Hanashi no Tegami

An InuYasha fanfiction by Bets

Chapter 3-Gakkou ni Iku

standard disclaimers apply

Kagome finally went back to school the next Monday, a week after she got the note. Her mother, although not quite understanding Kagome's problem, saw the sadness in her daughter's eyes and had not made her go to school. Kagome arrived a little early, and sat at her desk sketching a picture of Inu-chan as she remembered him.

"Ohayo, Higurashi-san!! What are you drawing?"

Kagome repressed a groan. It was that baka, Hojo-kun. When she first met him, his naivity was endearing, but now it was downright annoying. She was sure it would quite possibly drive her insane. She remembered Inu-chan's comments to her about it, when she first told him about it in a letter.


"Let's see, hmmm." Kagome had just recieved another letter from Inu-chan.

'That "Hoho" boy or whatever you described sounds like an annoying little baka. Feh. You say he likes you. Do you want me to beat him up for you? Someone like that would drive me insane. Besides, why don't you tell him that you don't like him? You seem to have no problem yelling at me all the time, and that's just in letters. Feh, Inu'


Kagome started giggling quietly, that was always Inu-chan's favorite word. 'Feh.' He never seemed to write a letter without using it a least once. ::Except for this last time:: she thought. When Hojo-kun got to her desk he repeated his question.

"Higurashi-san, what are you drawing?"

"Ohayo, Hojo-kun," she said softly, trying to stall him so she wouldn't have to answer straight out. "Just a memory." Kagome hadn't lifted her eyes from the paper this whole time.

"What memory?"

"Yeah, what memory, Kago-chan?" Eri had overheard the last remarks as she had come in, and was now extremely curious.

Sighing, Kagome gazed out the window with a far-away look. She was remembering the last letter from Inu-chan. "A friend I met long ago, who I will probably never hear from again." Hearing this, Eri hugged Kagome, bringing her back to the present.

"Oh, Kago-chan, I'm so sorry for you!"

Akwardly patting Eri on the back, Kagome replied. "I'm okay now, really." Looking up, Hojo caught her eyes.

"So this is the reason you missed school, Higurashi-san? I thought it was unusual. I was really worried about you." Kagome nodded absently. The teacher then came into the classroom, after the other students that Kagome, Eri, and Hojo hadn't noticed come in. Eri and Hojo scooted off to their desks.

"Will everyone please take their seats? I have good news, Higurashi Kagome-chan has finally com back to school. Now then, we have a popquiz on long-division today!"

Kagome groaned and protested along with the rest of her classmates.

Sorry about the long wait, peoples. Some stuff got in the way. Mainly. . .school. And other stories. I really need to stop with the abandoning stories halfway through. Anyway, I hope you liked!