No Need for Ichigo

"Ichigo, above you!" Ichigo looked up and saw the Hollow attacking. He used shunpo to get behind it and swung Zangetsu through the Hollow. As the Hollow dissipated he yelled out, "Thanks, Rukia."

"No problem," as Ichigo looked to his right he saw Rukia coming closer while dragging his physical body. "Your body was almost taken away to the hospital, you better be careful about where you turn into a soul reaper."

"Yeah," as Ichigo said this he saw Rukia pull out her traditional cell phone she let out a loud gasp. "What's wrong?" Ichigo asked as his trademark scowl appeared on his face. "There's been a massive energy reading coming from the south side of Karakura Town," as she said this, a large tremor shook them both.

"I'll go check it out." "Wait Ichigo don't go until we get more information on this thing." Rukia yelled, "Damn that fool," Rukia thought. As Ichigo went closer to the south side of town he saw a small hole growing out of the ground. "Jeez, what the hell is that?" Ichigo tried to jump away but something tugged his foot closer to the hole.

Ichigo was slowly being pulled in, he started thinking that this was a bad idea as he heard Rukia yell, "He's over here, Ichigo try to hold on." Ichigo saw Rukia being accompanied by Yoruichi and Toshiro. But Ichigo couldn't, the hole's pull started to get stronger.

"I can't hold on…" Ichigo was finally dragged down the hole as he looked up he saw Rukia being pulled away by Yoruichi, "Ichigo!" she screamed as the hole started to close.


"Wait for me Tenchi!" Ryoko yelled to Tenchi, he stopped and turned around. "What is it Ryoko?" "I just want to spend some time with you Tenchi, I haven't been alone with you for such a long time." As she said this a sly smile spread across her face.

"Well will you help me out in the field?" "Sure, Tenchi." They started to walk to the field when they heard a loud crack near the field. Tenchi started to run toward the fireld but Ryoko held him back.

"This might be dangerous Tenchi, stay back." As Ryoko said this she teleported towards the field. When she arrived there she saw the sky start to open. She stared dreading what was happening when, while she was looking, a man wearing what looked like a kimono and a sword that was as tall as he was came spiraling toward her.

She moved towards the person and saw that he had orange colored hair. She grabbed him and teleported away before they could hit the ground. She started to float back down to the ground and saw Tenchi coming toward her.

"Hey Ryoko did you find out what it was?" as he came closer he noticed the man she was holding. "He is he alright?" "Yeah he's just unconscious." Tenchi stared at the man, and then he noticed the sword on his back.

"Jeez, that thing is huge." Ryoko pulled the sword out and swung it around, "It's pretty heavy." Ryoko got careless and the sword flew out of her hand towards Tenchi, he had to duck or his head would have been taken out, "Ah, watch where you swing that thing."

"Sorry," Ryoko blushed as she said this realizing that she almost killed him. "Well, I think that we should bring him to the house," and Tenchi started walking back to his house with Ryoko carrying the orange haired man, while he carried the sword.


Ichigo woke up, yelling and getting up quickly. "What where am I?" He looked around and saw that he was in a house and that his sword was next to the couch he was on. He got up and looked around the house, he sniffed and he could smell food cooking. Apparently his stomach wanted to have a discussion with him about what happens when you skip lunch.

He walked towards the kitchen as his stomach growled; he looked inside and saw pots and pans filled with food. He looked around and saw a little girl with blue hair in pig tails that reached the floor. "Hey!" Ichigo said loudly his scowl on his face, "Where am I?" "Oh, you're awake," The girl looked at him and smiled, "are you ok? When Ryoko found you, you were unconscious." Ichigo had no idea who the girl was talking about or about what happened, "Yeah, I'm fine."

"Well I'm glad, my name is Sasami, what's your name mister?" "My name's Ichigo, Ichigo Kurosaki." "Well it's nice to meet you Ichigo," as she said this she smiled again, "do you want some dinner? I just finished making it and you've been out for a couple of hours." "Sure, my stomach is angry at me for not feeding it." Sasami laughed a little at that joke Ichigo made. "So, where am I?" Ichigo asked.

"You're in Tenshi Masaki's house in Kurashiki, Okayama." Ichigo started to think about what happened but everytime he thought about what happened in the hole he got a headache. "Hey Sasami is dinner ready?" a woman asked from another room. "Yes Ryoko." "Ryoko, is that the woman who caught me as I fell?" Ichigo asked, "Yes." answered Sasami.

Ichigo looked at the woman who walked into the room; she had white hair and a bottle of sake hanging from her hand. "Hello," greeted Ichigo, "Hey, how ya doin'" said Ryoko, who was half asleep. She started to come into the room when a girl of that looked like she was ten years old with red hair came in. "Hey Ryoko, hello Sasami." "How are you Washu?" "Very good Sasami, I just discovered a new species of animals and decided to name them after my sweet daughter Ryoko."

Ichigo was surprised, "This ten year old girl is this girl's mom," he thought to himself. "Who is this?" Washu asked as she looked at Ichigo. Sasami started to explain what happened and how Ryoko found Ichigo. "Oh, what you described sounds like an interdimensional rift." "Umm… excuse me, a what?" Ichigo asked. "Well it's a hole that rarely appears and it takes one thing to another dimension for a small amount of time."

Washu looked at Ichigo with interest and Ichigo backed away. "This means that you are not from this dimension."