My Paramour

Nessie POV

It has been years since that day when we almost got slaughtered by the Volturi. I remember it so clearly, even though I was so young. I remember the fear, the anticipation, and most of all, all those guests we had. Our house was crowded! Every room was filled with people! They had all liked me and they believed our story, but that didn't mean anything if we couldn't convince the Volturi of it.

I almost forgot, I haven't told you my story, or life for that matter, so here it goes:

My family is not an ordinary family. We are vampires, well almost all of us; I'm a half vampire, half human. I am the product of a vampire father and a vampire mother. My whole family has incredible speed and strength. We are a coven of 9. My grandparents, Carlisle and Esme, my auntie Rosalie, who is married to Uncle Emmet. My auntie Alice, wife of my uncle Jasper. My mother, Bella, and my father, Edward. And last but not least, me: Renesmee Carlie Cullen.

I would like to tell you my relationship with all these people. Let's begin with grandpa Carlisle, he is very wise and smart, sometimes I get the feeling he knows everything about everything. He is a doctor, very impressive for a vampire, I know, but he's a great doctor. I look up at him, he is pretty much everything I could ask for as a grandfather. Most of the time we spend together, we talk. About what? Everything! From our life style, to literature, to what he does in the hospital every day. He is over 600 years old, so he has seen a lot of history. We have a perfect grandparent-grandchild relationship, but to the rest of the house, he is the father figure.

Grandma Esme is more of an artistic person. She has decorated every room in our house. We spend our time painting and those sorts of things. A perfect grandmother who doesn't look like a raisin!

Auntie Rosalie is like my mother number two. She is constantly worrying about me, checking if I'm well fed, comfortable and so and so on. Uncle Emmet is another story; he's my partner in crime. I could say that every bit of mischievousness I have was taught by him, and proudly.

Auntie Alice is such a great aunt. She may be really short by size, but she is a tornado! She is in charge of the family's wardrobe and everything I wear is approved or picked by her. She's the one who takes me shopping, talks to me about friendships and that kind of stuff. We're friends. And I love her. Did I mention she can see the future? She has a special "gift" as we like to call it. She sees things that will or could happen depending on the person's decisions, but for some reason, she can't see my future.

Uncle Jasper and I have a very deep relationship; you see he also has a gift of his own: manipulating and feeling people's emotions. It's a very subtle gift. We spend a lot of time together. He has taught me everything I know about personal defense (much to my father's disapproval), and we just get each other. I don't really know why, but we do. He seems a little shy to any person who looks at him from a outside perspective, but I know him better than that. I know he loves my auntie Alice more than anything, he lives for her. And I also know he earned lots of scars from past battles. I can't really describe with words my relationship with him, but I can assure, it's really deep.

My mother and I have something I like to call "modern relationship" 'cause it's not like other people. For example, she doesn't order me to do anything, she suggests. We are both very independent so it's not really necessary anyway. I tell her everything about my life (not that there's much to tell since I only started going to school half a year ago), but yeah, she knows everything. There isn't really much I can say about her, but I know she love me and my dad above all things. She also has a gift, it's a kind of shield. She can block any gist from anyone else and she can extend that shield to other people too.

And last, my dad. We have the most amazing father-daughter relationship I can imagine someone could have. And you know why? 'cause we're not father- daughter, I like to think of us as buddies, friends, partners in crime. I learned my musical side from him. He plays the piano. And has incredible taste in music. I learned how to play the piano when I was 2 years old. I remember I just sat on the bench one day and started playing the lullaby he wrote for my mother. He was delighted to say the least. I also play the guitar since I was 3 years old. I found my uncle Jasper's old guitar in the basement, and learned by myself. Back to my dad and me, we also talk about everything. He has taught me all my manners. He has the gift of reading people's minds. I learned over the years how to block my thoughts from him without him noticing because it can be pretty annoying to have your dad inside your head.

Now, let's talk about me. I have curly hair the same color as my dad's, brown eyes like my mom's used to be, pale skin, but a little darker from the rest of my family, that sort of glows in the sunlight, and basically according to my family I'm incredibly beautiful. I have a gift that consists on transferring my thoughts to other people's minds by pressing my palms to their faces, but I haven't used my gift for about 6 years because it makes me feel like a freak. I don't like it when people touch me or stare at me. I sing quite well (everyone says amazing but whatever), I love every single kind of music, except country. I love having friends and people to talk to. I like being alone too. I'm an extrovert, but I'm very calculative like my father calls me. And I hate, note: HATE being called by my full name. It's not that I don't like it, because I really do. But I don't feel comfortable with people calling me Renesmee al the time. So I prefer Nessie, or Ness, or N like some of my closest friends call me. I also have something very odd: I've never been in love, not even once. Maybe star crushes, but never with someone I know.

So this is me and my family. Enjoy.