Definitely not what he had imagined when Sakura had invited him to her party. He had imagined a wild party with lots of food and party games, what he got was just a girly party with just little appetizer type snacks and frilly games like 7 minutes in heaven and spin the bottle. Personally he hoped that he would spin Sakura for 7 minutes in heaven, or vise versa. That would make the whole party worthwhile.

Naruto came out of his thoughts as he heard Sakura calling everyone over to where they would be spinning the bottle to play 7 minutes in heaven. He sat down next to Gaara, one of the boys from their class. All the girls in the circle looked excited and totally ready. Most of the boys looked either bored, or ready to go do it in the closet. Sitting across from him in the circle was none other than his long time rival, Sasuke Uchiha. He had his normal expression on his face, impassive and totally bored. Why was he even here? Naruto wondered. Judging by the way Sakura was looking at him she was hoping to spin him. Again Naruto brought himself out of his daze to listen to the instructions that Sakura was giving.

"Alright, so here's the deal. We will each take a turn spinning the bottle and whoever it lands on, no matter the gender, they must go into the closet where they will, well, do anything really. At the end of seven minutes we will barge in the door no matter what state you may be in a snap a picture. So you better be done by then. However there is a twist. Every couple of people we will burst in early and take a picture then, so I wouldn't get to heaven happy. Ha ha. Alright, I guess I will spin first!" she then leaned forward and spun the bottle, watching it turn around and around until it stopped, and pointed right at Gaara. Shoot, thought Naruto, so close, oh well, there's always my turn.

Sakura grimaced and stood, Gaara just sat there with an expression like what the heck did I get myself into. She walked over to him and pulled him up leading him into the closet, and closing the door behind them. Ino had out a stopwatch and watched it eagerly, counting down. When the timer reached zero she pulled open the door and snapped a picture. There sat Sakura, with Gaara as far from her as he could be, sitting on the other side of the closet.

"Oh, poor Sakura, didn't you get any action?" she sneered.

"Of course, we just finished before you came." Sakura replied wickedly.

Gaara blushed deeply and shook his head, not agreeing or disagreeing.

"Alright!" yelled Sakura, "Next!"

The circle resumed and everyone took turns spinning, some ending up with funny pairs, and others with who they wanted. They even got a few memorable pictures when a couple of people got carried away.

Finally it was Naruto's turn.

He leaned over and spun the bottle, watching it turn around, repeating in his mind 'Sakura, Sakura.' as he waited for it to stop. Finally it did and looked up to see who it landed on, and was met by a cold onyx-black stare. Crap! Thought Naruto, I spun Sasuke!

"There's no way that I am going in there with Sasuke!" Naruto cried.

"It's not like anything is going to happen Naruto. And plus, there are no exceptions." Sakura replied.

"Eh, whatever, just make sure you stay away from me teme." Naruto said, turning to Sasuke.

"Whatever dobe." Sasuke replied,

"Don't call me that!"

"Whatever, will you stop whining and go in so we can get this over with?"

"Grr, fine." Naruto said, subdued.

They walked into the closet and watched as the door was closed behind them. It was pitch black and Naruto's better judgment was telling him that it was not a good idea to be in a dark closet with you enemy.

Suddenly Naruto felt a cool hand rest on his collarbone.

"Sasuke, what the heck?!"

"Be quiet or they'll hear us dobe." Sasuke whispered in his ear.

"Sasuke, wha-what are you doing?"

"This." Sasuke said and pushed his lips onto Naruto's.

Naruto jerked a little when he felt Sasuke's lips on his, but he didn't pull away. Sasuke tasted good. Sasuke deepened his kiss, opening his mouth and thrusting his tongue into Naruto's awaiting mouth. There tongues struggled back and forth, fighting for dominance, Naruto finally giving in and letting Sasuke push further into his mouth. They broke apart gasping only to have Sasuke slip off his shirt, following quickly with Naruto's. He then reached down and undid the button on Naruto's pants, pulling them down around his ankles, the whole time kissing and licking Naruto chest and neck.

"Unh, Sasuke, what are you doing?" Naruto gasped as he felt Sasuke's hands exploring where they shouldn't.

Sasuke responded by unzipping his own pants, letting them fall around his ankles, and grinding his groin against Naruto's. Naruto moaned softly , wrapping his arms around Sasuke who continued to kiss and suck on various parts of Naruto's neck. Naruto vaguely registered a ringing bell coming from outside of the door. Wondering what on earth that could be, Naruto finally remembered where they were.

"Sasuke!" Naruto said,

"What?" Sasuke managed to get out between kisses.

"The timer! There coming!"

By the time that had registered it was too late. The door flung open and light streamed in as a bright flash incriminated them. Sakura and Ino, and pretty much everyone else, just stood there staring at the two boys with nothing on at all except boxers and their pants around their ankles. Naruto's upper body was covered in hickies and red marks and both boys were shining with sweat and panting heavily. Both boys had the same thought… Crap!

"What the heck is going on in here?!" Sakura screamed when she had finally come to her senses.

"Oh, you know, this and that. We were just getting to know each other." was Sasuke's cool reply.

Naruto blushed and pulled his pants up, zipping and buttoning them, he found his and Sasuke's shirts and threw Sasuke's at him, pulling his on. When both boys were fully clothed again they stepped out of the closet, pushing through the crowd, Sasuke holding Naruto's hand, much to his embarrassment. After they had gotten through Sasuke turned back around and looked at Sakura.

"Sakura." he said

"Y-yes?" she replied.

"Please give me that camera in your hand."

"What?! No way! It's my only evidence!" she huffed back.

"Fine, just make sure that you tell the story right when you spread the gossip."

"And what might be the story?" Sakura asked.

"That I'm the seme and Naruto… is the uke." Sasuke replied back.

"Hey!" Naruto huffed from behind Sasuke.

"You know its true." Sasuke said, turning to Naruto.

"You-you-you mean that you are going to, you know, get together?"

"Well, it obviously would have happened if you hadn't burst in on us." Sasuke replied hotily.

Naruto blushed deep red at this statement. They would not have!

"Umm, Sasuke, can we leave now?" Naruto asked quietly, wanting to leave before he was even more embarrassed.

"Of course, dobe." replied the Uchiha sweetly, he then turned and addressed Sakura again. "And your not going to stop us, right?" his voice the complete opposite of how he had just addressed Sakura.

"N-no, why would I do that?" Sakura said, her voice trembling slightly. "But Sasuke, are you really, gay?"

"What do you think?" Sasuke said with a sneer.

With that Sakura blushed and moved out of the way of the two boys, the rest of the crowd parting before them. Naruto just stared at the ground, letting Sasuke lead him out. His cheeks bright red the whole time.

"Sasuke?" Naruto asked quietly after they had been walking in silence for a while, Sasuke still holding Naruto's hand subconsciously.

"Yeah?" replied the Uchiha, and previous enemy, turning to look at Naruto.

"What happened in there? I mean why me, and since when are you gay? You never acted like it."

"I don't know what happened Naruto. When they closed that door I had planned on moving as far away as possible from you and just wait it out, but then you were so close, and I could feel your breath on my neck, and I just lost it. I didn't even know what I was doing myself." Sasuke looked away, lost in thought.

"Are, are you serious about - about me?" Naruto asked hesitantly.

"Yes, I am very serious about you Naruto, I will do what ever will make you happy, even if that means walking away right now. Although I get the feeling that won't happen, since your still holding my hand." he said, looking down at there clasped hands.

Naruto swiftly pulled his hand away, blushing profusely.

"I don't know what I want right now Sasuke, this is kind of a shock. Would you mind if I thought about it for a while?"

Sasuke looked a little stung by the abrupt removal of Naruto's hand, but he replied nonetheless.

"Of course. Take as long as you want." Sasuke replied.

"Thank you." with that Naruto turned to leave, but Sasuke's hand on his shoulder stopped him.

"And Naruto?" Naruto turned to look back at Sasuke.

"Yes-…?" but Naruto's reply was cut off as the Uchiha brought his lips down passionately down on Naruto's. Naruto didn't even struggle this time, he just let Sasuke have his way, feeling Sasuke's tongue explore his mouth. They broke apart with a gasp, Naruto grasped Sasuke's shirt, feeling weak and out of breath. Sasuke wrapped his arms around Naruto, holding him in a comforting embrace.

"Don't think to hard tonight dobe." Sasuke whispered into Naruto's hair.

Naruto was still recovering from Sasuke's kiss to argue the use of that nickname, he just stood there, breathing deeply, calming himself down.

When he was finally calm enough, Naruto pried himself from Sasuke's embrace and with a small smile turned and started the long walk home.

As Naruto walked he let all of his pent up feelings rush over him, walking faster and faster. Sasuke Uchiha had kissed him, no, he had done more than kissed him, he had freakin' molested him! Naruto was so confused! How could Sasuke, the most popular guy in school, like him? How could he even be gay for that matter? It all made no sense!

Naruto abruptly stopped walking. Why was he just thinking about Sasuke? What about him? He Naruto Uzumaki was definitely not gay, yet he had let Sasuke kiss him, and hadn't struggled, he hadn't beat Sasuke up, or rather tried to beat Sasuke up, he had just let it happen. What was wrong with him?! What about Sakura? Hadn't he had the biggest crush on her ever since he had first met her? Things like that don't just go away, do they?

Naruto let out a huff, glaring at the ground, there were to many things to think about! He stood there for awhile, having a staring contest with the ground. Why? Why was the only question running through his mind right now. Why?

Naruto heard a rumbling in the distance and looked up at the sky. Big dark clouds had formed and were slowly moving there way over the village. Oh man! Naruto thought, Now a storm to?! He quickly took off running towards his apartment, he couldn't be out in the storm, he had to get home before it hit the little village.

His feet carried him on, rushing him home until he finally reached the door. He slammed it open and ran in, shutting it behind him. He hated thunderstorms. No, he didn't just hate thunderstorms, they terrified him. Every crash of thunder always brought him farther and farther down under the covers. Always made him wish he wasn't alone.

"I don't want to be alone." Naruto whispered to himself.

He looked around the little apartment, taking in the mess and the clutter, all of the many things strewn around. Nothing here would give him any comfort at all. He sighed to himself and walked over to his door. Tonight, he wouldn't be alone, he couldn't, not again. He quickly opened the door and sprinted into the night.