
" You're not, human...are you?"

Her lips just barely ghosted across the smaller girls flushed cheek as she whispered so softly, so weakly in her moment of vulnerability, that Alice wasn't sure she heard her at first.

" No."

Alice's heart raced and as Vivian began to slowly pull away from her she reached out, in a desperate attempt to keep her there, to make sure that she heard right and that she was real, only to grasp nothing but air. She was gone. Did she imagine everything? She couldn't have...

Three days. Three days and Vivian hadn't made an appearance yet after disappearing so suddenly. Alice was beginning to doubt her sanity once again as their last conversation played over and over in her mind. It wasn't possible. It wasn't sane. She wasn't sane if she believed it, but according to everyone but Vivian she wasn't sane to begin with. Maybe Vivian never existed at all and maybe she was just a figment of her overactive imagination in an attempt to live with herself in this asylum. Her own attempt at coping. Maybe. Maybe she'd stop by Dr. Clark's office...just in case. Ask him about Vivian...Yes that sounded like a good idea. He could confirm if Vivian was real. Maybe...she wouldn't ask him like that. Be a little more, subtle about it. Just in case. It couldn't hurt, right?

"Dr. Clark?" she knocked on the office door softly, then entered as he called a short 'Yes? Do come in Alice.' to her. He was busying himself with paperwork it looked like, so she stood at the leather chair waiting for him to ask her to sit. And sure enough-

"Please, please take a seat," he pushed some papers to the side then sat down himself, smiling warmly at Alice as she did so in turn. "What can I do for you on this fine day?" He continued to smile at her as she fidgeted a little in her seat

"Well I was...just wondering about, I mean-"

"Vivian?" he asked knowingly, still smiling. She sighed in relief, mentally of course. She wasn't insane. Vivian did in fact exist.

"Yes, Vivian." she tugged at her hair as she tried to come up with something else to ask him about, that didn't seem to creepy, or cause suspicion.

"She actually left about an hour ago. Had some errands to run I believe. She's been doing that a lot lately. But she still does her job better than any other of the staff so I won't complain when she needs to take a little time off every now and then."

"Oh. okay, well I was just wondering. She hasn't really been around lately so..." She trailed off, feeling a little uncomfortable saying that she missed her, even if she wasn't actually saying it in those words.

"I'll let her know you stopped by if you want..."

"NO! No, that's alright, um," she quickly reigned herself in, she really didn't want Vivian knowing she had been asking about her for some reason. "I'll, uh, probably see her around anyways. Don't worry about it. Thank you for offering though." she amended softly, hoping her little outburst would go unnoticed. Not likely. Or at least unacknowledged. He simply nodded thoughtfully. Another mental sigh of relief.

"Well, I'm sure she will be back soon." He smiled once again, his aged face still warm and compassionate as ever.

She lost his trail again. It was hopeless it seemed. Her thoughts were becoming more and more desperate as she ghosted through the cemetery, (no pun intended) no longer tracking, just walking. There was something she wanted to check on here anyways.

The gravel didn't even shift under her feet as she continued at a human pace through what should be every humans final resting place. Unless they ended up like her. Never to rest again. She needed to stop thinking things like that. She didn't like to think of herself as one for dramatics, unlike some she knew...Gods she hoped she wasn't becoming like him. She smiled as she thought of the angst y, always-brooding teenager, but the smile soon faded as she came upon her intended destination. Of the emotions she felt at that moment, the most prominent were sadness, and disgust as a close second.

Mary Alice Brandon


"As if she's dead to them already...not surprising I suppose." Vivian sighed as she traced her fingers over the freshly engraved tombstone. "What is it that pulls me to you so?" she whispered to no one in particular.

"You know, I've been wondering that lately myself." A snarl ripped through Vivian as she whipped around to face the very vampire she had been tracking. How had he managed to sneak up on her? Another more menacing snarl escaped her as she eyed the man she had been pursuing. He was of an average build, not too tall but not short either, with long blond hair pulled up in a ponytail. His eyes, a bright, crimson red.

"You've got some nerve." She growled at him, venom lacing each word. "Answers. Now! What do you want with the human? Why are you stalking her?" he stepped forward but stopped as she crouched into a either a defensive or striking pose. He couldn't tell. Meaning she must be very old, older than him. She was a more experienced fighter.

He smiled smugly, still gauging her posture. "Human? Oh, you mean the cute little one you seem so fond of. I can see why, she smells absolutely...delicious." his smile only grew as she let forth another threatening snarl. She shifted, he noticed only too late as she lunged, crashing into him, both flying back into the trees, the reverberation of the impact like thunder. They flew some hundred yards taking down countless trees before finally landing with a loud thud on the forest floor. Both struggling to get the upper hand, reaching and grabbing for arms, legs, necks. Neither one getting a hold of the other enough to do any real lasting damage. The mans teeth snapped inches from Vivians face, as she pulled back, kicking him hard in the chest to gain some distance, before lunging from the tree she landed on once again. This time he caught her off guard, rolling out of the way and landing a shattering kick to the side of her face. Web like cracks spread across her face, starting at her ear stopping along her temple and cheekbone. They began healing instantly, and her gaze snapped up in his direction expecting another attack, instead he was crouched further away with a smug grin, then took off into the trees...towards the asylum.

"NO!" she screamed after him, immediately giving chase. He was going for Alice. He was going to hurt her Alice! She pushed herself harder and harder trying to catch up to him before he could reach the courtyard. But he was faster. She kept running, hoping and praying that Alice would get a vision of her saying this. "Alice if you can hear me and your outside, get inside NOW! please, don't be outside...please" she pleaded to no one at all now. She broke through the tree line only seconds behind the red-eyed vampire, seconds after her plea to Alice, her feet ghosting across the courtyard at the speed she was traveling.

She caught sight of Him just before he grabbed onto a startled Alice who looked dazed, as if she was just coming out of the vision. She ripped into him with her teeth before he could bite Alice and threw him into the nearest wall, and ear shattering roar erupting from her deep within her core. Something was wrong thought. Time seemed to slow, her eyes becoming half lidded as the most delectable scent reached her senses...no.

Alice lay on the stone floor of the courtyard, blood slowly pooling around her head like a crimson halo. "What have I done...?" Vivian whispered as she began walking towards the fragile human girl, so intently listening to the beating of her heart, becoming fainter and fainter with each passing second that she completely forgot about the vampire closing in behind her. Alice opened her eyes barely, just watching, not really seeing it seemed.

A growl resonated from behind Vivian but she turned too late as the vampires vice like hand gripped her by the throat, then slammed her into the very wall she had thrown him into.


Gold eyes. So mesmerizing. Pain, unbearable. Wine stained lips part in an attempt to speak, she can't speak. Someone's choking her. It is a her. I know her. A man laughs, cold and bitter. He's crushing her! She's dying...no, she should be dying. She's not. So much pain. An animal growls, deep and guttural. The man is gone and she's chasing, he's chasing too. A blur before me, red eyes, blond hair. Red eyes... Pain. Burning Pain. I'm dying. My voice is hoarse; I have to say her name. I have to...one last time.



He's gone after Alice again, he thinks he's won. Vivian reaches him before he can touch Alice. She tackles him away, managing to rip off his arms and head in her rage to protect her mate. Mate? She thinks only briefly before throwing his body as far away from them as she can. She knows she doesn't have time to kill him before Alice dies. Alice must come first. She races back to her. Her heart is nearly inaudible to Vivian now. She has to change her…

"Forgive me, meine weiße Frau…" Then she bit her. Immediately sealing the wounds after pushing as much venom as she could into each open wound. Including the one she received from hitting her head on the courtyard floor. Alice's heart began beating faster as the venom spread, and as she writhed on the ground in what Vivian knew was the most excruciating kind of pain, she held her and spoke to deaf ears.

"I cannot be here when you awake, mein liebe. By now he has put himself together again and he will come back for you. I must hunt him down to prevent this. He is weak now, this is our only chance…" She raced into the asylum, placing Alice on her bed while retrieving a notepad and pen, and then preceded to write a hastily written message on the page she ripped from the pad. Gently picking Alice up once again she raced out of the asylum, deep into the woods, furthest from civilization and in the opposite direction as the other vampire.

She placed the still whimpering human on the ground as gently as possible, before taking the note from her pocket. During her time with the Volturi, she met a man, who led her to her vegetarian lifestyle. A man she greatly respected and trusted to look after Alice while she is absent, whether she's gone only months…or indefinitely.

She unfolded the slip of paper and felt her power seep out of her, enveloping the small note before bringing Alice's hand up to touch the paper as well. Her gift allowed her to infuse her memory of Carlisle Cullen into the paper so that when Alice touches it next, due to the nature of Alice's gift, it will trigger a vision of him in the form of Vivian's memory. Her gift is particularly useful in this case, as she can evoke others powers. Triggering them, and bring them to the surface either through touch, or by infusing her gift into an object they will touch, as she did with the note.

Vivian took the note and refolded it, placing it in the smaller girls pocket, so she might find it upon waking from her transformation…Should Vivian truly not return in time to see her through it. She gazed down at the raven-haired girl beside her, wondering when she would see her next. With a final kiss upon her forehead, she was gone. As she followed the scent of her newest prey she recalled the words in her note.

Close your eyes just for tonight
maybe love will find us again
for there is always tomorrow
sincerely till the end
close your eyes just for tonight
the sun still sleeps, and when she wakes
she'll be my only memory

Ich liebe dich, Alice
meine weiße Frau

A/N: hey so, sorry if it's crap, i'm really tired and i don't feel like reading through it again. Like i said im uber tired so if some of it doesnt make sense just let me know and i will try to fix it up

translations: Ich liebe dich: I love you; meine weisse frau: roughly translates to my white woman but in german history these women were the closest thing to 'pixies' in german. it explains in further detail in chapter six i believe, hopefully if your reading this you've read ch. 6 lol.
Scheisse: shit; basically lol. yes Vivian has a potty mouth(: