

Silence. Absolute silence. Of course, who here is complaining, with Aunt Rose's and dear Jacob's consistent bickering and Uncle Emmett and Uncle Jazz's ridiculous, yet amusing violent rumbles, silence was just what I needed. I looked around the forest, and same clearing which, one month ago, did I beat Jake into finding the biggest prey, which was the same night which my mum found out that I was in danger. I smiled ruefully at the thought. Life is hard; an easy life and I just don't mix. Being half vampire half human isn't an easy path. According to Grandpa Carlisle, I grow at a fast rate. He's not wrong, I thought. Here I am, standing in this clearing, having the body of a 6 year old, yet the age of a 4 and a half year old. I chuckled at the memory of Aunt Alice doing my birth certificate so that I was born in 2004, rather than last year, so that I had the chance of going to school and socializing with the local children. I remember snorting at the fact that there's no point in socializing when you can't even touch them. I closed my eyes and mesmerised that day.

"Sending pictures to another through touch is considered abnormal within the human society," I objected, scathingly. Jacob gave me the thumbs up before putting them down, sheepishly, at my mother's glare. He was the only one who sided with me. He sided with me for anything, no matter how preposterous it sounded, unless it involved my safety.

"Nessie, you can't just hang around here all day, you need education – "my mum began, but Jake cut her across.

"Uh, what happened to the fact that she's 'growing at a fast pace', huh?" he questioned. "Let's not forget that she learned to read just by watching Bella read."

"Let's not forget whose house you're in, dog," growled Rose from the couch, flicking through the channels, 20 per second. My dad, who was in the middle of giving me a piano lesson, chuckled as Jacob threw a pillow at her, ruining her hair. I laughed as Rose jumped to her feet and started throwing pillows at him at an inhuman rate. Grandma, of course winced at the fact that her expensive Chinese silk pillows were being thrown all over the place and Alice, being the saviour of Esme's expensive things stopped the outrageous pillow fight by bringing me up, and the topic about me going to school. Of course, the topic was postponed, due to the fact that Jake seized the moment of Rose distracted, and threw the pillow at her face.

Smelling the clear forest fragrance, I caught a few deer behind me, maybe 50 feet away and.......Ah. My dad.

Edward Cullen is unlike other dads. For one thing, he's a vampire, and also my mother, Bella Cullen. Another thing is that he can read my thoughts right now. It's hard having you as a dad when you know where to find me, I thought grimly. I felt him whoosh past me and I opened my eyes, to find him in front of me with his famous crooked smile, the very same which made my mother fall for him.

"Dad's these days," I muttered under my breath before walking towards the large river. I heard him chuckle before following me.

"You know, you seriously remind me of your mum," he commented, catching up with me in a quarter of a second and pulling me up to his shoulders.

I rolled my eyes, but I didn't object to his free ride. I might as well seize the moment to have a nice father-daughter conversation.

"Speaking of which, where is she, anyway?"

"Hunting. Which is why I came to fetch you," He replied with a hint of mockery.

He had a point. I haven't hunted in days, not that I really long to do so. Human blood appeals to me much more than animal blood....

Reading my thoughts, Edward grinned up at me. "Jacob will be there,"

I smiled at my dad and put my hand at his face. Through my memories, I showed him how much fun it was to see who gets the biggest kill, and showed him how much I loved dear Jacob. He then pulled away at that, put me down and kept on walking with an expressionless face. I bit my lip and realised that I hurt his feelings. I sprang into his arms which is what I normally do to make him happy. He caught me and looked down at me, his face still expressionless. I put my hand to the base of his neck and showed him that no matter what, he would always be my daddy and that I loved him more than life itself. He sighed and kissed me on the forehead.

"You are one little devil," he said teasingly.

I spotted a low hanging branch. Before he could read my thoughts, I sprang onto the branch and started climbing up the fir tree at an inhuman speed. I heard him springing up and he was right on my tail. Just as he was about to get me (which I don't want him to) I jumped to a nearby tree............... in which mum caught me. Damn.

"Hello Nessie," she laughed before putting me on her back so she could kiss my dad. They kissed, and kissed and kissed. Gross! They'll be doing more than that if I don't stop them, I thought. This tree is G-rated! I thought as loud as I could. Laughing, my dad broke away from my mum and looked at me, still roaring with laughter.

"What, what's wrong with her?" Mum asked, anxious.

"Obviously nothing wrong if he's laughing at me," I growled. I jumped from the tree, suddenly realising that maybe I should have jumped a little lower. Before I could search for a protruding branch, something large and hairy jumped up and caught me on his back.

I sighed. Another thing about me. I have a 24/7 lookout guard with me at all times, with or without my permission.

"Hi Jake," I greeted him, grabbing as much of his fur as possible to stop me from sliding of him. The russet-coloured wolf turned his over-sized head and pulled his teeth back, exposing a toothy smile. As soon as he touched the ground, I nimbly jumped off and ran. A race between Jacob and me was a ritual we did every day. I dodged the upcoming trees and jumped over bushes that were too wide to manuvour. The wind rushed against my face as I smelled the different aromas that seemed to swirl around me. Suddenly, a rich smell seemed to drift into me and caught me off guard. Nothing ever smelled so..........refreshing to me. My throat suddenly burst into flames and I skidded to a halt, spraying dirt everywhere and I changed course, towards the smell. My body seemed to take over, my nose leading the way. Voices then broke the silence of the forest, and I slowed to a halt, crouching on a rock that was protruding from the low cliff-face. I watched down below where I spotted the source of the smell.

Two people, hikers, I presumed, were camping in a small clearing. One looked as if he was in his thirties and another seemed like he was 8 years old. As they were attempting to light a fire, a gush of wind came from behind them and brought their scent to me. It was rich and exotic and the flames in my throat burned in protest. It wouldn't be that hard, killing them; barely a second would pass before I was ready to drink.....


I clap of thunder suddenly filled the air as rain poured from dark grey clouds that seemed to frown upon her. Shaking my head, I ran for it. I ran and I ran. Trees lashed out, as if to grab me but my direction never changed. I felt my dad running behind me, shouting for me to stop. But I didn't. I didn't stop. I couldn't stop. I'll never stop until I was far away as possible. I saw Jacob stop in front of me but I pushed him out of the way. Not knowing what I was doing, I kept on running. Jumping over the wide river that seemed to gush with anger, I ran past the house and into the mountainous area. Tears started running down my face before I even halted to a stop at my hideout; a cave which I moulded myself as to provide myself a sanctuary from the real world. I went to the back of the cave, and sat down, on the puddle-filled ground, hugging my knees to my chest. I cried my tears out. I cried my soul out. Helplessness washed over me as looked at a puddle next to me. I didn't see an elegant girl with tangled, bronze hair and red puffy eyes. What I saw was a creature with bloodthirsty eyes, a creature that didn't deserve to live; a creature that killed. I realised what I was born into, what I was, and what I will always be.

"I'm a monster." I whispered, and I looked towards the mouth of the cave, where it felt as though the outside world hated me.