*Wipes tears from her eyes* Oh well. I guess this is it. I have to say, I'm really going to miss this story. I've had so much fun writing it, and I hope you all had at least some fun reading it.

Oh, before I forget, the first part of the chapter is in 3rd person POV. I don't usually like changing POVs constantly, but it really wouldn't have worked in Ryou's POV. It switches back half way through though.

Before you read the final *sob* chapter, I'd like to thank: SkywardShadow (fellow fluff lover, and writer of some of the best reviews ever!^^) Comicbookfan (who made me realise I could make this funny without ruining the story), pride1289 ( the first to review almost every chapter!) Amaya the Winged Fox (who's reviews always cheered me up, and who shares my obsession with Ryou) and to Journey Maker (who I hope is pleased now that I gave them a happy ending!)

Thank you all so much! You made this story worth writing. Thanks to everyone else that reviewed as well, but I couldn't mention everyone, sadly. I'll miss you all!

'Kay. I've babbled enough. Enjoy the last chapter of Living in the Dark!

"Filthy Thief!"

"Don't you even think about talking to me like that, you puffed up son of a bitch!"

Marik rolled his eyes in exasperation. Things were not going as planned. Contrary to what Malik had confidently assured him would happen, neither Bakura nor Atem were backing down from their fight. They had duelled, and Atem had won (unsurprisingly) which just made Bakura more furious and Atem more arrogant. Marik had dragged the pair into the (luckily deserted) hospital car park, and had spent the last two hours listening to them bicker, whilst ignoring the disapproving looks they were receiving from various staff members, and to be honest he was decidedly sick of the two's argument.

Malik was being very unhelpful at the other end of the mind link. All he'd said was not to blow anything up, not to kill/maim anyone and not to send anyone to the Shadow Realm. What am I supposed to do if I can't send them to the Shadows!, Marik thought indignantly. Sometimes Malik was just downright unreasonable. To make matters worse Malik had held onto the Rod, so now Marik couldn't even threaten his fellow yamis. Yes, Malik thought, life was just unfair.

It was when Bakura brought up the fact that Atem's uncle was responsible for the death of his village for the twenty-sixth time that Marik decided to intervene. Pulling them forcibly apart, he held them both at arm's length by their ears. When he had successfully grabbed their attention by doing this, he growled, "Right, that's it. I've had enough of babysitting what I can only describe as the most immature king the world has ever seen" (here Atem gave a sort of indignant 'Hey' and Bakura grinned, until Marik twisted both of their ears harder) " and a megalomaniac of a thief that clearly has issues with the concept of 'backing down from an argument'. Now, when I let go you are both going to listen to me, or I swear I will rip your tongues out so you can't interrupt me!"

Atem nodded, and Bakura glared, so Marik released their ears, which was followed by sighs of relief.

"You didn't have to twist so hard," Atem said reproachfully, rubbing his ear.

"For once I agree," grumbled Bakura. "And I am not a megalomaniac!"

Marik ignored him and folded his arms. "Are you two ever going to start acting your age? You bicker like a pair of two-year-olds!"

He was interrupted by simultaneous "He started it!"s from the others.

"See what I mean?! Look, you two. You're not in Ancient Egypt anymore. You can't keep on fighting like this. Plainly, you both use anger as a defence mechanism, as you can't express your true feelings due to deep rooted trauma that probably stems from your childhood," Marik nodded wisely.

Atem and Bakura stared at him in astonishment. "What the hell was that?" Bakura asked incredulously.

Marik shrugged. "I got it from Malik's shrink. Ishizu's making me go to therapy with him now, you know, after the incident with the dog."

Atem winced, and Bakura tutted sympathetically. "That's pretty harsh. Especially considering you brought the dog back virtually unharmed!"

"Yeah, I know," Then he shook his head. "Wait, that's not the issue here!" Marik sighed. "Okay, I know I'm not exactly the best person to school you both on anger management, but I think you should really listen to what I'm saying. Even if you carry on hating each other, that's fine, as long as it doesn't affect our hikaris. Just try, okay? For them. Haven't we put them through enough?" Marik finished quietly. He looked intently at Atem and Bakura.

"Think about it," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets. There was a long pause.

"I guess I can cope with the Pharaoh," Bakura muttered gruffly, scuffing the ground with his shoe. "If it's for Ryou."

Atem sighed. "Likewise, Thi- I mean, Bakura."

Bakura looked up in shock. "You just called me by my name!"

Atem grinned. "Yeah."


When they arrived back in the hospital room, they found everyone gone apart from Yugi and Malik, who were both asleep by Ryou's bed. Yugi was curled up in his chair, his head resting on Malik's shoulder, and Ryou's hand lay lightly on Yugi's arm. All three were smiling peacefully, as though they'd never heard of dark magic, or yamis, or ancient powers.

Wordlessly, Bakura returned to his seat for his vigil beside Ryou's bed, whilst Atem and Marik gently shook their hikaris awake. Or rather, Atem gently shook Yugi awake, and Marik prodded Malik not-so-gently until he got a response.

Yugi blinked sleepily, as he looked up at Atem. "Did you sort it out? Is everything all right?" he whispered, voice heavy with exhaustion.

"Yep," Marik said proudly. "I fixed everything. Aren't I incredible?"

"Now who's a megalomaniac?" Bakura muttered under his breath, and to everyone's surprise Atem chuckled.

Malik yawned, and pinched his yami's arm. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You're incredible. Just don't wake Ryou up."

Marik rubbed his arm, and glared at his hikari, but remained silent. Yugi smiled, tiredly. "I'm glad."

"Yes," murmured Atem. "Let's go."

Whispering goodbye to Bakura, the four slipped out. Only Malik saw Ryou peering through his lashes, half asleep. He gave a thumbs up, and mouthed 'Told you so!' Ryou smiled, closed his eyes, and drifted back to sleep. The last thing he felt before falling into oblivion was his yami's reassuring squeeze on his hand


So I guess everything worked out in the end. Yeah, it was happy endings all round, really. I mean, apart from me being blinded in one eye and all. The doctors say there's nothing they can do, but I don't really mind. Don't tell anyone, but I'm almost glad that this happened. I don't think I would have grown so close to my yami if it hadn't.

Okay, enough of all the sap, as Bakura would say. Back to the happy endings.

Well, I was released from the hospital a few days later. Of course, the doctors alerted the school, and the police, so there were a few explanations to be made. I just told everyone that I'd fallen down the stairs, and I hadn't told anyone because I was 'in denial'. At least, that's the excuse the psychiatrist came up with, and I decided that it sounded believable enough.

I had to cope with various sympathetic glances for a while at school, but now the drama's died down it's not a big deal.

Of course, all of my friends know the truth. But they've been true to their word, and have really forgiven Bakura. And you know what the weirdest thing is? Bakura and Atem actually seem to be getting along! If you'd ask either of them they'd deny it vehemently, but now the insults they throw at each other are almost affectionate, and they've started having long conversations about life back in Egypt. Everyone thinks it's hilarious, and Marik takes all the credit. He keeps going on about how we should all thank him for sorting out a pair that we never thought be 'sorted out'. Malik says we should thank his psychiatrist.

What else is there to say? Everyone's lives are back on track. Tea is starting to progress with her dream of becoming a dancer (which means we have to sit through a lot of rehearsals to tell her 'if she's doing okay'. Like any of us have a clue!), Kaiba and Duke's respective businesses are flourishing, and the various relationships throughout the gang are going pretty well. Yugi and Atem are still ruling the gaming world. Having 'twin brothers' being joint King of Games made the papers go wild when it was announced, but they've both proved themselves enough times to quell any rumours about 'cheating'. Malik and Marik bought their neighbour a new puppy to go with the one that's still recovering, and are both living as best they can in their own dysfunctional way. Ishizu's given up on ever having a normal family. Rishid never had any hope in the first place.

As for me, Bakura and I are getting along great. Everything I ever hoped would come true has. I know that there'll be more challenges for us, but now I've got Bakura, I'm pretty sure I can meet them head on.

And you know what?

For the first time in seven years I can wake up and face the day with a smile on my face.

I can face the future with a smile on my face.

I lived in the dark for so long. I've finally found my way out into the light.

So, smiling all the way, with my friends around me and holding the hand of my other half, I'll walk into the light. We'll walk into the light.


See, I even gave the poor neighbour's dog (that actually seemed to appear in more chapters than I'd intended) a happy ending! Aren't I a softy?!

So, yeah. I'll see you all around! Bye, and thanks again.

Always a Bookworm