So hey here's the next bit...a little sad, a little drama and a whole lotta odd happenings!

"Hon!" Maes yawned, scratching his back. He sat up in his bed, yawning. No reply.

"Gracia?" he shouted.

He got up, wobbling a bit. His head hurt. A note was tacked to the fridge.


Went to the store. I'll be back later today.

love Gracia.

Maes felt slightly guilty. Her writing was small and efeminite and it somehow invoked happy thoughts. And...Maes was betraying her. He frowned and then pulled on a pair of jeans and a teeshirt.

Gracia smiled when she found the article she was looking for on the computer. She was in a starbucks, and had looked up Edward Elric.

Edward Elric was taken by the juvenile delinquent services on Jan. 15 after a call came in stating that he had run away from home. His father, Honenheim Elric, was brought to court after Edward Elric stated that he had been abused. Honenheim was sentenced to four years in federal prison when he was proven guilty after the testimony of Winry Rockbell and Edward Elric's alleged lover, Roy Mustang. Edward Elric was emancipated by law.

Gracia frowned. alleged lover, Roy Mustang? Edward was gay? A surge of jealously hit Gracia's bloodstream. She shook herself and logged off the computer. There was a pay phone by the door and a local phone book.

"Mustang...Mustang..."she whispered, flicking through the pages. "Percivill, Persilla, Queen, Queenie, Robert, Rodney...Roy." She placed a finger on the name and memorized the number.


"Hello?" came an attractive voice on the other end.

"Hi...I have some information for you regarding Edward Elric."


Maes walked down to Edward's camper. "Ed?" he called.

"Oomph!" Edward grunted. He blinked through the screen door. "Hey Maes." he opened the door and stood on the top step so he was even with Maes.

"Planning on showering?" Maes asked, smiling. Ed had a bath stick over his shoulder and a towel over his other shoulder.

"Yup!" Ed hopped down from his perch and gave Maes a hug. "You wanna come with me?"

Maes grinned. "Sure." he said. "Shall I get my bath stuff too?"

Ed frowned. "I'm still sore from yesterday." he smacked Maes on his rump as he walked up the hill to the communal showers.

"Can you help that?" Maes laughed, nuzzling Ed's head.

"Less sex...but I'm to young to do that now." Ed laughed and swung open the door.

The room was damp and the tiles had a greenish tint to them.

"So...what's Gracia up to?" Ed asked as he washed his long hair.

Maes, from the other side of the plexiglass door, groaned. "PLEASE don't bring her up."

Ed popped his head over the door. "Why?"

"Because I'm married to her...and I'd like to be with you." Maes sighed.

Ed looked concerned. "Why don't you leave her then?"

"Because..." Maes's words failed him.

Ed was quiet and then he finished in a hardly audible whisper. "You're afraid of what people would think of you...if they found out you were gay."

Maes's eyes were sad. The water shut off and Ed dried hurredly.

After dressing, Ed leaned down and kissed Maes. "I don't want to be your dirty little secret." he whispered.

Maes licked his lips dejectedly. He stood and brought Ed's face to his. "Just wait." he said, kissing Ed more forcefully.

Ed whimpered into the kiss and then pressed his body against Maes.


Ed jumped apart. A tall man leaned against the doorway. He had short black hair and haughty raven eyes.

"Ed?" he asked. His voice was a deep tenor, alluring. He wore a tight black button down shirt and jeans.



Well then...OMG! the return of the wayward lover! Stay tuned and rr plz