Life stinks

Disclaimer: I own NO Naruto.

Chapter one:

"Please don't! Let me go! I'm sorry!" Yelled a teen about 15 years old with red bloody hair. He was being drag by a taller teen with long black hair with equal deep black eyes that in the shadow shine with red lust. They were in a dark place where you could hear water dropping in little puddles of water. But the smaller teen couldn't see anything. He was blindfolded. His hands were tied by handcuffs and were dragged by it. They suddenly stopped and the smallest crashed with the back of the tallest.


The red head heard the taller turn to him and started to plead again.

"Please I wont do it again! Please!"

No answer. No sound.

"Ple-" He was cut off by a hand grabbing his waist and was thrown to the floor. His face was in the cold floor. He tried to turn but he was pin down by a weight on his back. He started to squirm.

"What are you doing?!" The teen scream more scared now that his handcuffs were getting tied to something that smelled like moth and sounded like chains. He felt the weight on his back leave and started to get up.

He heard a chuckle.

He turned to the sound confuse. Then he heard a sound of a machine. He heard chains moving.

"You're not standing on your own little red."

"Wha-" He felt his hands going up and he panicked. He started to trash his hands out but it was no use. He couldn't get out. He was raised by the chains and was now in the middle of the air. His arms were starting to hurt a lot. His shoulders were killing him.

"Let me go please."

The next thing he felt was pain.


A door was slammed open and two worried teens came running to the bed where a red head was breathing hard with wide eyes.

"Gaara! Are you ok? What happened?" Asked a dirty blonde while stroking his red messy hair.

The teen only shook his head while regaining his breath.

"Another bad dream right?" Asked the third teen with brown messy hair and a frown on his face.

The youngest just nodded and kept looking at the sheets. He made fists with his hands and looked up with a scowl.

"I'm fine. Go. I'm going to get dress."

The two oldest gave each other a questionable glance and nodded.

"Great, because you are starting your new school today. Hurry up I'm making breakfast today!" Said the female teen with a grin.

The oldest sweat dropped.

"Right. Anyway hurry up Red!" He said to the blinking red head in the bed while pushing the girl out of the room.

The now named Gaara sighed. Stood up from his bed bringing the sheets to the floor. He was only wearing boxers. He grabbed his clothes that he took out yesterday for today and went to the bathroom. After he got dress he grabbed his black messenger bag and went to the door. He touched the doorknob and stood there.

I hope this goes better then my last school.

He closed his eyes and saw red he open them again and left the room slamming the door.

"What the hell Gaara don't brake the door!"

The red head ignored his sister and went to the bar to see what she did for breakfast. He stared and stared. Blink. Blink.


"Yes?" Said Temari with a sweat voice and a sweat smile.

"What are those?" He said nodding to what seem to be black dishes on white dishes?

"Pancakes silly!" She said hitting him slightly.

"I'm eating toast." The red head said while going to the toaster to toast some bread.

"What? Why? I mean they are… in your favorite color and I thought you would like it." Said Temari with a pout on her face.

Gaara's eyebrow twitched while he waited in front of the toaster for his toast. His hands were starting to get anxious.

"Where's Kankuro?" Asked the younger teen to change the topic.

Temari frowned.

"He got classes early today so he'll be early home too."

The red head nodded.

"Don't you dare. No more changing topic."

"I'm not eating it."

"Please." She begged.


"Fine. I guess I'm not baking cookies tonight.

That got his attention. She said cookies? Great. The women can bake but she can't make a decent breakfast?!

"Lots of them?" Asked the red head with uncertainty.

"Lots and lots of them. They'll probably last a month."

Yep that got him.

She grins.

"Ok then Gaara I guess I'll see you later. Call us if anything happens. We have our cell. Good luck in your first day!"

The red head nodded in return and waited for the sound of the door being close.

He sighed and kept eating the burnt pancakes. When he noticed what he was doing he spited the whole thing out to the trashcan. He grabbed the rest of the pancakes and put it on a bag inside his messenger bag to throw it out later. He didn't want Temari looking at the trash and finding them.

He stood up from his bar stool and went to a mirror to have a last look at himself. He was a medium height guy. Not to small or too tall. He had a sporty body, but was closer to the skinny side. A messy red bloody hair. Green eyes, pale skin. A tattoo he got a year ago of a kanji symbol that meant love. He loves wearing black and red.

When he looked at the mirror he was wearing black baggy pants and a black jacket. He wore his favorite black vans with red lines that symbolized blood.

He smirked at his reflection. Nothing has change.


When Gaara arrived at the new school he was very surprise to say the least. The school was huge and it looked like a maze in the inside. There were people everywhere.

He frowned. He was getting hit by people who he didn't know. It was getting overwhelming he turned to leave the school grounds but he crashed with something hard.

Red looked up to see a long hair teen with white eyes and a blank face. The taller one raised an eyebrow. He saw the lips move but he was surprise at how beautiful this guy in front of him was. The long hair teen frowned.

"Are you ok? Did you hit your head or something? Hello?"

He was talking. Perfection was talking. He shook his head and stood up ignoring the hand that was offered by the other teen.

"Yeah. Just fine."

"You sure? Because you didn't even heard me when I was talking."

"Oh. I was…forget it…" And the red head left outside the school leaving a frowning brown haired a little confuse. "Whatever." Said the long hair and left to his class.


The Kanji boy waited until the gates were close and nobody was outside. He re-entered the school. Looking around he found the office that all the people were entering to get set up.

He entered the office and he saw a young woman who was writing in the computer look up to see him. She frowned.

"Freshman or new?"


"The guards let you in? You are late you now."

"Yeah I know. But I was walking around, there were too many people and I got lost."

"Oh then Ok. But I don't have any more maps for you. Your name?"

"Subaku Gaara."

"Oh here you are."

She printed his schedule and gave it to him.

"Mm…I guess I'll take you to your class since you don't know where it is."

"There's no need."

"Oh no biggy. Besides my lower back hurts. Oh and you can call me Shizune. I'm the secretary."

The teen nodded.

"Ok then let's go."

When they were in the hallway.

Gaara's POV

"So Gaara I'm going to ask one of your classmates to give you a tour. Is that alright with you?"

I thought it was a bad idea but I nodded anyway.

"Great. I'll excuse you for your tardiness so you wont get in trouble in your first day in school. But don't be late again ok? The guards aren't allowed to let anyone inside without an excuse. Oh here we are. You got English in your first class." Said the young women opening the door for me to enter first.

I hesitated and then entered. Everyone was looking at me. It made me fell a little uncomfortable

"Excuse me?" Asked the teacher. She was quite young too. But slightly older then the secretary. Shizune went to the teacher and explained her my tardiness. When I saw this I took an empty seat as quickly as possible and waited for the class to start. The teacher was looking at me while hearing Shizune. When she nodded Shizune turned to the classroom.

"Hyuuga. Miss Shizune would like to talk to you for a minute."

I turned to see who Shizune picked to show me around and my eyes almost fell out. Why him?

The door closed and a couple of minutes later the Hyuuga entered and seated him self without giving me a glance. Maybe she didn't ask him. Or maybe he didn't accept. Wouldn't blame him. I sighed.

An hour later the bell rang and everyone in the class was gone. I usually try to take as much possible time as I can get since I don't like the full hallway full of people pushing thru to get in class on time. When I finished packing my stuff I felt someone behind me. I turn around and there he was. Hyuuga.

"Hey." He said to me with a blank stare.

"Hey." I answered.

"Miss Shizune told me you're new and get lost easily."

I mentally curse at Shizune. I can't believe this. Oh forget it.

"Hn. I don't."

He raised an eyebrow.

"Really?" He asks with an amuse tone.

I frown. This guy thinks he is so… I don't know and I don't like it one bit.

"Whatever." I say and shove him a little bit since he was in my way.

"I guess you don't need me uh?"

"No I don't."

"Ok then see you at class." He said going the other way where I was going. Wait the other way? I turn around.

"Hey wait." But he wasn't there. How can he be so fast? Jerk. I walk in the same direction where that Hyuuga ass went. When I turn to the right I see a long hallway with lots of door. Shit. I sigh again. I'm getting to do that a lot lately.

I look at my schedule and check at the number of my classroom. 235. When I got to the end of the hall the number of the classroom was 230 and I look at the left to the other hall way and the number of the class start at 215. What the fuck? This is just a shitty maze. I should have gone with the hot prick. I sigh again. I think I'm going to start counting my sighs maybe I'll make a record or something.

I turn around and slam something hard and I fell to the cold floors of my inferno.

"Uh look at here a cute Emo." Said the one who made me trip. I look up to glare at the person. I saw him smiling at me with a fake smile and that made me angrier. I get up quickly and walk right pass the faking smile creep. He was so faking that smile. What's wrong with this school? I get stop when I turned to another corner and get drag to a corner between lockers. And I got push to the wall. My head hits the wall. Ow. I hissed in pain. I am so going to kill him. I look up to punch the guy but my hands get pin by the freak.

"Let go." I hissed in a warning tone.

"You are cute."

I glare. "Let. Me. Go. Now."

"No." He answered at my ear and licked my jaw line and bit me hard. I groan in pain but then I tense. What the heck? He started to move his hips towards mine so our groins would touch and we moaned. Now this is where I really get it. I kick him in between the legs and he hisses in pain and falls to the floor with his hands covering his important parts. I glare at him and punched him in the face. He falls to the floor and I walk away 10 times angrier then I was before.

In my walk I found the bathroom I open the door as hard as I can and a hit something in the other side. I hear some cursing and the door opens with an angry raven.

"What the fuck it's wrong with you?!"

I froze. He looks so much like him. Could it be?

"What are you stupid too? Can't you even apologize?"

I glare at him and he glares back.

"I'm sorry…"

He looks a little satisfied.

"… that I didn't hit you harder."

His left eyebrow twitch. "Why you little-" He was cut of by the bell that just rang. He cursed again but left giving me a last glare witch I returned.

Hn. He is such an ass too! Everyone is!

I sigh. I can't believe I miss a whole class.

I stayed looking at everyone passing. This is so annoying. I look at my schedule. I have…


I look up who answered my mental question. I glare at that stupid guy. He was frowning.

"Where were you?" He asked.

I looked away. "Lost" I mumble for him not to listen to me but sadly he did.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tsk. Like you care."

"I do."


"Didn't anyone help you?" I frown. Why does he care? He left me!

"Actually yes. One guy helped me find a comfy corner next to some lockers and another one this bathroom; it's nice to now where these places are. You now for the needy things." I said sarcastically.

His frown actually got deeper. He then looked at my neck and his eyes widened and I frown.

"Your neck is bleeding. Come on." He said while dragging me to the bathroom.

"Let go." Shit I'm saying that too much!

"Hyuuga." I say warning him.



"My name. Call me by my name."

"No." He glared at me for the way I answered.

"Who did this?" He said cleaning a wound I had in the neck.

I try to get away from his gentle touch but his hand grabbed my shoulder in a way that if I move I will get lots of pain. I stick there. It's not like he's doing anything wrong.

I look away to a recently interesting blower machine in the wall.

"Are you going to answer me?"


"What did he do?"


"You're not going to answer me that either?"


"Why not?" He said his voice getting madder. And his grip actually was getting tighter. Really tight. Shit this guy's strong.


"That's no reason Gaara."


I close my eyes. It hurts.

"Fuck! Let go Hyuuga! It fucking hurts!"

He lets go and I go to a far wall away from him with my right hand on my left shoulder.

"Sorry." He silently said looking at the ground ashamed?

I sigh again. That's two. Oh yes I am so counting them. Starting with the earlier one. That'll get my mind a little distracted.

"It's ok. But you did leave me behind without a second glance."

"Oh right, again sorry. So who did it?"

"Don't worry about it I took care of it."

"You sure?"

I nod.

"Ok then let's go to homeroom." He said opening the door and keeping it open for me. I nod my thanks.

"Don't worry about last class. It was drama. And our teacher is…less…normal then others so he accepted your absence."

" You made an excuse for me?" I ask surprise.

"Yeah I mean it was my fault after all."

"Yeah it was."

He chuckle.

Mmm…weird he chuckled.


Two weeks have passed since my first day of school and so far so good except…

"I hate math."

"Don't say that Gaara" Answered my dear oh dear sweat hateful know it all sister. I hate her.

"It can't be that bad Gaara" said Kankuro in the kitchen while doing the dinner.

I glare at the wall where I knew Kankuro was standing behind. Even if he didn't see the glare it made me feel good. Sighs. Wow I'm in 200 Sighs. That's got to be a record.

"How about if you ask for some tutoring?"

"I'm not asking that."

"Gaara you will fail if you don't ask."

"Why can't you?"

"Because I'm not here all the time. And what if you don't get something and I'm not here or I have to study uh?"

"Fine whatever. But I'm not asking."


The next day in math class.


"All right the test is this Friday! Gaara. Stay a minute I want to talk to you."

I nodded. I know what she wants to talk about. My grades.

"Gaara. I've been noticing your grades and they are…awful."

Well that's a gentle way of putting it. I nodded.

"Is there something wrong…in your house or in school?"


"Ok. I want you to take a math tutor. Is that ok?"

"Yeah sure."

"Great!" She said proud of her self. I guess everyone said no to her.

"Actually I'm giving you my best tutor. Everyone wants him and I wanted to get him a student that won't jump on him while the tutoring. He hates that. He needs the credits since he's going to a fancy University. His name is Uchiha Sasuke."

My eyes widened at the second name. Impossible…it can't be.

"Sorry maybe getting a tutor is a bad Idea. I got to go." I left in a flash before she could say anything else.


My sixth period. Today is my first day in this class since the teacher was on vacation until today. It's martial arts. I like this class. I like fighting. Neji takes it with me. He told me he was good and I want to see if he's telling the truth. Well he did say he was train by his uncle who is a martial art master so who knows.

I stare at floor for a while until I hear a disturbing sound.

"Ahhh Neji and Sasuke in the same room! This is heaven!" Said a girl who I don't know and honestly don't care. But I do look up to see this Sasuke…Uchiha Sasuke.

My eyes. He's that guy. He's walking ignoring everyone and seated himself in the other corner of the room's floor. He was with a blonde who's name was Naruto…I think. Beside the blonde there's a girl with annoying pink hair. Ouch my eyes. Ok so I don't like pink sew me.

I can't believe this guy he's so full of him self! He's not like him! Why am I comparing? It's good he's not like him. I should focus. The teacher entered quiet loudly. Her name was apparently Anko and Gai was going to assist her. Shit.

This is not going to be good. Apparently they are going to choose the best 10 of us to go to a tournament. Nice. This will be interesting.


I have decided I will take those tutoring maybe I'll help me get more use to the fact of…him. Sighs. I will then. Oh and 206. A lee guy made me sigh 5 times in a match. He's weird like Gai. Whatever.

"Excuse me Kurenai I would like to-"

"Yes! Ok then he will be here today at 3:30 don't be late!" And there she goes. I think she's happy.

I'm going to my last class witch is boring. It's history and it's with Kakashi he's let's say not a sane person and shouldn't be teaching.

1 hour later from torture of listening Kakahi talking about the History of sex. How can he be a teacher! Damn I can be a teacher then. I shake my head out of that thought. I wonder what will be the reaction of that Sasuke when he see's he needs to tutor me. He will go insane.

I waited in Kurenai's classroom for Sasuke since the tutoring hall is full. He's late. This is a waste of time I'm leaving.

I get up walk to the door and open the door.

"Where do you think you're going Subaku."
