All right, I've never done a Naruto fanfic before and I'll admit that I'm not the most informed person when it comes to the Naruto world, so it's only fair to warn you that there will be some inconsistencies when it comes to things like details of certain events, ages and age differences, and locations. I hope you will forgive me of these faults.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or the Akatsuki. Honestly I'm not sure who it is that owns it- but it ain't me!


"Obito-san, I beat you again!" Yoko accused, "I thought you said you were a real ninja now!"
"I am! You just got lucky!" Obito insisted, getting to his feet.
"Yeah right," She stuck her tongue out at him.
He looked at her for a minute then reached out and poked her head, "Tag," He disappeared. By the time she caught up with him they were nearing the training ground. She could almost touch him. Suddenly, he stopped. Going this speed she would hit him! The next thing she remembered was lying on the ground looking up at the sky and Obito and Rin leaning over her.
"Hey are you okay?" Rin and Obito cried, helping her sit up.
Yoko just looked at them. Her lip trembled and her vision started to get all blurry.
"Ah! Yoko-chan, don't cry!" Obito put an arm around her.
"C'mon, she's alive- lets go already," Kakashi said and looked down at the 5-year-old girl from nearby. She turned her face away from him and cried into Obito's jacket.
"Kakashi, you've got to be the most heartless person I've ever met!" Obito shot back.
"Well we gotta get going, this is an important day for me," Kakashi said tonelessly.
"It is?" Obito asked, clueless.
"Yeah, don't you remember me telling you?" Rin reminded him.
"...Not really," He admitted.
"Never mind then, you'll find out later," She sighed, "We really should go now though. We want to get an early start to the mission," She went over to talk to Kakashi.
"Okay..." He looked at Yoko, "I have to go now. I'll see you again soon, okay?"
"Okay, but- um..." She blushed and looked at her lap nervously.
"What is it?" He asked curiously.
She suddenly threw her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his cheek, "Be safe,"
He grinned sheepishly, "Don't worry, I'll stay alive if it means I get to see such a pretty girl again," He hugged her again, "See ya,"
"Yeah, see ya," She watched as he left with his two teammates.

A bit short, most of the chapters will be relatively short, but I promise to update often!