Disclaimer: I do not own Hana Kimi.

A/N: Hi everyone! Thank you for being interested in my fanfic, Modern Fairytale. I am glad that after being on a halt for 7 years, there are some readers who still remember and are willing to re-read my fanfic. I must admit though that I did have to re-read my own fanfic, as it's been quite a long time since I have worked on this piece. I hope that this chapter brings smiles to everyone reading it.

Chapter 21 - Aftermath

Mizuki mulled over and glanced at the crinkled paper in her hand, again and again. After nervously checking her surroundings as if afraid of being seen, Mizuki finally settled on the grassy area near her favorite lake by the castle. Sitting down, she scanned the written content once more, hoping that maybe…just maybe she is just dreaming right now. Hopefully she will wake up at any moment and realize that it is just her guilty conscious just catching up to her.

She is just so close! So close to….to proving that Prince Izumi loved her for her, and not as a princess. (A/N: Apparently the princess had forgotten her original goal is to prove why he shouldn't marry her but I digress.)

Due to current events, however, she did ask herself many times if it is worth; is it worth proving her point when in the end, she is just lying to everyone who she cares about?

Mizuki just knows she cannot, cannot live anymore with the thought of never seeing Prince Izumi again. She didn't know when it started, but suddenly it became so natural for him to be beside her, helping her.

Frowning once more, she whispered her brother's written words to herself:

Dearest Mizuki,

You really need to come home, SOONER the better. Mother and father will be holding a masquerade ball at our palace. They will NOT TAKE NO as an answer.

Your Loving Brother.

Snapping out of her reverie, Mizuki turned to see Prince Izumi walking towards her.

"What's wrong?" he asks her.

Mizuki frowned. Two weeks after returning from their trip, Mizuki was still trying to sort out her feelings. She debated, again, and again, whether or not to tell him the truth. But every time she wanted to, she could not help but become scared. Would he hate her? Criticize her? Ever talk to her again? What seemed like something so simple back then - to disguise herself and learn more about her future husband - now seems much more complicated. She had not really considered his feelings, or her current feelings. She really not think this through.

"I'm just a bit overwhelmed," she bit out; technically it's not a lie.

"Did you need something, Prince Izumi?" she asked.

"Nothing," he muttered. "I just need to think about some stuff," he told her.

"Prince Izumi," she said, looking up to him, "…Can I get a month off work? I just...got a letter from a relative saying that my...uncle is sick...he doesn't have anyone...so, I just would like to…."

"I don't see why not. I mean, I'll be busy with the preparations for the Ashiya Kingdom's masquerade ball anyway," he replied.

'Perhaps,' he thought, 'maybe it's best for me to get my thoughts straight.'

Later that night, Izumi sat on his bed, thinking to himself why Mizuki and Princess Mia look so alike as if they were the same person. Unable to fathom why in the world a princess would purposely disguise as a servant when she is his fiancée not to mention a princess, he decidedly brushed it off as a mere coincidence. 'However, it would be much less complicated if they were the same person. I'd be happier since I am starting to like this Mizuki right in front of me. Trying to deny it, telling myself that I am only attracted to her due to her resemblance to Princess Mia is just an excuse. Really, it's not fair to Princess Mia at all; my mind is in shambles. All I can think of is Mizuki'.

A/N: Yes, I know, this chapter is quite short, but at least it's an update! If you haven't already checked out my other story "Game of Seduction," or "My Life is a Drama" then do so if you are bored or need a great fanfic to read." Both are Inuyasha fanfics. Also, here is a slight spoiler alert for my own Modern Fairytale fanfic….there will be an upcoming ball scene taking place in the Hana Kimi fanfic in a couple of chapters; there is also a ball scene in the "My Life is a Drama" fanfic. In the sense that Kagome, the main heroine there disguises herself as someone else's identity, there is a similar element as my Mizuki fanfic. Of course, everyone is free to leave reviews. Till next time!