A/N: Hello again everyone!! I know that I have another fic started as well and I am going to be working on it too but this popped into my head while I was watching tv and I just had to write it. This one is again going to a SasukexNaruto fic meaning that it will be yaoi. Plus it is a AU (Alternate Universe) fic.
This is my first go at an AU but, like I said, it just won't get out of my head so I have to write it. Please enjoy and let me know if I should continue!!
Blanket Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!!
Shadow Guardians of Life
Myths, legends, fairytales, and folklore. These a tales of mystical creatures, forbidden love, chances of pure luck, and anything that one would fall asleep dreaming about. But life is not a fairytale. Magical creatures don't exist right? That's what I always thought at least. I never pictured a world that had cars, cell phones, computers, high school, or anything to do with modern day comforts to have anything that one would ever read about in a book or hear from ones grandparents.
But that is where I was wrong. It all became clear when I was seven. My family is one of the wealthiest families in Konohagakure. A family that I thought was more 'grounded' and didn't believe in anything that wasn't known to the entire world. My family had been telling me from the start that we were different. That we were meant to protect something. Protect something that the world needed.
I blow them off. I thought that they meant that I was meant to following in my older brother's footsteps and one day help run the family business. So I trained while my family talked of ancient and powerful creatures. Creatures of both light and darkness. I trained my body to become a weapon. A weapon to protect. Again my family talked of creatures. Creatures that were sealed within special humans. These humans were the key to the Earth's survival. These humans were meant to be protected. They were meant to be protected by us.
Shortly after my seventh birthday my older brother and I decided to go to the park. My brother didn't have a lot of time. He was a high schooler and he needed to have the top grades in order to take over the family business. He also trained everyday to make sure that he was able to 'protect' these creatures that the family drilled into our heads.
I had had the best day of my life. I was so happy that my brother had taken the time to play with me. We didn't train, we didn't read, we didn't do anything that had anything to do with the family. We were just brothers. We were two normal siblings enjoying a day at the park. It got cold. It got windy. It had started to rain. My brother told me it was time to go home. I didn't want to but he did have a point. It was raining, it was cold, and we had been out the whole day so I was starting to get hungry.
When we made our way back to the house my brother tensed. He told me that something was wrong. I didn't understand. I was young and I didn't believe in any of the things that the family talked about. The lights in the compound were on but no one greeted us. No servants. No maids. No mother and father yelling a welcome home. All that was there were what nightmares were made of. I can still smell that metallic scent. I can still see the red of the blood that painted the walls. I can still feel the eyes of the dead looking at me as I clung to my brother as we made our way throughout the house.
My brother was calm but I could see the anger in his eyes. I didn't know what was going on. All I knew was that the people of the house had been attacked and killed. But we lived in a modern civil era…didn't we? As we made our way towards the master study my brother kept muttering about 'demons', 'wraiths', and other things that I heard of from the family.
When we entered the master study I knew that I had started crying. I can still remember the wetness on my cheeks as I stared at the broken and dead figures of our parents on the floor. My brother quickly pulled me behind him as he yelled at something in the room. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't think. I couldn't breathe. I didn't understand at all! I looked around my brother's leg and gasped.
Legends, that's what they were. Folklore, that's where they were given names. Myths, that's where they were given their shape. A large strange black creature prowled along the far wall. It was spitting, flashing strange red tainted teeth, and an eerie silver fog rolled from its mouth. My brother pushed me back as the creature attacked. He wanted to protect me. He wanted to make sure that nothing happened to me. I hit the wall and lost all thought.
It would be years since that night that I would think on it again. But that night will forever guide my actions. It was the night that I realized that the things that the family had been telling me were true. We were in a war and this war was with the supernatural of the world. All the legends, myths, and tales I had been told were true. My family, along with many others, knew the truth of the world that we lived in. It was not a happy thriving place. It was a place that was always at war. Light and Darkness always fought in the shadows of the happy thoughts of the ignorant humans that called Earth home.
Since the beginning of time powerful creatures ruled over the entire world. They had no one to stop them or bother them. That was until the humans started to appear. At first the creatures welcomed these knew beings to the world and they lived together in peace. That was until the humans thought of darker things and gave over to the darkness that lurks in the shadows of all human hearts.
These evil, dark humans wanted the power of the creatures for themselves. So they turned to the wraiths. The wraiths were dark creatures that needed human souls in order to live. They attached themselves to the humans of darkness and attacked the creatures. But not all humans were bad. Some fought back. They liked the creatures and wished that they could forever live in peace.
But these humans were no match for the wraiths. The wraiths had some of the same powers that the creatures themselves had. Humans were dying everywhere as they tried to help the creatures. My ancestors went to the Lord of the creatures. The great and powerful Nine-tailed Fox. They told the Kyuubi that they wished to protect the world alongside the Guardian Fox and they wished for his aid.
So the Kyuubi bestowed upon my clan the powers to fight equally alongside the creatures. War raged and there didn't seem to be an end in sight. The wraiths and guardians were at a standstill. That was until one clan stepped forward. In order to hold off the wraiths and give the humans, who were not a part of the war, a chance to live and prosper this clan made a suggestion to the creatures.
The clan stated that by sealing the creatures within human vessels that the guardians would be able to hide them, and the power they held, by protecting the human that the creature as housed within. At first the creatures were against such an act. The creatures knew that this one human would become so powerful that they could easily be viewed as a god amongst men. But as the war waged the creatures started to realize that they had no choice. They agreed.
Now, in the present, my clan is one of the pure descendants of one of the clan's that fought alongside these creatures. The wraiths attacked our family and killed my parents. That night now rules my actions today. My brother told me that everything we had been told was the truth. That we were known as 'Shadow Guardians'. Guardians who protected the humans from the wraiths. Guardians whose sole purpose in life was to find the humans who housed the creatures of old. These humans were the key to the war. Keys that were needed to finally end it.
So I trained. I learned to use the powers that were given to my clan. On the outside and to all the people that see me I am merely the second son of the most powerful and influential company in all of Konohagakure. I am a high school student, class president, high honor student, and one of the most popular people within the stone building of the high school. However to the other clans I am a Shadow Guardian like all those who have come before me. I am a force to be feared. I hunt wraiths. I kill wraiths. I destroy the wraiths that took my parents.
Over the last year my brother has been getting word from the other clans around the world. They have been stating that the vessels of the creatures have been targeted more and more often and in two cases the vessels have vanished. My brother stated to me and the other clans of Konoha that we must find the Lord of the Creatures. The most powerful creature of them all. Since ancient times no one has found him. No one has ever seen the vessel of the great Kyuubi. But my brother says that a new threat has come.
They call themselves Akatsuki. They are group of extremely powerful wraiths that are looking for the vessels of the creatures. They will stop at nothing to own all of them and have that power for themselves. The disappearance of the two vessels is linked to the Akatsuki. Our search for the Kyuubi vessel is now our number one mission.
But how do we find someone when, for thousands of years, no one has seen them. No one has ever been in its presence. No one even knows what he looks like…
Dark, deep onyx eyes stared around the courtyard of the high school. Summer was over and all the students were making their way once again back to school. Deep black blue hair framed the pale face of the onyx eyed teen. He hated the school. He hated the fact that his mission was taking as long as it had. He hated the fact that no matter what he tried he could not find the Lord Kyuubi.
The teen turned his attention towards the source of the voice and nodded his head slightly in acknowledgment before muttering a slight, "Nara."
The teen that walked towards him was tall, lanky, and had a lazy expression on his face. His black eyes were the giveaway that he was not a lazy person. Nara Shikamaru was anything but lazy. He was a genius of strategies. Though the teen was always seen lazing about watching the clouds he knew better. After all the Nara Clan were Shadow Guardians as well.
"Have you been watching the new comers this whole time?"
"Hn." The Uchiha folded his arms across his chest. All summer he had been searching with the other clan's in hopes of finding the Kyuubi but they still had not. His brother had stated that the power signature of the Kyuubi was within Konoha but where it was…well that no one knew.
"Choji, good morning."
"Good morning Shikamaru! Sasuke!"
Sasuke's eyes flicked to the one that greeted him before turning back to watching the crowd of people entering the grounds. Akimichi Choji was also one of the clan's of Konoha. He was a large teen with long red spiky hair and an appetite that sometimes made Sasuke sick.
"So Choji what did your dad say about last weekend?" Shikamaru asked as Choji finally stopped before them.
"He said that Kiba and Shino were unsuccessful. There were a lot of wraiths but no sign of the Lord."
Sasuke's eyes narrowed as he uncrossed his arms and started to walk towards the school. He didn't need to turn to know that the other two teens were following him. So Kiba and Shino found nothing but a bunch of wraiths. Damn it! Where are you Kyuubi!
Sasuke sat at his desk tapping his pen against the hard wood. His face was resting in the palm of his hand as he stared out the window. He was currently sitting in his homeroom and was trying to ignore the fan girls that were whispering about him from all sides. Fucking girls need to get something better to do than stare at me!
Sasuke heard the door to the classroom open and was slightly surprised that the whole room fell silent. He didn't turn his head from the window but he knew that Iruka-sensei never drew this kind of silence from just entering the room.
"Who is that?!" Sasuke gritted his teeth as the fan girls started to whisper around him again.
"I have never seen hair that colour before!"
"My God! His eyes!"
"He is gorgeous!"
"Kyaa! He just blushed and grinned!"
"Okay class quiet down! Take your seats!"
Sasuke huffed slightly as he tapped his pen even harder against his desk. This day was boring already. Nothing ever happened at the school. The power of the clans made sure that the high school was always safe. Of course that didn't mean that Sasuke let his guard down. It just meant that days at school were a waste of time.
"I would like all you seniors to welcome a new student to our school. He just transferred here. Please tell the class a little about yourself."
The girls, and shockingly enough most of the guys, started to murmur about the new guy's looks. Sasuke's eyes narrowed as some of the comments about what they would like to do to said boy reached his ears. Like I fucking care if loser in the back wants to bend him over the desk or what's-her-name at the front wants to know if his hair is a soft as it looks. They all just need to stupid up!
Sasuke's eyes widened as his turned his head to face the front of the class. It was as if the true form of light itself was standing nervously in front of the student body that made up his new homeroom. Intense, glowing, silky blonde hair haloed the teen's head in spiky waves. Shimmering, pooling, amazing azure eyes blinked innocently at them. Small whisper like scars ran on his cheeks giving him a boyish charm. Who…
"Hello, my name is Uzumaki Naruto. I'm seventeen and I'm new to Konohagakure. It is a pleasure to meet you!" The teen, Naruto, smiled brightly and suddenly Sasuke found that his throat had gone dry. It was a dazzling smile that made the teens eyes crinkle slightly.
"So class please welcome Uzumaki Naruto to Konoha."
The class broke out into different forms of welcome and some were even calling him over to sit with them. The boy blushed at all the attention he was getting and Sasuke found that he couldn't look away. There was something about the boy. Something powerful, mysterious, and alluring. He wanted the teen to look at him and only him.
"So Naruto-kun why don't you take a seat in front of Uchiha Sasuke. He is one by the window."
Sasuke's eyes widened slightly as the blonde nodded and started to make his way over to him. Heads turned and followed him as he walked towards the raven haired teen. Sasuke glared as guys drooled and girls gushed over the beautiful teen. The blonde smiled softly at Sasuke before he turned and made to sit down.
Sasuke groaned internally as he was presented with the teen's backside. Never behind had Sasuke seen the school uniform hug someone's form in such an inciting manner. The teen at a narrow waist, slightly curved hips, and one hell of an ass. Again Sasuke could hear the whispers that were directed at the boy and anger filled him. He didn't know why but the crude and sexually comments about the blonde were making him extremely angry.
"Okay class today will we start with chapter one of…"
Sasuke stopped listening as he started at the back of the blonde's head. What is it about you? There is something about you that is calling to me! Are you one of the clan's children?! No I would have heard about such a thing if it was true.
"Excuse me Uchiha-san?"
Sasuke blinked his eyes rapidly as he suddenly found himself looking into the eyes of the purest blue he had even seen. "What, dobe?"
Blonde eyebrows drew together as a slight frown appeared on his face. The look was nothing short of adorable. "I'm not a dobe. Anyways I was wondering…"
Sasuke smirked as he saw the blush appear on the blonde's face, "Spit it out already."
Sasuke and Naruto's attention were suddenly drawn to the girl that sat beside the blonde. Sasuke had no idea who she was but she had interrupted them. The blonde smiled softly at the girl as her face exploded into such a brilliant red that Sasuke was surprised that she didn't light on fire. "Hi! What's your name?"
"Ano…Hyuuga…Hyuuga Hinata."
The blonde smiled brilliantly at the Hyuuga, "Hinata-chan. What can I do for you?"
"I…I was…uhm I mean…I noticed…"
Sasuke growled out. I was interrupted from hearing the blonde's voice for this?! "Spit it already!"
Hinata clammed up as Naruto turned and glared at the Uchiha. "That wasn't very nice!"
"Don't mind him Hinata-chan." The blonde's eyes flicked to her text book and he smiled softly at her, "I don't suppose you would be willing to share your text book. I was running late this morning and I never had a chance to get my books from the guidance counselor."
Hyuuga Hinata blushed as a small smile spread across her face, "I was…wondering if that was…the case…"
Naruto grinned a fox like grin that had most of the class completely swooning for the blonde. Even Sasuke, though he wouldn't admit it, was drawn into that smile. "So may I?"
Hinata blushed brilliantly, mumbled something, before she nodded. Naruto stood up slightly as he slid his chair over to her desk. Sasuke's eyes narrowed onto the blonde. Was that what he was going to ask me? He wanted to share my text book! Fucking girl!
Hinata's soft laughter drew Sasuke's attention as he watched the two like a hawk. Naruto was obviously talking away to the girl who was blushing like no tomorrow. She was smiling at the blonde and giggling like a little girl in love. It was making Sasuke sick but most of all it was pissing him off to no end. He was going to ask me to share! That bitch! Sasuke's onyx eyes narrowed on the beautiful teen. What is it about you! I will find out who you are!
A/N: TBC?? So what did you all think?! Should I continue with this fic? In case some of you didn't get it. The beginning of the prologue is Sasuke's thoughts about a few moments of his past that he thinks about a lot. Thank you for reading!! =bows= Bitter