Chapter Twenty-two

Only Erik

Even having a simple ceremony took time. Erik chomped at the bit worrying if Meg might have conceived or not. He would do harm to anyone who might think any the less of Meg or his child because of an early delivery. That sort of thing could scar a child. Erik held no one but himself to blame if Meg should deliver his child into this world.

Such a delicate matter could not just be sprung upon a person. Erik wondered Meg or Antoinette had not thought of the possibility that Meg might have conceived. Lord knows he and Meg had relinquished all sense when in the throws of passion. The number of intimate encounters in itself would insure they would be parents. In two months Meg had not spoken a word either way. She did not appear to be overly worried about anything. If her mother suspected anything would she not have said something thereby insisting the wedding date be brought forward? Surely they knew more about these things than he did.

Two months to the day after Erik and Meg became betrothed they were joined as man and wife. The women cried while the men coughed manfully pretending the sweet sentiment of the ceremony had little or no affect on them. Erik for his part cried quite openly. He did not care who knew how much this moment meant to him. As Meg wiped his cheeks with her thumbs then kissed him several times he gladly displayed his emotions. Erik felt he had a right to every emotion clamoring to be displayed. It did not make him any less a man. If anything it made him more of a man as he freely expressed how he felt. At last Erik could say he had truly become a man in the eyes of the world.

Rochelle had been as eager to help with the wedding as Antoinette had been. She felt as if Erik in some small way had become a part of her family. She owed him so much, her daughter's life for one and Erik's generous offer to David to intern in one of Erik's businesses. David would not be going back to military school but staying at home much to his mother's delight.

Fiona had recovered so well that she had now rejoined society. A young man had taken an interest in her. When he asked Rochelle for permission to court Fiona Rochelle nearly hugged his neck in gratitude. Everyone being aware of how Fiona had spent the last year acceptance back into the fold would not be easy.

Luckily for Fiona Joseph came from a wealthy God fearing family. Their generosity and kind natures were well known among their peers. Fiona would fair well in this family. She would have loving arms to surround her.

Brimley and Antoinette had a chance to become better acquainted during the reception. Brimley had taken the bull by the horns to enquire if Madame would care to keep his company on the morrow for tea and a carriage ride around the park. Antoinette replied she would indeed love to spend time with him.

Raoul and Christine had kept the news of their forthcoming child to themselves. They did not wish to take the glory of the day from the bride and groom. Christine watched as Erik and Meg became man and wife with only a faint bit of regret. Not regret for not loving Erik but regret for not standing up early on in their relationship so she could have shown Erik in a gentler way that while she felt something for him she could not see herself joined with him. When Raoul had come back into her life that had been the time she should have spoken plainly and honestly to her angel. She should have freed him before he had become obssessed with what he thought his one chance for happiness. In the end it had worked out but only because Meg was one of those people who are truly generous with those they love.

Erik wanted to shove everyone out the door after only a few minutes. He had waited long enough to be with his bride. Antoinette had been like a watchdog the last two months. She had kept to her promise to insure he and Meg did not have intimate relations until after the wedding. In his mind he had not minded but his inner libido had been all set to storm Meg's defences. Erik's better half had one that battle.

Perhaps that had been best especially if Meg had not as yet conceived. He and Meg had not really had an opportunity to discuss what they might do on the wedding night if they were not hoping to have a child immediately. After all their intimate encounters Erik had found himself at a loss for words as to how he should approach the subject of children.

After a few hours everyone began to trickle out of Erik's salon. The furniture had been moved to the side to permit dancing. When Erik and Meg were the last two people in the room Erik asked Meg to have this one last dance with him. He had already bribed the quartet of men to stay and play one last song.

Erik held Meg tightly against him as he dare not in company. Meg wrapped her arms around his neck then laid her head upon his chest. This is what Erik had been heading toward all his life. This woman had been the light he had thought he saw at times in his life. He had mistakenly thought Christine had been his beacon. Now he knew the truth and thanked God for his mercy by delivering Meg into the safe haven of his arms and himself into hers.

When the music had finished Erik bade the musicians a good-night and instructed them that a late supper had been prepared for them in the kitchen. Servants would be there to assist them if they cared to partake of the meal.

Having watched the last man's back disappear into the kitchen Erik scooped Meg up into his arms as Meg let out an excited and surprised yelp.

Not wasting time Erik climbed the stairs as if he had no burden to carry. Once in the bedroom Erik wasted no time removing Meg's clothing. Meg had not remained idle. She removed Erik's clothing just as eagerly as Erik had removed her own.

Erik wanted tonight to be special. A night both of them would remember all of their lives. As Meg lay upon the bed Erik began a slow exploration of Meg's body. He claimed places with his mouth that Meg protested even as her body responded eagerly to the touch of his hands and mouth. The things he did with his tongue and fingers had Meg keening with increasing volume. By the time Erik worked his way to her stomach Meg started to beg Erik to take her. She pulled and clawed at him with the intensity of her passion.

Erik did not give into Meg's pleading just yet. He wanted to bring her fulfillment in a different way the first time. This time would be for Meg alone. Of course it did make him feel as randy as a stallion in a field of seasoned mares but Erik held himself back.

When Meg's last cry rang out Erik felt ready to explode at the slightest touch. Knowing his moment would not hold off long Erik claimed Meg with one swift plunge. He moved quickly to bring his own climax.

Once Meg had caught her breath she asked rather shyly where Erik had learned such things. He could hear the jealousy in her voice as she made her inquiry. It pleased him to think that Meg thought him handsome enough to garner the attention of other women.

Not wanting anything further to come between them Erik quickly disabused Meg of the notion he had learned any of his talents from another woman. He told Meg that for years he had used every source of reading material to learn about men and women and how things were done. He thought never to have need to use such knowledge but had wanted to know none the less.

He hinted at other uses for such material without admitting to the self-pleasuring aspect of his entire adult life until he and Meg had both given their innocence to the other on that beach.

Meg rewarded Erik's honesty most satisfactorily. She even used those things Erik had done to her as a reference to please him in many different ways which had him writhing and groaning for mercy. Meg drove him beyond any pleasure he could have imagined.

During a lull after intense gratification Erik worked himself up to asking Meg if she was indeed with child. She had assured him that her cycle had come the last two months but after this night who could say? She rolled over to drape herself across his chest. She whispered things in his ear which had his wayward manhood swelling until it stood at full attention.

Meg giggled as she straddled her one time Phantom. She would make sure that by night's end she and Erik would be parents within nine months. And a wonderful, loving and caring father he was for many, many happy years.

No longer would Erik think of himself as a lonely cast off Phantom. No more Opera Ghost who haunted and terrorized all who would defy him.

All that remained now was Erik Devereaux. Erik lay to rest the Phantom of the Opera and the Opera Ghost as he became a father to be. Erik had had a long road to walk to become a man in his eyes. Meg made him see he had been a man all along. He only needed the courage to live as one. That courage he got from those he loved and those who loved him in return.

Through children and grandchildren Erik left a legacy one could be proud of. Only those who were directly associated with Paris and the great disaster of 1870 knew the true identity of one Erik Devereaux. They will never tell. Will you?


A/N: And there you have it. The end. I am trying to decide which story to post next. I have several finished to choose from. I have a few Erik/Megs that are in progress. so which would you like. OC/Erik or Meg/Erik. Remember Meg and Erik's stories aren't yet finished. Let me know in a review.