IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ: I've decided to redo Because of a Purple Bra. New chapters, frequent updates. So even if you do follow this story, please reread these chapters again because a lot has changed! Look forward to many updates from me :)

Quick summary: James is the arrogant as ever Head Boy, determined to get Lily Evans all to himself. Little does he know that Lily Evans has an agenda of her own…

Oh, and the 12345. in the middle of the paragraphs is supposed to represent a break.

The Infamous Purple Bra

Fuck. I dodged right in time as she threw her shoe at my head, missing me by half an inch.

"What the fuck's your problem?" I bellowed at her as I continued to rub my left cheek that she'd slapped only moments ago.

She froze, her eyes wide with anger, in the middle of chucking her other shoe at me. She inched closer to me and while I've never been scared by a girl, my natural instincts told me to move away from her.

"My problem?" she said in a voice so low that I had to strain to hear her, yet I had no trouble picking up the excessive amount of venom laced in her words. "Did you just ask me what my problem is?" And just like that, she exploded again. "Who the fuck do you think you are? You're the one who slept with someone else and just left everything lying around for me to find! Were you trying to be sly but failed miserably at it or are you just an incompetent pig?"

Normally, I would try to say as little as I could during a break up, but this girl really had me heated up. First she slaps me, then she throws her shoes at me, and on top of that, she calls me an incompetent pig? I'm James fucking Potter. I don't need to take this bullshit from anyone, especially a girl like Marlene.

"Did you really think we were going to be together forever?" I asked her. I laughed coldly, just to further prove her idiocy. "When we first started dating, you knew exactly what you were getting yourself into. Did you honestly think that you would be the girl to suddenly change me? Sorry to break it to you, but you don't mean shit to me."

Maybe letting my temper get the best of me wasn't such a good idea. Before I knew it, she had leapt onto me and was kicking, scratching, and punching every single inch of me that she could get her bony little hands on. For a small girl, she sure was strong. And to think all this anger generated from finding a stupid, purple bra under my bed . . .


"Ouch, mate!" Sirius half laughed as he patted me on the back. I had woken up with a purple eye, half my face scratched up, and a cut on my lip. Damn that bitch to hell. If it weren't for the fact that I was bloody awful at healing charms, I would've fixed myself up before I left the dorm room. Unfortunately, I would have probably caused more damaged to myself so I resorted to finding Remus in the Great Hall so he could patch me up. Instead, I ended up finding Sirius halfway through stuffing his face with eggs and English muffins.

"Did Marlene do this to you?" Sirius asked. "That girl is tiny! Either you're weaker than I thought or she's way stronger than she looks."

"That girl is as bleeding strong as you are, Padfoot!" I retorted. "If you want, you can go try getting in a fight with that crazy bitch."

"I wouldn't mind getting a little frisky and heated up with her," Sirius said with a wink. "She's one good looking bird."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever, I'm done with her. Where's Moony?"

Sirius shrugged as he took another mouthful of eggs and sausage. "Probably off finishing that essay we have for Potions." As he spoke, little bits of eggs flew out of his mouth. I cringed. I had a slight obsession with being neat, but only when it came to food. I hated it when people had food on their faces or food stuck in their teeth. It repulsed me. It was even worse when food shot out of their mouth while they talked, something that was quite typical with Sirius.

"Shit," I muttered. "I'll have to get someone in Ancient Runes to do that for me." I went into a slight reverie as I imagined the look on girls' faces when I asked them for help. I was told it was almost as good as shopping for them. Strange creatures . . .. "Anyway, I'm going to go find Moony so he can mend my once beautiful face."

Sirius nodded in response as he once again shoved more food down his throat. I moved away from him before I could get another chance to see bits of food sprayed all over me. Disgusting pig.

As I walked out of the Great Hall, I was completely aware of the fact that Marlene was staring daggers at me. Not to mention the amount of attention I was getting from girls. Well, more so than usual. It was obvious that news of our fight had spread along with the fact that I was once again single. I chuckled to myself as I thought of the rumors circulating around me at this point. I faintly wondered if anyone knew who the owner of the purple bra was. Not that it mattered. Everyone had always known that Emmaline Vance and I were on and off ever since the first day we had met. People probably assumed, correctly, that she'd been the one.

She was, to put it simply, my "rebound" girl, my friend with benefits. I didn't want anything from her and she didn't want anything from me. I would even go as far as saying that Emmaline was the female version of myself, though not nearly as attractive nor experienced as me. It was common knowledge that neither of us really cared about each other. We just valued the physical aspects of one another.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as I bumped into someone outside the library. Scrawled out on the floor in front of me with books everywhere was the resident red head herself, Lily Evans.

"You could watch where you're going, Potter." She snapped at me as she got up and gathered up her books.

"People have to watch where they're going around me, not the other way around." I flashed her a smile. "Haven't you learnt that by now, Evans?"

She rolled her eyes at me. "You're such an arrogant prick, you know that?"

"I live to annoy the fuck out of you, dear." I replied as I passed her and entered the library. I faintly heard her yell "nice scars" after me, but I paid no attention. She so wanted to get in my pants. She just didn't know it yet.

Lily was the most peculiar person I've ever met. Peculiar as in the first person who hasn't wanted to jump my bones on the very spot. Apparently to Lily Evans, it's inner beauty that counts, not outer beauty. What a bunch of fucking bullshit to make ugly people feel better about themselves. She was the type of person that looked beyond physical attributes and appreciated long talks as opposed to heated snogging. She was a strange creature, really. She could easily be the most attractive girl in our grade, hell in our entire school, if she didn't have stick constantly up her arse.

I won't deny it, as I'm sure no other male would either, but Lily's cropped up into my fantasies a few times. It's the combination of her fiery red hair, her green eyes, and milky smooth skin that's always taunting me whenever she crosses her legs in class. But whatever boner-inducing looks she has is completely crushed by her personality. A girl like her takes time and effort, two things that I never associate with getting women.

"Moony!" I exclaimed a bit too loudly when I found him with his head buried inside a book in the library.

"Mister Potter, hush up or leave!" Madame Pince snapped at me.

I cringed at the high pitch of her voice and gave her a meek smile. I grabbed a chair and plopped down in it and flashed Remus a wide smile.

"Allo, my dear." I said, trying to sound sweet and loving.

"Need help with healing charms, again?" Remus asked in a tired voice.

I patted him on the back. "You know me too well."

He shook his head at me then grabbed his wand from his back pocket. "Hold still," he instructed. I held as still as I could while he muttered a few spells and waved his wand around my face. I felt a cool, trickling sensation, followed by quick warmth. "All done."

I ran a hand over my face. Smooth and flawless as always. "Thanks, mate. I owe you one."

"Or a dozen. How many times has it been so far?" He mused.

"Too many," I sighed, "girls just don't appreciate my way of life. They're too uptight for fuck's sake."

"One," he said, "they don't appreciate your way of life because you treat them like objects, not human beings with feelings. And two, have you ever tried not cursing so much?"

I leaned in, my eyebrows raised. "Since when are you the speaker of women? And no, I have not considered not cursing. It's a part of who I am. It would be like if I suddenly didn't have a nose or something. How could anyone ever love me if I'm not me?"

"That's deep." Remus mocked me. "It's called being polite, Prongs. Maybe if you weren't such a jerk to girls and didn't curse at them every five seconds, you wouldn't get beat up by them."

I frowned. "Whose side are you on?"

Remus sighed. "Yours, of course. I'm just trying to help prevent any future beat ups. You know one day, I may not be able to fix you. It's just a matter of time before karma breaks your heart just like all the other hearts you've broken."

"Who's Karma?" I said with smirk. "Is she hot? Blonde? Long legs? You know how I like the long legs. Ohh, I hope she can do the thing with the cherry stem with her tongue! Only met one girl so far that could do that and man was she bloody good at giving or-"

"Stop!" Remus said and abruptly got up. "Please don't make me throw up my breakfast only after 20 minutes of ingesting it!"

I grinned. Dear old Remus and his constant worrying. I'd love to see the day that a girl manages to pull me under her spell. Im-fucking-possible.

I'm James Potter and no girl can ever keep me tied down.