Hey there! Thanks for choosing my story to read : ) I will review as much as I can but I also have two other stories I'm working on called Forever My lullaby and The Haunting Of My Hart that I also have to update on.

So in this story Jacob and Bella are JUST FRIENDS and will NEVER be any thing else. This first chapter they are 15 but they get older in the next once they meet Edward.

Hope you like!

Chapter 1

Knock! Knock!

"Bella it's Jacob!" I heard my mom yell down stairs.

I sighed and got up from my bed and walked down the stairs and to the front door. I walked up, putting my brown hair into a pony tail so that it would stay out of my face and saw Jacob standing and smiling like an idiot on my porch.

"What do you want Jacob?" I asked

"Did you hear that some one has finally bought the blue house?" he asked excitedly and I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Yes I heard. Maybe it's because the blue house is right next to mine?" I asked sarcastically and he looked over next door.

"Oh I guess your right." He said with a laugh and I rolled my eyes.

"So I was thinking-"

"Oh I hope you didn't hurt your self." I said sarcastically and laughed.

"Ha-ha very funny," he said and glared. "Anyway as I was saying I was thinking that since they are moving in today that we can play dig dong ditch on them!" he said excitedly.

"Really Jake? That sounds really childish." I stated and shook my head and started walking away and up the stairs.

"You thing every thing is childish." He whined from behind me as we walked down the hall. "Maybe you need to do some childish stuff and stop sitting around reading and doing boring stuff." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Fine I will go with you. But not now I still tiered, it is eight in the morning Jacob." I sighed and lied back on my bed.

"Okay whatever. I'll be back later!" he yelled excitedly and I could practically hear him skip down the stairs.

Jacob and I have been friends for a wile now my dad and his dad go fishing a lot and my mom is always busy with her job making it to where I and he always hung out. He had dark skin, eyes, and long hair we are the same age and we both go to the same school. But there's days like this where he seems younger and child-like that's what one of the things I like about Jacob. Even if he did decide to have his moments at EIGHT in the morning!

"Stupid annoying friend," I mumbled to my self as I set my alarm so that I could sleep for two more hours.

Okay hear you go! The chapters will be longer later I just want to see if you guys think I should continue or not?

REVIEW and tell me! Yes? No?