Sorry about the mess. I still haven't gotten the whole cleaning up concept. Probably never will."

"It's fine."

"Give me thirty seconds to change and then we can go somewhere."

"You're sure I am not interrupting anything? I can come back some other time. I'll be in the city for a couple of days."

"Nope, now is fine. Unless you had something else planned."


"Then give me thirty seconds."

She smiles and nods and he steps in the other room. Rory examines the room and smiles again, this time realizing just how much this was like him. Books piled everywhere. On the floor, under the coffee table, behind the tiny couch. And on the window a small ashtray filled with cigarette butts. Pieces of paper scattered around the room, his handwriting on them. Pens in a coffee mug on the table. Nothing lined up or filed, but she knows that it would take him less than ten seconds to find any book he would be looking for.

He is standing in the doorway, looking at her analyze his room, almost seeing the thoughts running through her head. He crosses his arms across his chest and smirks, waiting for her to finish and finally spot him. She still looked the same. Less innocent, more put together than in high school. No more Docs or Converse. Her hair and nails neatly done. But her eyes still smile and tell stories of worlds filled with promises and laughter.

It is too late to read those stories now.

She finally turns around, sees him looking at her and blushes furiously, knowing that he was examining her.

"Ready to go or do you need more time to inspect my house? I wouldn't recommend going in the bedroom. If you think this is a mess then you shouldn't see that."

"I have absolutely no intention of going in your bedroom." As soon as she finishes the sentence she realizes the other meaning of what she'd just said and starts giggling. He smiles and steps towards her, trying to stop himself from laughing as well.

"I'm that repulsive to you, huh?"

She shakes her head while taking deep breaths, trying to regain her calm.

"So, not repulsive then?"

She just shakes her head again and breathes again, this time calmly.

"You done?"

Rory nods and moves her purse to her shoulder, motioning for the door.

"Ready to go?"

"I'm ready."

Seconds later they're outside in the warm Philadelphia night, walking slowly.

"Where are we going?" She asks him.

"No idea. You hungry?"

"I ate. You?"

"Too early."

"How can..." Rory stops mid sentence and looks at her watch. "Almost 7 o'clock at night be too early?"

"I was asleep when you came. Hence, it's still early."

"Don't you have a job?"

"On mandatory leave."

He sees the confused expression on her face and continues.

"Have to finish a book and the deadline is fast approaching so my co-workers decided I needed to focus on that."

"Another book, huh?"


"Any good?"

"I haven't finished it yet."

"I want to read it."

"I assumed you would."

"Give me a call when it's published so I know to look for it."

"How about I just send you a copy?"


"Why not?"

"Because I want to buy it."

"Who said I wasn't going to bill you for it?"

She laughs again.

"You haven't changed, Jess."

Thank you for reading this. Hope you enjoyed it. I'd remind you again to review but that would be begging, wouldn't it? Oh, heck, it's exam week, I am desperate. pretty please review.