13drabbles, the livejournal community, has given me motivation; I didn't use their themes exactly, but I got inspirations from them so part credit goes to them :).

Dislcaimed, Warning, and everything else as usual.

My New Year's Resolution to be on the Snarry Reader's Recommended List is now officially in progress.

No specific storyline, but it'd be nice if you think there is one ;D



He dreamt of her once. They were seated in the rusted swings they used to play with. She looked at him, her eyes all knowing.

"Take care of him." Of me, he thought she should have said instead.

But now, years after, he only has her eyes and her son. She visits him again in his dream.

"Take care of me." He hears her voice but all he can see is a bewitching young man whose eyes never leave his.


I was drunk, he was drunk and I had no idea what had taken over me.

Looking back, nothing had really happened; they were sharing a bottle of Scotch almost as old as Dumbledore had been. Potter was rolling his eyes at him as Severus recited anecdotes from his shared childhood with Lily.

Then they had grown into a comfortable silence. Seeing as they were both pissed, Severus suggested that Potter stay for the night.

And Potter had smiled.

And that's how it ended.

But that's also where it starts.


"Beef, potatoes, carrots, flour, red wine, lubricant, curry powder. Lubricant."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice that."

"If I'm to help you with your surprise dinner, I think I have a right to know why you would need lubricant."

Harry could feel his cheeks burning. "I, well, you, you know what it's used for."


"I, uh, and Snape, we're, like you and Ron. You know, it's like when two people, you know, like each other—"

"Harry Potter!" Hermione was laughing despite Harry's discomfort. "I can't believe you're having sex and can't bring yourself to say the word."


Harry's favorite time of the day is after midnight. Just after midnight, when Harry would feign sleep, Severus would slowly run his hand from Harry's cold cheek, to his neck and down to the curve of his spine. Harry would always sigh inwardly, afraid that Severus would take his hand away from the intimate touches. Once though, Harry couldn't stop himself from shivering in delight, in content; had arched against the warm hand on his back. Harry nearly whimpered when Severus' fingers stopped.

"Sleep Harry," Severus had murmured and pressed his lips to his scar.


There are many things Severus wants to do. Never leaving Potter, as deranged as it sounds, is one of them.

Unfortunately, the day will come when they will merely see each other in Pensieves, behind eyelids and by a lonely hand wrapped around a lonely cock.

Severus' heart tenses. He counts to ten, waiting until the moment has passed.

And the eternal footman held my coat and snickered; and in short, I was afraid.


Harry knew it was painful. First his mum, then Dumbledore, now him. How many people did Severus have to loose?

He remembers stopping in his tracks, mesmerized by the smile that Severus had finally returned.

It was sincere yet wicked and had promised so many things.

But isn't death a funny thing? Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the Boy-Who-Defeated-Voldemort, the fucking Chosen One— dead due to a car accident.


The last paragraph in V, the one in italic, is a quote from Elliot's the Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock.

Let me know what you think :D