Disclaimer:I don't own Smallville. (If I did,someone would have to answer for the character assassination of Chloe !)

Story: Drama (elements of:AU /Crossover)

Characters:Clark Kent,Lois Lane,Chloe Sullivan,Pete Ross,Lana Lang,Lex Luthor,Diana 'Wonder Woman' Prince.

chapter 1. 'Bad News'

" …Wait, I don't understand, what are you saying,Doc?" Lois asked her face a picture of worried puzzlement.

"I'm saying there is a 97.8% that you won't carry this baby to term." Doctor Swann adjusted his glasses.

"But there's a 2.2% that I could."Lois reasoned.

"I think we all know that that's a shockingly low percentage Ms. Lane."

Clark held Lois's hand tighter ,and for the first time in a long time he was hesitant, almost scared to read what she was thinking.

"So, what do we do Doctor Swann?"Clark asked turning his attention away from his fiancée.

Doctor Swann sighed a heavy sigh. "I only foresee one option. A termination.."

"I WON'T DO IT!" Lois interjected before the doctor had a chance to finish his sentence.

"Calm down, Lo." Clark reached for Lois's hand. " Doctor, surely that can't be the only solution." Clark felt a sudden sinking sensation in the pit of his stomach ,he knew he wasn't going to be able to fix this.

"Believe me Clark, my team and I have explored every possible avenue since we got the news ."

Lois shook her head slowly, she couldn't believe it. An hour ago she and Clark had been so happy, chatting, making plans for their future ,for their babys' future.

"Lois, Your body simply isn't strong enough to gestate a kryptonian baby. Your foetus will produce enzymes that would allow it to plant itself in varied types of tissue, to increase it's nutrient supply it would have to implant itself it several key passages. Thus creating great tissue damage to ascertain sufficient nutrient supply."

"I hear what you're saying but there is a small chance I could carry this baby to term."Lois bit her lip to suppress the panic she could feel rising to the surface.

"Carrying this baby to term, if by some stroke of luck were possible, would do your body serious damage. Your body is simply not strong enough and wouldn't provide not only the right nutrients, but it wouldn't supply enough."Doctor Swann took a sip of water, he hated delivering bad news "In effect, as the baby got bigger and stronger, you would get weaker and weaker."

"There must be something we can do,..supplements I could take, bed rest…"Lois's frustration was mounting, she could feel tears and a migraine coming on.

"Clark,Lois.I don't mean to be blunt but Lois your life would be at serious risk."

Lois shook her head "You have walls covered in diplomas for things most people can't pronounce let alone comprehend, and you're seriously telling me you can't help us have this baby?"

"Lois, Clark. I so wanted to deliver happy news to you. I can't even begin to understand the depth of despair but what I'm telling you comes from extensive research and..."

"I want a second opinion."Lois cut him off coldly, she picked up her bag , "Clark, I'll be in the car."

Lois got up straightened her pencil skirt and picked up her bag, she walked briskly to the door and shut it carefully behind her. She put her shoulders back and held her head high as she walked past the receptionist, and only when she was past and certain that there were no prying eyes did she breakout into a run to the safety of her car. Once she had sought refuge and was safely inside ,she begin to sob, loud heartfelt sobs that shook her core as she touched her still flat stomach.

Unbeknownst to her, the privacy of her car would be the place she did all her crying in the oncoming months.


"I'm truly sorry Clark." Dr Swann said. "I knew you and Lois were excited about this baby, but I had no choice but to tell you the reality of the situation."

Clark nodded silently, a heavy pain in his chest. "I know you've done all you can."

"You have to talk to her Clark, make her see reason."

The ride home was fraught and a heavy silence filled the air. Lois who had once sworn that she couldn't stand to be in a car without the radio on just didn't have the heart to touch the dial.

Clark was first to break the silence, with his eyes on the road in front of them ,he said "Lo,talk to me."

"There's nothing to say. I want a second opinion."She said curtly, refusing to look at him, instead she sat back and watched the scenery.

"Doctor Swann, knows what he's talking about."

"But I know my body, and I know I can carry this baby."


"OMIGOD, You don't trust me?"

"Of Course I do."

"…Yet you look to that charlatan for truths!"

"That's not fair Lois. I wanted this baby too."

"Wanted? So you don't anymore?"

"Not if it means I lose you!"

Lois gasped, her anger elevating "You want me to get rid of OUR child?"

"That's not what I meant, and you know it!"

Lois shook her head defiantly "I can't talk to you!" And just like that Lois closed herself off. She wouldn't talk or meet Clark's sad eyes with her own.