Disclaimer: if these character where mine.....what WOULDNT i do?

A/N:...so um...turns out...i completely forgot to upload this chapter because apparently uploading it somewhere else made me forget to upload it here...-FAIL-

sorry about that ^^;


"I think you have a serious problem Ryuzaki"

"I believe you are incorrect Raito-kun"

"Acceptance is the first step"

"Your assumption is not valid"

"It is very valid. It's as bad as your love for sugar concoctions!"

"I assure you Raito; I am not addicted to games"

Light rolled his eyes. "When was the last time you read a book?"

"Today, in the morning" the detective responded not missing a beat.

"Ryuzaki…a stack of papers clipped together those not count as a book"

"…it was when you were sleeping"


Ryuzaki just spun around in his chair at that. They were in the main investigation room by themselves. The investigation was going really slow, so slow that it had become a custom to send his detectives home early almost every day. Misa was still in the building, doing her Misa things. Naturally there would be some visits to her room. L enjoyed her company as well…when she was not complaining about not seeing Light as much because of the investigation-good thing she didn't know about the video games- and how people in the business were mean. Yes, Misa was a good at her job that much L recognized. She could become world famous. Maybe they could visit her now to prove Light wrong. And then later they can go and play...

Hmm….perhaps Raito's argument had some merit in it. Not that he was going to say so out loud to him.

"Say…Raito-kun…" L spun the other way to unravel himself from the chain.

"Hnn" Light acknowledged that he was listening even though he was typing away at the computer.

"…what are you typing?" L pulled himself closer to his computer screen. This caused Light to tense.

"Something" he responded, trying to block the detective's sight of it.

"Raito-kun seems to want to prevent me from reading it. This only makes your situation look worse, you do know that Raito-kun" the man bit his thumb.

Light furrowed his eyebrows and looked at L, an annoyed look on his face and a little anger present as well. It has been a while since the detective had mentioned anything about the likelihood of Light being Kira. It was strange bringing it back up.

"Excuse me for wanting a little privacy" Light said in a strained tone.

"That is something that you cannot have Raito-kun" L said as he finally managed to see what it was he was doing. Light pushed himself away from the computer to let L see, anger finally winning over annoyance.

A letter addressed to "Mom and Sayu" was the first thing L read and he read the contents of it quickly. A harmless thing mentioning how Light was enjoying the competition—competition? Probably the lie he had to invent- and that there were going to be few delays before he would be able to go home…The detective shifted a little in the chair. He could tell that Light was getting angry.

Well it was better to be safe than sorry.

"Send her my regards" L said breaking the silence.

The brunette grinded his teeth together, "In order to do that Ryuzaki is if she knew who you were"

"Tell her from a friend"

This sentence caused Light's anger to rise a bit more.

Both were silent and their earlier, lighter bickering ended, replaced by an awkward silence. L began to bite his thumb and looked at his own computer screen which had a few of today's news on, the list of Kira's latest victims being announced as if it has already become expected of. He looked up lazily at the big screens surrounding them, showing the surveillance of Misa who was currently reading a magazine. The detective doubted that going to visit her would make Light's mood any better and he did not want to prove Light's earlier assumption about gaming. What to do.

L quickly got up from his chair without any warning and almost presumed in walking away before remembering that he was chained to another. Light, however, had learned to just follow the man when he jumped up at random, and so he was already up when L looked back. Of course that did not indicate that the young brunette's anger was gone. He gave L a look that read 'just hurry up.' L gave the screens behind them one last glance before continuing to his desired destination.

Light silently fumed behind the detective glaring at the mass of black hair as the elevator took them up to the floor where their room resided.

The brunette had been content without the mention of his likelihood of being Kira. It was nice not being on watch 24/7 and Light was getting used to it. Of course, the panda-eyed detective had to go and ruin it. Light was busy coming up with curses that never filled the silent air between them and damning the very existence of the man in front of him, The sugar-addicted/gaming freak— because no matter how much the insomniac denied it, it was true— continued walking, unknowing of Light's thoughts. It was until they reached a door near to their room that Light was curious as to where it was they were going. However, he did not voice his curiosity and just let the man in front of him open the door.

It was one of the many libraries that the detective had mentioned before. Ryuzaki merely went to one of the seats in the room, took the book that was laid face down, opened, and began to read. The young brunette just stood in the room facing the man. It seemed as though none of them were inclined to speak.

That is until one raven haired man broke the silence.

"You could pick up a book and sit down Raito-kun"

With a slight "humph" coming from Light, he quickly scanned the bookshelves. He found many titles to be interesting and there were many of his favorites amongst the shelves. He reached for a book but soon hesitated.

'Wait. What if this is a new plan of his to determine if I'm Kira or not?' he looked over his shoulder and found the man reading and turning pages. He turned around, his hand dropping to his side.

'He would probably decide if I'm guilty or not from what book I choose to read' Light thought about his choice carefully.

"It seems that Light-kun is undecided on what he should read, or at least stubborn in not wanting to sit down. I assure this isn't some scheme of mine to see if you are Kira or not" Ryuzaki stated with such indifference that Light didn't know if that last sentence was true or not.

Picking up his hand once more he took the one he was going for and sat down in the remaining chair. On the off chance that L did indeed make this some sort of test, he wouldn't get anything from it, the book was harmless and could contribute no hidden meaning, for this Light was glad.

And so the next half hour was spent in silence, with only the turning of pages filling the air. The anger and suspicion that gripped Light in the beginning slowly began to ease away and he focused only on the book he was reading; so much that Ryuzaki's sudden movement startled Light.

"Well, I think that is enough reading time" Ryuzaki said standing. Light nodded and placed the book back where he got it and followed Ryuzaki out of the room.

And back to the familiarity of the gaming room. Ryuzaki went immediately went for his usual chair. The young brunette blinked a couple of times and something clicked.

He tried not to smile as he felt a little pride. "Not addicted huh?"

Ryuzaki looked back at the brunette in a way a little child would look, confused. "To games Raito-kun? Of course not. I do other activities, like the reading we just did."

To hell with it, he couldn't keep a straight face; Light allowed a smirk to appear on his face. "Is that so?"

"Yes, there has to be time for some reading Raito-kun, we cannot just play these mindless games, you know" Ryuzaki turned around to face the television screen in front of him, the game starting.

Light shook his head, smiling a little. He took his seat next to Ryuzaki and picked up the control. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw L smirking.

"Gah! Im sooo bored!" Ryuk said twisting his head around, "and there's no more apples around this god-forsaken house!" he said now doing handstands with one hand while the other twisted his head around. This whole time Ryuk was bored out of his mind in Light's room. Nothing entertaining was going on. The only thing he had were his apples but he enjoyed them all too soon and all too fast.

"Maybe I should have saved one for each night" the Shinigami said, still upside down. He held his position for a while until:

"Maybe Raito's mom got more apples!" Ryuk said sinking through the bedroom's floor into the living room. He scanned the room and saw the bowl of fruits on the kitchen table from where he was. He looked to his right and saw Light's mother on a chair watching the news. So she wouldn't notice a few apples leaving mysteriously from the bowl. Ryuk floated to the kitchen and began his search.

"Pear, nope, banana, yellow not red, peach, ew too hairy" Ryuk said as he put them back, resisting the urge to just throw them in random directions. He pulled out another fruit "hmmm this one looks like an apple but its green….oh there you are" Ryuk put the green apple down when he found the beautiful crimson one. He cradled the apple in his hand like a mother would hold her newborn.

"And we meet again" Ryuk said to the apple, petting its smooth red surface. When he could no longer wait, he took a big bite out of it, savoring it, like a smoker would.

As Ryuk ate his most prized possession, light's mother turned up the volume at something that sparked her interest.

"…and now we will hear from concerning this strange new discovery" the reporter on the television said, moving the microphone to a scientist in a lab coat. They seemed to be in a laboratory by the looks of it.

"Actually it's more of a rediscovery. A chest was reported to a police station, the ones who found it are unknown seeing as they just left the box, saying that it wasn't theirs. When the police opened the chest, the found this fruit" the scientist pointed to a group of scientists gathered around a table. The camera got close for better view. Ryuk's attention was now on the television. This fruit was round, small and had three overlapping circles inscribed in it that seemed to glow, but what really caught the Shinigami's eye was the color it was. It was the reddest shade of crimson that Ryuk has ever seen. Just staring at it made Ryuk's mouth water. But he got snapped back to reality when the channel was changed

"All this for a piece of fruit. And they call themselves scientists" Light's mother scoffed shaking her head from side to side. She now sat comfortably as she saw a soap opera.

Ryuk stood there for a while contemplating and soon made his decision. No matter what, Ryuk was going to find that fruit, and he was going to make it his.

A/N: paranoid much Light? its getting there. 'bout time. sorry again for my epic fail at uploading this now when it shouldve been earlier. spelling errors should be overlooked plz *hangs head in shame* comments?