Hey Guys! Jim here. New Story Time! Leave a review if you please. This takes place after the Lucy and Krystal Ending of Command. Apologies for any plot holes in the backstory. I haven't actually played Command. In this Krystal was never part of Star Wolf.

FYI: when things are written in Italics it represents a dream or flashback. Except for ship names or thoughts.

Chapter 1: The Roses Rage

"What?!" Panther roared. The startled Star Wolf employed monkey jumped and stared quivering at Panther from across the dimly lit briefing room. "It can not be true! Your information must faulty!" The monkey cautiously peered out from behind his data pad and gulped.

"T-T-The i-information has b-b-been confirmed by 3 of our Conerian contacts," Stuttered the monkey orderly. "Unfortunately, there is no doubt tha..." Panther sprang across the bulky conference table toward the monkey and pressed the muzzle of his blaster to the cowering orderly's throat.

"Say 1 more word," Panther growled threateningly holding the shaking monkey eye level

with himself. "And I will shoot you where you stand for telling such filthy lies!"

"Panther!" Wolf bellowed glaring in his usual manner at the feral jungle cat. "Sit down."

Panther spun indignantly at Wolf, his fangs bared. "But Wolf, we cannot trust such flimsy information!" He turned back to his quaking prisoner, bloodlust flashing in his eyes in his yellow eyes. "You should let me kill this brainless excuse for an ape for his gaul!"

"Sit down!" Wolf repeated. Panther wanted to snarl a heated retort but managed to choke it back at the last second. Contemptuously he lowered the orderly to the ground and slowly made his way back to his seat. Wolf waited until the feline had retaken his seat and then turned back to the dazed orderly. "So, when's this set for then? He growled impaitiently. Nervously, the monkey answered him in a uncharacteristic squeak.

"The main ceremony is supposed to take place on the Pleiades, the Conerian general's private leisure craft. There will be a total of 200 guests in attendance and will be held privately off the east Conerian coast. Most of the guests will high ranking military officials and political figures. Afterwards, there will be a short reception..."

Panther's mind raced feverishly trying to make sense of it all. It couldn't be true, could it?

No, it could not. He refused to believe such nonsense. Not after all he'd said and done. It was inconceivable. Still.... Panther brought those thoughts to a dead halt. No. He would not believe it until he could see it with his own eyes, feel it in his heart, and shred it with his claws. Hemade his decision then and there.

".....How absurd," Leon was spitting in disgusted tones. "When will this foolishness stop?"

"It is of little concern," Wolf said flatly. "Although...." the lupine paused bemused. "I never actually thought it'd ever happen." Suddenly, and with deliberate speed, Panther swept from the room in a flash of black fur. The orderly who had been standing silently, deliberately still, his eyes fixed on the far wall, fell to the cold metal floor with a clatter. A small knife through his Adam's apple.

As Panther left the Star Wolf hideout, his mind was filled with purpose. Not just his mind, but his whole being throbbed with it. If it was true, he'd bring it to an abrupt end. No man would have her but him. And he would make him pay for trying to take his sweet away from him.

Panther adjusted his Wolfen's energy output so that all unnecessary energy was being channeled into the g-diffuser's boost. He laid in his desired course and released the controls to the auto-pilot. Next stop: Coneria.

Back at the hideout, Wolf watched Panther's ship disappear into space. Knowing better than to follow.