Damn That Potter

Chapter Five: I Want You

Sorry for the late post!
WARNINGS: Swearing, sexual scenes… yeah… XD

POV Harry

I turn away from Malfoy heading towards the door and he spins me around and pins me to a wall in the Potions classroom with a thump.
need you, Potter!' he's screaming at me. 'Fuck! And you think I'm the ass!'
I shrug at him.
'I don't
need you, Malfoy I –' his face breaks and he shoves me.
'Fuck you, Potter!' he shoves me again, I smirk at him and lean forward.
'You're shouting for no reason, Malfoy, you said that all this was, was a sexual thing for us both to get off, nothing more… and fuck me?' I lean forward as far as I can go with Malfoy's fists in my robes; our noses are barely touching. 'I thought it was fuck
He glares, tears evident in his eyes.
'I don't
need you, Malfoy, but I want you whenever I need to have a good fuck –

Madame Pomfrey shakes me awake.
'Up, Mr. Potter, time to take your medicine, I have to go to Hogsmeade to get a few supplies, and since I find you more reliable than Mr. Malfoy –' she glares at the drawn curtains. '- you can wake him and give him his medicine, understood?' she shoves a cup in my hand and points at the other bottle. 'Don't forget to drink the other one also,' she turns and I hear her leave.
I place the cup carefully on the bedside table and grope around for my glasses; after finding them I put them on and gulp down the medicine. One cup – two cups.
Ah, horrid stuff…
I look over at Malfoy's bed and smirk, now that I feel a lot better, I could have some fun.
I walk over to the door of the infirmary to find that Madame Pomfrey has already locked it and my smirk increases.
I pad over to Malfoy's bed and pull the curtains open; Malfoy's hair is messy across his face, the blanket is barely covering him and he's got morning wood. Brilliant.

POV Draco

A moan growls deep in my throat, my cock twitches, there's pressure on my lower half and something's tickling my forehead.
I flutter my eyes open to see, Potter, sitting on top of me. Rocking his hips. And playing with my hair. What the fuck!
'Potter… what are you doing?' he leans down and presses his lips to my ear.
'Didn't you say 'If I was ever in a hard situation –'' he grinds his hips against mine.
'Ah –' I throw my head back, it's too early in the morning! 'Po – Potter… what about Pomfrey?'
'She went out,' he said it so casually, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 'She also told me to give you you're medicine.'
I groan. For two reasons, the idea of having any more of that earwax flavoured crap, and Potter sank his teeth into my neck. What can I say? I have a tiny pain kink.
Potter sits up and grabs the bottle from the bedside table; he takes the cap off and tips the liquid into his mouth, grabs the front of my robes and pulls me flat against him. Our mouths crash together and he feeds me the medicine.
That clear liquid is still gross enough to burn off anyone's taste buds, but this has to be the best way to receive something you hate.
Potter breaks the kiss; licking his lips and waggling his eyebrows. I roll my eyes.
'You wanna fuck me?' he smirks.
'Just pay back for the fingers the other day,' I snort.
'Got lube?' He holds up a tub of Vaseline with a smug look on his face.
'Where'd you get that from?'
'We're in an infirmary, Malfoy, all kinds of stuff here,' he smirks.
'Where'd Pomfrey go?'
'To get some supplies,' he places his knees either side of me and unzips my pants. 'So, let's make this quick.'
'You're a charmer, really.' I smirk up at him. 'Do you know what you're doing, Potter?'
'I think I can get the gist of it,' I roll my eyes and flip us.
'How about we do it this way,' I smirk at him underneath me as he squirms. 'Don't worry, Potter, it's gonna be good.'
I wriggle the rest of the way out of my pants and discard my briefs; take the Vaso from him and remove the lid on the container and dip my fingers into the gel-like substance; with my other hand I push Potter's knees against the bed and under me; I secure my knees on either side of him and balance myself. Potter swallows.
I take my penis into one hand and with the gelled one I run it gently past my balls towards my entrance; I close my eyes while stroking my shaft slowly and I circle my opening a few times before inserting a slick finger; Potter gasps with me.
I build a rhythm with the pumps of my hand and the thrusts of my finger, inserting another.
'Doesn't it hurt?' I smirk down at Potter; Merlin! He looks delicious right now.
'Not when you get practice.'
'You whore,' I snort.
'Whores have diseases, I do not,' I close my eyes again, focusing on stretching myself; my fingers brush close to some knots and I shiver above Potter.

POV Harry

I unzip my pants and reach for my throbbing cock; Merlin, Draco Malfoy is such a fucking tease. He moans above me, his fingers thrust in him faster and his hands quickens on his prick.
'Malfoy… ' my fingers tighten around my shaft and I up the pace. Malfoy looks down at me, lust diluting his pupils; he smirks.
'You ready, Potter?'
I release my cock and Malfoy shifts above me; sliding his fingers out.
He places his hands on either side of me, inching up my body and deliberately allowing his penis to rub up against mine.|
'Kiss me,' and I do.

POV Draco

I lower my ass onto Potter's cock and groan into the kiss feeling the head squeeze inside with a small pop. Potter moans and wriggles; probably frustrated with how slow I'm moving; he bucks and I hiss.
'Fuck me… Potter – why so fast?' we pant and lock eyes. His glasses are fogging up and I reach over to remove them.
That's better; those green eyes will be the death of me I swear.
'M'sorry –' I sit on his hips slowly, suppressing a painful groan in my throat; eyes pinched shut I begin to rock gently against his hips.
'Fuck – Malfoy –' Potter throws his head back against the pillows, pulling the skin around his neck tight and looking so very delicious. I rock forward so that we're chest to chest and I lick at his collar bone and nip gently at the blushing skin.
'Againm' his eyes flutter open.
'Kiss me – properly – again,' his mouth is on mine in a heart beat, tongues clash and I raise my hips and bring them down again and again and again, quickening the pace.
'Maaal… haaaa haaa – fu – Malfoooy – G – God!'
I bite my lip trying to keep the speed going when Potter hits a wonderful tangle of nerves, I shudder and stop moving.
'Merlin!' he stops, panic and lust in his eyes.
'Potter – fucking move or I swear on my Father's life if you don't I will kill you.'
He thrusts again and I tremble with ecstasy.
'haaa – haaa – haaa'
I smash my mouth against Potter's and teeth knock, tongues are bitten and – fuck! – I'm so close!
'Uh –hem,' we stop; panting heavily.
'What was that? I frown down at Potter.
Another small cough and I pale.
Mister's Potter and Malfoy… I suggest you both finish up quickly… and make sure to clean up when you're done.'
There's a tapping of a few sets of feet; a door creaks open and then is snapped shut.
'Fuck!' we say in unison.

Sorry that it's such a bad sex scene! I'm not that experienced in the sexual area… please forgive me? Also, who should be with Madame Pomfrey? R&R please!
Love Mister Jackkkk