Hey there! So, this is my first official fan fiction :D I'm very excited to see how the public responds. I would love any constructive criticism you have to offer and, naturally, praise is always appreciated ^-^

Disclaimer: No, Final Fantasy VIII is not mine. Sad day.

Squall sighed in irritation, shoving another stack of papers aside. This was what he hated most about being the Commander of Balamb Garden. Paperwork. It almost made him miss Cid, the daft old man that used to run the Garden. At least then he didn't have to worry about the shortage of hot dogs in the mess, or the lack of hyacinths the grounds keeper was complaining about. What were hyacinths, anyways?

There was a knock at the door and Squall looked up. "Enter."

The door opened and Irvine leaned his head in. Squall restrained an annoyed sigh. This was Quistis' doing, no doubt. "Hey, Squall," the cowboy greeted with a smile and a lazy nod. He slipped inside, closing the door behind him, and took a seat, slouching in his chair and crossing his legs.

"Is there something I can help you with?" Squall inquired politely. Showing his aggravation would only make Irvine curious, and he planned on this visit being very brief.

"Nah. Just came to shoot the breeze," he said, taking off his hat and placing it on his knee. Like he was going to stay a while.

Not if Squall got any say in the matter.

"I'm busy," Squall informed, allowing his tone to take on a threatening quality. He had heard many cadets refer to it as 'The Voice'. With most anyone else, that tone got him what he wanted, or at least made them uneasy.

But not Irvine. Blasted dense cowboy.

"You work too hard, Squall," Irvine complained.

"Whatever," he muttered. "I don't have time to amuse you, Irvine. Unless you would like an assignment?"

The way Irvine's face paled almost made Squall smirk. "No thanks. To be blunt, I was just here to check on you. Quistis told me what happened this morning. In your meeting-"

"I'm fine," Squall responded, his amusement gone. "You and Quistis can mind your own business now, and leave me to mine." With that, he picked up his pen and turned his gaze to the first of the SeeD reports, fully expecting Irvine to leave.

Blasted dense cowboy.

"You're my friend. So, naturally, it's my business if you have some kind of problem-"

"I do not have a problem," Squall hissed, ice blue eyes flashing in warning. "There is nothing for you to be concerned about. You can leave now." Squall punctuated the statement with a glare.

Irvine fidgeted. "Alright, then. Guess I'll see you in the mess," he said, rising and situating his hat on his head. His pony tail swung as he turned around and stepped out the door.

When it closed again, Squall let out a sigh, dropping his pen in favor of massaging the bridge of his nose. The events of the morning, coupled with Quistis' nagging and Irvine's untimely visit left him with a magnificent headache. No doubt the mess would hold dangers of its own. With the place being as small as it was, it was almost guaranteed the whole Garden knew of the incident earlier that morning.

Maybe Irvine was right. He was working too hard. He just needed a break.

After filing several papers away and placing the unread SeeD reports back in his desk, he rose, donned his jacket and left the office for more pleasant surroundings. The training room would probably be his best bet to get his mind off things. Paperwork left him with too much time to think. In the heat of battle, there wasn't much to do but focus on the matter at hand. And, maybe if he worked long enough, he would be too drained to have the onslaught of nightmares he usually did and might get some rest.

He locked the door behind him and boarded the vacant elevator, his right hand absently rubbing over his heart as he did.

I realize this is a short chapter, but, if the audience seems pleased, there will be more to come! God Bless!
