Thank you so much for being so patient with me. I've just been a bit brain dead, but expect weekly updates from now on. I don't want to rush this story, nor do I want to rush writing it. I like to take my time, so thanks for waiting! Thank you for all the reviews and I'm glad you all want to continue to read more.





My favorite quote of the moment:

"You don't know what goes on in anyone's life but your own. And when you mess with one part of a person's life, you're not messing with just that part. Unfortunately, you can't be that precise and selective. When you mess with one part of a person's life, you're messing with their entire life. Everything. . . affects everything."

Part of me wasn't so sure that I was making the right choice, the right decision. The Cullens had gone out of their way to see that I was taken care of and supported, but I still felt that it wasn't my place to invade their lives. I wanted just to be certain of myself. I wanted to know that what I was doing was the right thing, and that it wasn't going to end up being a mistake. I had decided to stay with the Cullens, I mean I wanted to--you know, but still it didn't seem right to me. Emmett had taking a liking to me, and it seemed like he was constantly overlooking me, and so…overprotective. I knew he meant well, and he was like my own personal teddy bear, except he wasn't exactly soft and cuddly. Rosalie seemed to like me enough, but she was very skeptical about me living with them; they all were but Rose seemed to have a larger view then everyone else.. Alice…wow. What can I even say?

She's so…happy, and it tends to freak me out a bit. Yesterday she had decided to drag me on a shopping spree, and it nearly killed me. I love shopping and all everyone knows that, but Alice made me try on every store. I mean the whole thing. I haven't really talk to Edward, he isn't mean or anything, but he really isn't around much and neither is Bella. I've been becoming pretty close to Ness. She likes to see me as her little sister since she was never able to have one. I don't mind it much, but I guess I'm not used to so many people swooning over me—well, I am but I mean it in a whole other context.


Haven sighed as she closed her dairy and stood up from her desk. She picked up her brush, gently tugging out the knots that had formed in her hair. Her long blonde hair framed her shoulders in a balanced contrast. It was her fifth day living with the Cullens and it hadn't really gotten any easier. They all were constantly checking in on her, and Carlislehad told her that she was family, and that they all could be very overprotective and pushy, but they did it with good intentions. Haven didn't really mind, it felt nice to be genuinely cared for and it was nice for a change.

She let her baby blue orbs scan over the clothes that Alice had laid out for her, as she quietly slipped them on. She was in the middle of putting on her tank top when a soft knock at her bedroom door shook her from her thoughts. "Come in." She said, as she looked up. A moment later Emmett popped in the room, instantly going over to sit on her bed. He grinned at her, looking like a small child who had just raided the candy store. "What is it Em?" She asked, smiling a bit. It was impossible for her to be even in the least in a bad mood when Emmett came around. "We're going to play baseball!" He said with a deep laugh. Haven looked outside the window to see rain pouring down. "It's raining Emmett." She replied dully, as she slipped her tee-shirt on. Who in their right mind would go and play in the rain. "That's the only way to play Haven, you'll see. Now hurry up and get ready. Esme will have some food for you along the way, okay?" He said, looking at her before getting up and placing a light kiss on her forehead.

Emmett left again leaving Haven to her thoughts. She wasn't sure if she would be able to fit into this lifestyle, she didn't want to be forced to make an unbearable decision, and give up everything she had worked so hard for. She had decided to take a few months off at least. Everything was cancelled or delayed, and while the whole world was mourning for her losses, she could hardly mourn herself. Everything felt numb to her, and she strained not to think about the recent events, not now or not ever again. Carlisle especially tried to get her to think, to express herself, or just cry—but she didn't want to because she had a feeling that if she started she would never stop. She finished getting dressed, looking over herself in the mirror. Alice knew exactly what she wanted to wear, according to her mood, and Haven was grateful for that.

Dark grey clouds covered the sky as thunder rumbled in the distance. Soft droplets of rain were falling to the ground slowly, and Haven tilted her head up letting them land on her face. Emmett and Jasper were arguing about something in the house and she exited outside just to be alone for a few minutes. "It's okay you know, we all want you here." A soft, musical voice let out as she felt a hat being placed on her head. "I would like to think so Edward." She sighed, as she turned around. "I know. Emmett had already fallen in love with you Hav…can't you see? You're family now." He added with a toothy smile as he placed his cold hand on her shoulder. She shivered involuntarily as she shrugged off her feelings and got into Em's monster of a jeep. Jasper and Alice got into the back with her, and Alice leaned over buckling her harnesses; ones that you would find in a monster truck.

"Erm..are these really necessary?" Haven asked shyly, as she looked down at the straps. The only sound that replied were the musical laughs that felt like heaven in her ears. "We like to go fast. You'll see." Alice said, and while doing so Emmett turned on the engine the loud rumbling that could almost match the thunder in the sky. Her eyes closed briefly as she felt her body moved up and down as the jeep was pulled off the road into the woods. She wasn't exactly sure where they were going, but she didn't bother asking. All she was told was that they were going to be playing baseball against the wolves that lived in La Push. At first she was confused, but all of them filled her in which made her a bit nervous. Her stomach churned as she bit down on the sandwich that Esme had packed for her. Her legs started to shake as she tried to think of something else, anything else. "Haven calm down." Jasper murmured glancing at her. Instantly he sent a wave of calmness at her, and although she could tell she was still fidgety she couldn't feel it at all. "Thanks Jazz." She replied, as she looked up to meet the concerned eyes of Rosalie.

Rose technically adopted Haven along with Emmett. Their names were on the adoption papers—not Esme's and Carlisle's. Rosalie wasn't sure of the fact of having a human living with them, but she was sure that she wanted to keep Haven. After talking to Emmett she had understood why Rosalie was so distant, yet overprotectiveof her. "I'm fine Rose.." She stated, smiling. "There's going to be humans there too you know." Alice chirped, nearly bouncing out of her seat. "They're the girlfriends and wives of the wolves. You'll like them." She added as Emmett drove faster into what appeared to be a large clearing, nearly the size of a few football fields.

"Wow." Haven breathed as she saw out the window the rest of the Cullens pull up in another car. Alice helped get out of her safety belts, and she leaped out the car, landing softly on the wet ground. The thunder was much louder from up here, and it pounded loudly through her ears. She pulled her cell phone out of her jacket, and texted her friend back. Emmett was boasting how they were going to win the game again, as she saw a crowd of people come into the clearing. They were copper-colored, and the men were insanely huge. "Are those giants?" She muttered, as she heard Rosalie's soft laugh in front of her. Haven moved herself some more behind Rose as she looked at the people who were coming closer. "No—they're dogs." She stated, looking down at her. Haven was a people person and very outgoing, but then again she wasn't exactly associating with people anymore was she?

"They freak me out a bit." Haven whispered truthfully as Rosalie grabbed her hand pulling her over towards the crowd. "You must be Haven?" A deep voice asked her questionably. "I'm Sam Uley." He added, and this is my wife Emily. He motioned to a beautiful looking women that was standing in a smaller group with few of some other girls. "Hi.." She said, looking up at him. "It's nice to meet you." She was introduced to more people, but it was hard for her to remember the names. She already knew Jacob because of Nessie, but she had met Paul, Jared, Quil, Collin, and some others. Haven felt small and intimated but with Rosalie comforting her and Jasper calming her down she appeared to be getting through it. It didn't take long for her and the girls to get acquainted and there were so many things that Claire and Kim wanted to know about her. Light rain began to fall again, and the thunder rumbled loudly then before; as if it was getting closer—which probably was the case.

Emmett called for the game to be started, as she just sat there in amazement as she watched the ongoing game. She quickly learned why they had to play during a storm. The swift cracks of their bats made it sound like thunder itself and at many times Haven found herself jump.

"Hey everyone." A husky voice let out as he came into Haven's view. He was just as tall as the other boys and just as big. Everyone greeted the boy named "Embry" as Haven just sat there, glancing curiously at him. "Embry, this is Haven. I'm sure you've heard of her." Kim said laughing as though it was a joke that Haven didn't know about. Their eyes met for a moment and she saw Embry's mouth drop before he started shaking violently, as if her mere presence bothered him. Her blue hues darkened as she looked at him both upset by his actions and downright mad. Jacob noticed this and quickly came over, dragging Embry further away from her as their distance grew larger. She could faintly head Jacob mutter "You're going to regret that later.", but she ignored that, not understanding its meaning. Haven was confused—she didn't understand. "Are you alright Haven?" Esme asked, looking at her with a worried face. "Oh yeah I'm fine! Why wouldn't I be? I guess it just isn't everyday I get that sort of reaction."

Update soon! By Sunday at the latest.

Thank you!

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