Alice's POV

The computer screen was suddenly loading. It was taking WAY too long.

"Edward! I know that you're screwing up the Internet. Don't think that I didn't see you!"

I heard a low, distant chuckle.

"Boys are so stupid," I muttered.

Bella walked up to my desk smiling as she stepped. "What did he do this time?" Bella asked.

"He disconnected the internet, again."

I pouted as I said it. I slunk back into my ice blue desk chair. My eyes lingered on the loading bar.

Suddenly a vision of a gray-blue castle, on a sunny day, appeared in my head. It then flashed to a girl sitting on a nearby park bench. She turned towards my line of vision.

"I'm waiting," was all she calmly said.

Then the vision ended. I floated back to reality.

"Alice. Alice! What did you see?" Bella frantically stammered.

Edward was now at Bella's side; his left arm around her waist.

"Alice, what did you see?" asked a calm Edward.

Emmett was hollering at the big, black, flat-screen TV.

"Go, Go, GO! Come on… GATORS!"

He turned around quickly towards the rest of us.

"First touchdown." was all he said.

I slowly got up and walked towards the living room. I plopped down into my favorite chair: a yellow, squishy armchair.

The commercials came on the TV, as soon as my eyes fell on it. My mind wasn't concentrating on the bright, flashing images, until a scene with the top of my castle in the clouds came on. Multi-colored balloons floated up towards the heavens. The top line said that the commercial was for Walt Disney World!

"Of course," I softly murmured.

I took one of my numerous sketchpads off the little coffee table (along with a pencil). My sketch of the castle quickly materialized.

You saw DISNEY WORLD?!" said Edward, who was now looking over my shoulder.

"Yes. But I also saw something else, it was…weird," I coolly replied.

I quickly turned to the next blank, white page. I drew the park bench first, then the girl; her body angled towards me.

"Who's that?" asked Bella.

"She appeared after the castle in my vision... She turned towards me and said 'I'm waiting'. Then… the vision ended." I replied to Bella, but it was an explanation to everyone.

Edward, Bella, Emmett, and now Jasper, Carlisle, Esme, and Rosalie surrounded me.

"This is disturbing," replied Carlisle. "Who could do that with your vision?

I replied, "I have no clue. It was all so strange. But, we have to go there."'

"But, but, IT"S IN FLORIDA!" Rosalie sputtered. "Do we need to attract anymore attention?!"

"Well, Renesmee will enjoy it. And Jacob can go with her, while we cover up," interjected Bella. "She would love it."

"That's true. She is studying hydraulics and robotics for science. It could be a field trip!" I said.

"It's settled then," Edward said, his eyes on Bella.

"Excellent. I'll get the plane tickets. 10, right." Bella said, for she was already in the next room, calling the airport.

"I'll handle the hotel. I'll get us a Disney hotel, ok?" Edward said.

I was already running upstairs. I burst into my room. I pulled a huge, white suitcase out of my closet and set it on the couch. It flung open. Jasper waltzed in and leaned against the doorway. He just stood there, like always, while I was packing for the both of us. His small, navy blue suitcase still in his closet, next door. After I neatly packed my suitcase, I ran and got Jasper's suitcase all packed and ready to go. After I grabbed the suitcases and set them outside in the hallway, I turned to Jasper.

"I don't know Jazz honey. It wasn't someone we knew. She looked about 13-14 years old. She seemed human."

"Well, we'll find out the truth soon enough," was all he replied.

"I've got the suitcases packed. I'll call Jacob so he and Nessie can come home. Nessie will want to pack for herself. Jacob has some clothes here, so Edward can loan him a suitcase," I ranted on.

"I've got plane tickets! We'll get to Orlando at around 8 pm!" said Bella, so the rest of us could hear

"I've got park tickets," said Esme.

"The hotel is booked," said Edward.

"I'm calling Jacob and Nessie," was all I said.