How to Get a Date

I don't own Hellsing. It belongs to Kouta Hirano.


To Fred, it seemed that time had slowed to a crawl, and that it took an eternity before he had to make his way to the studio. When he appeared, Jason was lounging around the entrance, casually taking a long drag of his cigarette before letting all of the smoke out in big, wispy tendrils.

Jason looked different from how Fred remembered him. His hairline was beginning to recede, and gray discolored his black curls, giving it a salt-and-pepper sort of look. He had also gotten a smidge larger, but he wasn't fat.

Jason folded an arm over his chest, trying to keep warm in the cold air from under his long, black coat. His blue eyes were emphasized with the pale blue scarf around his neck, the only colored piece of clothing he was wearing. He wore a white dress shirt and black jeans and boots. He pulled the look off quite well.

"Jason!" Ferdinand called, raising a hand.

A grin curled Jason's lips.

"It's good to see you, Fred. The last time we saw each other was what?"

"Five years ago in Uganda." Fred patted Jason's back before Jason flicked his cigarette onto the ground, crushing it under his heel.

Fred followed Jason into a back room of the studio, his nostrils filling with the chemical smell of the nearby darkroom.

"Did you bring the camera, or just the DVD?" Jason asked, logging in to his computer.

Fred produced a DVD nestled firmly in its case from his coat pocket, setting it on the table with a click.

Jason opened the case, taking the DVD and feeding it to a slot in the tower. After several seconds, the video opened in Windows Media Player.

"I usually like to watch the videos first before I edit them, to see what needs to be done. Is that fine?"

A smirk tugged at Fred's lips.

"I don't mind at all."


"Did you like ze movie, Seras?" Pip asked.

"It was… different." Seras replied, grinning.

"Is different good?"

"Different is very good."

A very brief moment of silence passed between them as they walked among the throng of people spilling out of the exit and into the night. Pip lit up a cigarette, inhaling deeply before puffing his cheeks and blowing out a ring of smoke into the air. Seras giggled, her eyes following the curling smoke as it was whisked away by the cold wind.

"I didn't know you could do that."

"I can do a lot of zings, mon ami." He grinned as she took his arm, and they began walking along the street towards Trafalgar Square.

They could already hear the sounds of water being sprayed skywards out of the fountains before splashing back down into the pools underneath before Seras finally spoke.

"Do you have any other plans for this evening?"

"Did you want to so somewhere else after ze movie?" He arched an eyebrow.

They turned a corner and the majestic fountains were brought into full view, the water sparkling in the lights.

"I am a little hungry." She confessed, an embarrassed sort of smile on her face.

Pip grinned.

"I'm sure zere are some open restaurants around here…"


Jason wiped the tears from his eyes as he slowly began to settle into amused chuckles.

"What are you planning to do with this video, Fred?" He asked.

Fred shrugged, a grin plastered onto his face.

"I was hoping to sell it on the internet, put a clip of it so people can watch it before they buy it."

"I'm sure there will be many buyers. This is pure comedic gold."

Jason opened his video editing program, getting the film ready to be polished to perfection.

"What do you want me to fix?"

"The shaking, the cuts, the blurriness of the girl, the works. Oh, and edit out anything with the label 'Hellsing' on it."

"Some secret business you're working for?" Jason asked, quirking an eyebrow.


"I should have the video ready in a couple of days. I'll call you."

"Gracias, Jason."


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