A little boy around the age of ten was standing talking to his fellow fourth graders, the little green haired golden eyed boy was very happy it was his show and tell turn. Well by fourth grade it wasn't called 'show and tell', it was more like talking about things of interest. Anyways this little boys name was Echizen Ryoga, he was quite tall for his age, but very naive.

"Why don't you talk about your family Ryoga-kun?", asked the teacher. She had short black hair, and big red reading glasses. Ryoga looked up at her with glee in his golden eyes.

"Okay, sensei. Well theres baka oyaji, oka-san, and chibisuke! I like chibisuke the most, he's so fun to tease! He's such a quite chibi, unlike the neighborhood kids. I wonder why that is?", voice out Ryoga confused. Really? Why was chibisuke so quite? Didn't he like playing(well more like being bullied) with him?

The teacher just smiled at Ryoga's innocent confusion, he's still young he'll learn.


"I home!", shouted Ryoga. He ran into the kitchen and saw his oka-san. Looking around there was no sign of oyaji and chibisuke. Oyaji usually dropped Ryoma off before he came home. Puzzeled he decided to ask his mom about it, "Oka-san, wheres Ryoma and oyaji?"

Rinko smiled at Ryoga, he didn't realize it, but worry was seeping through his voice. Well just for Ryoma. "Don't worry Ryoga, their just stuck in traffic." Ryoga just frowned at her words, he wasn't worried about the brat!

Ryoga still wondered how long does it take to get Ryoma to his pre-school, the little 5 year old would be going to his school soon. Ryoga took the bus to school and the bus usually took longer than the car. Though since today was Friday, he and Ryoma would probably have to play tennis as soon as their dad came home.

"We're home.", said a quiet voice as a small boy walked in to the kitchen. Ryoma was like a tiny version of Ryoga, if not more feminine looking. They had the same shade of eyes as their father, and Ryoga has his dad's skin tone. While Ryoma has his mothers pale porcelain skin. Ryoga's eyes were narrow, and Ryoma's were wide. But they both had the same emerald tinted hair.

"Oi chibisuke! Ready to get your butt kicked in tennis?", asked Ryoga tauntingly. Ryoma just glared at him and went to his room to change and grab his racket. Rinko scolded Ryoga a little for teasing his brother for the most part, but let it go.

Nanjiroh just grinned at his family, things were just about perfect. Ryoga caught his dad's grin and decided to join in.


It was a rainy Thursday and school had just finished for Ryoga. It had been a rather dreary day, the principal had declared it a inside day. Ryoga loved going outside to play, so he was rather angry. Plus to add to his foul mood the rain hadn't stop and now he had to bus home. On the bright side by the time he got home chibisuke would be there, and although they could not play tennis the could play tennis video games.

"I'm home!", yelled Ryoga, it was the usual greeting. Kicking off his soggy runners, Ryoga ran to the kitchen expecting to see Ryoma there.

"Welcome back Ryoga.", said Rinko smiling at her son. Ryoga took one glance at her and began to scan the room for Ryoma. Seeing Ryoga's actions Rinko began, "There not here-" She was cut off at the sound of the door opening.

"Oyaji!", shouted Ryoga as he saw his dad step through the door. He waved at them a funny experssion on his face.

"Anata, whats wrong? Wheres Ryoma?", asked a now worried Rinko. Nannjiroh didn't say anything he just slumped down in to one of the kitchen stairs. By now both Ryoga and Rinko were worried.

"Oyaji! Tell us, whats wrong?"

Nanjiroh lifted his head to face them and slowly began to talk, "Well when I went to the school to pick up Ryoma he wasn't at the front steps like always. So I went to look for him, but he wasn't anywhere. I even asked the teachers and helpers, but they didn't know. So I checked the park and I found this." Nanjiroh then took out a fila cap. The hat Ryoma always wears, the one with the 'R' on it. "I couldn't find him!", said Nanjiroh as he began to sob into his hands.

Rinko walked over to Nanjiroh and put her arms around him, worry printed on to her face. Ryoga looked at his parents very worried as well. The rain hadn't stopped yet and Ryoma was scared of thunder.


Ryoga couldn't get any sleep tonight, he was too busy worrying for his little brother. His knuckles were turning white clutching Ryoma's cap. When he came home today he was not expecting to have his brother go missing. His parents had called the police, but they still hadn't called back.

"I hope your safe, Chibisuke."

The rain had only gotten worse, and the sky only got angrier. The thunder sounded off every ten seconds and lighting filled the cold gray sky. Even Ryoga was beginning to get a little frightened by the sounds and sights. Sighing, Ryoga shook his head and curled in to a ball. His eyes slowly closed and he drifted off in to a disturbed slumber.

It was around 1:00 am when Ryoga heard a distinct clinking noise at his window. Getting up from his bed and walking to his window cell, Ryoga looked over at the tree. He was shocked at what he saw, there was his little brother with a little kitten. The kitty was clawing at the window, and Ryoma was staring calmly back at him. He was soaking wet, and his clothes were torn a dirty.

Ryoga couldn't believe his little brother was able to climb the tree holding that cat! Quickly opening the window for his little brother, Ryoma climbed in. As soon as Ryoma got in Ryoga wrapped him in a tight hug.

"Where have you been!?"

Ryoma gently let go of the cat he was holding and let his brother hug him. "Saving this cat."

Ryoga was baffled at his brothers response. He couldn't believe this idiot would risk his life to save a cat! "You stupid fool! What do you think would've happened if someone-?!" Ryoga stopped himself there, not yet wanting his brother to be exposed to something like that.

Ryoma trembled in his arms, cold from the rain finally kicked in. "Sorry, oni-san. But I couldn't leave this kitty there. He has no home, I named him Karupin."

Ryoga let go of Ryoma and held him at arms length. He softened at his little brothers expression. Ryoma had always been a cat person after all. "Sigh, it's okay. But lets go to our parents room they'll want to see you."

Ryoma looked at his brother and gently said, "Thanks, ni-san."

"For what?"


"Heh, chibisuke."

A glare was all he got back.


His parents had really freaked out when they saw Ryoma. Nanjiroh began crying again, almost curshing Ryoma to death. Rinko had also broken down, hugging Ryoma tightly. Ryoga smiled at the scene, in the end it resulted in a huge family hug. And Ryoma being scolded, on the plus side Karupin became a new addition to the family. The blue-eyed Himalayan cat was Ryoma and Ryoga's constant companion.

It was also safe to say Ryoga became more protective of Ryoma, always holding his hand, and coming home earlier so he can go with his dad to pick Ryoma up. Not to say that the teasing stopped, they were still brothers.

"Oi, chibisuke I bet I can get more lobs in to the basket than you!"

Ryoma smirked, but being a 5 year old in turned in to more of a grin. "Your on."


A/N: I hope you like the prelude of Ryoma and me. I've always wanted to write a brotherly love story! And I've always loved the image of an over protective Ryoga, so I hope you like it. Please read and review!