Son of a too bold bitch! Sorry this is late... And short... just kill me, I have no excuse, I'm just a lazy POS. Probably two or three more chapters until the end... T^T

Ring ring.

Ring ring.

Ring ri-

"What is it Mei Lin?" Shaoran asked, annoyed.


The shocked look on her boyfriend's face easily told Sakura that something was wrong. Shaoran hung up and put his head in one of his hands.

"Shaoran-kun? What's wrong?" Sakura asked worriedly.

"Minoru. He's here."

She gasped slightly, hands covering her mouth. He put his hands on her shaking shoulders. It had come sooner than he expected. Things were ending. And their days together would be numbered.

Momoko's POV

I stopped, finally out of breath. I doubled over, hands on my knees and looked behind me. Good, they weren't there. The tears finally spilled over. Who could I believe? Sayuri had spent just as much time with him as I had. 6 years.

"Hello deary." A creaky voice called.

I looked up to find an old woman with a cane coming towards me. I bowed before standing up straight.

"Having a problem?"

My eyes widened and I nodded.

"Come with me, deary. Maybe I can help."

The old woman smiled at me. I followed her, looking for any form of advice. I truly needed help.

Minoru and Sayuri

"This is all your fault!" Sayuri said angrily.

"My fault? How is it my fault?"

"Before you came, she was going to help us defeat that demon you work for!"

"You lie. Defeating Taishou is impossible, Momoko knows that."

"Apparently not."

Mei Lin, Eriol, and Tomoyo

Mei Lin sighed. It was going to take forever to find this girl. Idiot. She had to leave, of course. Such a mood killer. Eriol and Tomoyo looked at each other before putting a supportive hand on each of her shoulders. Eriol smiled at her supportingly.

"Come on, at lest we know the general direction she headed in, right?"

"Actually..." Mei Lin said sheepishly.

"You've got to be kidding."

"Well, Sayuri only said that she had gone west based on where they were."

"Where were they?"

"That's my point."


The old woman stared at her and she stared back. Nobody spoke for a few minutes. The old woman coughed quietly, and Momoko looked up from fidgeting with the fraying thread on her white shorts.

"I'd be able to help better if I knew your problem."

"Of course. I'm sorry, but there is something I need to ask you first."

The old woman stared questioningly. Momoko was getting more and more nervous. It was afterall, a strange question to ask. Would she answer?

"Ma'am, do you believe in magic?"

The twins

Minoru stared at his sister. She stared back.

"She's seriously trying...?"

"Yes, she said some stupid thing about freeing you. Not that I care, I'm just bored of all this boring life or death crap."

"Oh god." He muttered, "Oh god!"

The horrified look on his face told Sayuri that this apparently, was not good.

The couple

"Sakura, can I borrow one of your cards?"

"Uhm, sure. Which one?"


"I can use that!"

"I know, but I think that I'll have an easier time carrying you than the other way around."

"Good point." She nodded, handing him the card.

He threw the card into the air and hit it with the sword, calling its name. He sprouted angelic wings as he grabbed her into his arms, bridal style.


"Of course I do, deary. What do you think it was that brought you to me?"

"You're a caller?"

"Yes, I call those who are troubled and in need of a helping hand or advice and they come to me. So tell me, sweetheart. What's your problem?"

Momoko bit her lip, feeling the tears rise in her eyes once again. 'Just tell her' a small voice said. She took a shaky breath and looked up.

"Well, you see, the thing is I've been working for...someone ever since I can remember."


Momoko nodded slowly and shamefully, waiting to be rejected.

"Go on."

"I met this amazing guy while working for Taishou. I mean, there's so much more underneath his tough guy exterior. But, working for Taishou has become too much of a burden, so I came here and met his sister. We've both known him for 6 years, because she ran away at a young age. I came to lead a rebellion against Taishou. But now, this guy comes and he tells me he loves me and that I should come back. But his sister told me that he's lying."

The old woman nodded and looked very solemnly at the girl.

"Listen to the deepest parts of your heart. That will lead you to what you need to do."

"I don't know how..."

"I didn't say I was done yet."

Everyone (but Momoko)

Their heads all snapped up as they felt the strong presence. It felt so odd. There were no real words to describe it. It was calling them, calling them. Instantly, without knowing anything, they headed west.

Alright, the OCs are gonna go have some bonding time for the next chapter so that the actual goddamn characters of the series can hog some spotlight. Again, I apologize, I'll do my best, but no guarentees that the next chapter will exactly be "on time" either. Review if you want, or don't.