A/N: I know for those of you who have read this already you're probably wondering why I posted it again, but let me explain. I changed the whole first chapter because I wasn't pleased with how it started, so it's very different than it was. It's not the same plot either.

Dämmerung means Twilight/dusk in German so I thought it kinda fit, i guess. you'll see why. a little info about the story and characters: Vivian is a vampire born in the year 1608 and was turned during the 30 years war in Germany. So you might occasionally see little German phrases or something thrown in their since its her native tongue, but don't worry, I'll put a translation for those who don't speak German.

Vivian isn't a canon character, she's my own creation and my idea of how things really happened when Alice was in the asylum during her human years. The story won't all take place when Alice is human, so the Cullen's will eventually be part of the story, just not in the beginning. yes, this is a femslash. eventual Alice/Vivian. Alice does see Jasper in her future, but not in a romantic way.

Okay, so on to the story!

"Dr. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Brandon are here with their daughter. They spoke to you previously about admitting her." the nurse said as she entered the doctors office warily. She was small considering her age, standing at only 5'3''. Though she claimed to be in her late twenties, she looked no older than 17, maybe 18 years old. Her beautifully delicate features glowed in the light of the oil burner on Dr. Clarks desk, and were only accented more by her warm golden eyes and the kindness that showed in them.

The head doctor and superintendent of the East Mississippi Insane Asylums woman's ward, looked up from his paperwork, a confused and slightly startled look adorning his aged face.

" I didn't even hear you enter Vivian," his expression lightened as he looked upon the deadly beautiful girl that stood before him, " you're going to have to stop sneaking up on me like that. I'm an old man you know."

Vivian smiled, her honey colored eyes seemed to dance as her smile reflected from them, showing just how genuine she was. "My apologies. Are you ready to meet her, or shall I have them wait outside a moment longer?" she asked and her expression changed to a more serious one, but then she smiled again when a look of confusion passed her superior once again.

"What was the girls name again?" he asked as he rummaged through his file cabinet searching for a file belonging to a potential patient whose name he could not even recall. Vivian cleared her throat, politely jarring him out of his frantic search and lifted a thin manila folder.

He sighed lightly and leaned back in his chair, waiting for her to begin reading the contents of said folder.

She was a very hard worker and very passionate when it came to her job and the well being of the patients she tended to. He was very grateful for having found such a capable young woman to work under him. He knew very well that none of his progress in medical and diagnostic technologies would have made it so far without the help of the girl standing before him. He smiled as she opened the folder and began to read aloud.

She absent-mindedly swiped at her short, dark brown, bangs and opened the folder.

" Her name is Mary Alice Brandon. She is 19 years old, born in the year 1901. It says here that she claims to have premonitions of some sort. Glimpses into the future. Now, it's my understanding that her parents are the ones who want her admitted. As far as we know, she isn't a threat to anyone's safety. In my professional opinion, I believe her family is just unsure of how to handle her. I don't think-"

" Vivian..." he interrupted her. He was now leaning forward over his desk, with his hands clasped together. He closed his eyes as he realized what conclusion her statement was leading her to.

"I know what you're getting at, but Vivian, the truth of the matter is, she does believe she's seeing the future. These 'visions' could lead her to doing things that might endanger others." He mentally prepared himself for the argument that would surely follow.

" You don't know that though, she's never had any kind of slip up," she began to protest but was cut short once again.

" Vivian, you're right. We don't know. But that's exactly the reason she should and will be admitted...I understand your desire to keep people out of this place if at all possible, but we can't let something so potentially dangerous slide. We just can't." he spoke warily and sighed into his hands. " I'm sorry Vivian."

He truly did understand her feelings. He hated having to admit people to his hospital, but knew that it was for their well being. He worked day in and day out trying to find better treatments for his patients in order to ease their suffering and to perhaps one day, make it possible for them to function normally in society.

He watched Vivian as she closed the folder, a silent sign of submission. She lowered her head and breathed out in defeat. She had already known it was useless to try and persuade him, but she had to try either way. She hadn't even met the girl yet, but even from a distance, she could tell that it would be difficult to be around her. " I understand." she looked up to him and smiled gently.

She made her way gracefully to the door when he looked back down at his papers. She exited swiftly and the doctor was left to his thoughts, unaware that he was the only one in the room. An instant later the door opened again and Vivian glided into the room, followed by a couple who looked overly tired and somewhat reluctant to be there, for one reason or another. He watched Vivian curiously. She gave him a confused look and continued to look behind the now daughter less couple.

" We seem to be missing someone." she smiled and left the room to search for the girl.

As she walked down the hall and into the living room, she immediately spotted the petite girl sitting rigid in one of the chairs. Her hair was short, dark, and somewhat spiky. Her dark colored eyes were intently focused on the intricate patterns in the carpet. By the way her heart sped up as she approached her, Vivian figured she had noticed her arrival. She looked up at her, a seemingly cheerful smile on her face.

" I thought perhaps It would be better if I waited here while the arrangements were made. Thank you for trying though, I appreciate it." her voice was soft and melodic. It sounded like wind chimes compared to the rough and grainy sounds that came from nearly every other human she'd ever come in contact with before. The girl watched her intently for a moment, her smile never leaving her face. " wow, I've never seen anyone with such beautiful colored eyes. They look gold almost."

Vivian laughed softly, " Thank you," she said, " I'm Vivian. I work here in the East Ward. "

"Alice. It's nice to meet you Vivian." Her eyes never left Vivian as she spoke. She seemed to be in awe of her, though it wasn't surprising to Vivian. Most humans were always captivated by her. It came with the vampire territory. She couldn't say that she liked the attention most of the time though. Knowing that the attraction was only there because of what she was, and the reason it was there was just as unsettling.

Vivian glided a few steps closer to her. As she did so, she couldn't help but notice the increase in the small girls already racing heart. She stopped immediately. Perhaps she scared her... It wasn't unnatural for humans to also be intimidated by her at the same time. Though they would watch her and even long for her, seldom did anyone ever actually approach her. She guessed that it was some kind of subconscious instinct, warning them that she was dangerous. As she was thinking this, Alice stood suddenly, her scent following in the air that she had stirred in the process.

Vivian stilled as she was hit full force with it. She pulled back slowly, careful not to breathe anymore of her intoxicating aroma. She knew that it might be difficult when she had caught her scent from a distance as they arrived, but she had no idea it would be like this. After 294 years of learning to control her thirst around humans, all of the self-discipline and control she had worked so hard for didn't matter. In an instant, this one seemingly harmless girl had taken her resolve and shaken it 'till she was near the point of breaking, and she had no idea...

Vivian turned her head to look away from Alice. Anything to help clear her head. It was then that she spotted a large black suitcase leaning against one of the chairs. She walked over to it quickly and picked it up, grateful for a reason to put some distance between them, even if only a few feet.

" I can carry that, it must be heavy." Alice said and walked towards Vivian to take the bag from her.

"No, it's fine." Vivian said quickly, trying not to appear rude, but not wanting Alice to get any closer than was necessary. " It's not really that heavy. "

Alice looked at her curiously. " Are you okay? You sound like you're not breathing..."

She took a moment to compose herself and then smiled. " I'm fine. We should join the others, they're waiting." her voice seemed rushed to her despite her attempt at relaxing, and she couldn't tell if Alice would even be able to understand her. She hesitantly turned and glanced back at Alice to make sure that she would follow. Whether she understood her or not, she followed behind her, watching her every movement curiously.

As they walked down the hall to Dr. Clarks office, Vivian thought back at what Alice had said to her when she first saw her. '" Thank you for trying though, I appreciate it."' What did she mean by that? She glanced back at Alice who was still watching her. Alice raised her eyebrows when her eyes met Vivians, a puzzled expression on her face. Vivian looked away before speaking, " Is something wrong?" she asked cautiously.

"Hm? no...I just thought your eyes were lighter. They look really dark now, It's probably just my imagination." she said and giggled softly to herself. Alice continued to watch her as she walked. She knew that her suitcase was heavier than Vivian was letting on. She had packed it herself. And yet, Vivian seemed unfazed by it. She walked rather gracefully for someone who was lugging around a large suitcase over her shoulder. Her steps were light and made no sounds that she could hear, even with the added weight. Everything about Vivian just seemed inhuman to her.

Vivian hm'd and continued walking then pushed the office door open as she reached it. She held the door open for Alice and held her breath once again as Alice passed her. Vivian looked away quickly when Alice stared directly at her while entering. This girl was far too observant for her own good Vivian concluded as she propped the door open and then walked past everyone to stand next to Dr. Clarks desk.

A/N: dun dun dun...okay so, they met, they had their kinda sorta first conversation? and that's the end of chapter one. I know its not much, but its a start right? hugs and kisses for those who read my story! and a cookie if you review ;) thanks so much for reading! more to come
