Hmm? Oh, it seems there's another story I get to narrate.

"Yeah, but this ones not gonna be as easy as Taru-chan's." The dark haired girl, Unohana Kiriumi, grinned, placing her hands behind her head in a relaxed manner. "This story is one of food, drinking, violence, and one rather large, dysfunctional family. And it's kind of a love story, I guess."

Yeah, your love of cooking!

Rolling her eyes the shinigami continued. "No, it's about me finally getting out of the academy and finding my place! Which actually ends up being in the eleventh division of all places. Which I end up getting VERY close with Kenpachi Zaraki"

Now now, you don't want to go and give everything away at the start of the story! And so, onwards to the love fest!

"Almost done..." Placing a small sprinkle of parsley in the main dish Kiriumi smiled to herself, feeling quite proud at the moment. No, not only because she had just cooked a seven-course meal that could feed half of Seireitei, but also because earlier that day she, Renji, and Izuru had all graduated from the academy. "Perfect!" She shouted, jumping up and looking at her picture perfect meal. "Now time to go get those idiots so we can celebrate!"

Brushing off her hands on the apron she was wearing over the normal uniform, she took off at top speed heading for where she felt Renji's reiatsu. "Reeeeenjiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" She shouted, jumping onto the shoulders off her dear friend and sticking her upside-down face right in Renji's. "Renji! I made us all a celebratory dinner! And you're coming!" Looking up from her position she finally noticed that Rukia was there. "Hey, Rukia-chan! You're coming too right?"

Smiling politely Rukia waved her hands in front of her. "Well, I'm not sure. I've got things going on, and--"

"Great! You and Renji can head over to my place and make yourselves at home! I've gotta go find Izuru-kun, and Yumi and Ikka, and Hanatarō, and I've gotta go see if maybe Nee-san-taichō and Isane-fukutaichō can also come. So I'll see you guys in a couple of minutes!" Not bothering to wait for a reply the youngest of the Unohanas ran off in the direction of Izuru's reiatsu.

She eventually found him at the graves of his parents. "...Well, I've done it." He said to the empty darkness.

With a gentle smile the dark eyed girl landed quietly behind the fragile blond. "Izuru-kun, I don't mean to interrupt anything, but I made a meal in celebration of our graduation. And I want you to celebrate with everyone!" She grinned widely, in hopes of making her friend smile too.

He turned to her and smiled kindly. "I'd love to come, I just wanted to visit my parents to let them know of my accomplishment."

"Well, I'm sure they're very proud of you! I know I am!" The smile on her lips spread wider, if at all possible. "I've gotta go invite some other people, so you can go meet Renji and Rukia at my place." Nodding softly, Izuru made his way to Kiriumi's home. Before leaving to find more of her friends, she quietly whispered, "You truly must be proud. Please, continue to watch over him." And then she was gone, leaving the grave site empty once again.

Next stop, fourth division. Not in surprising in the least, Hanatarō was out sweeping the division entrance. Before he was even aware of her presence, he found himself enveloped in a tight hug. "Oh, Kiriumi-san!"

"Hi, Hana-chan! I'm having dinner at my place to celebrate graduating from the academy!" Setting him down in front of her, she looked down at him and gave him the best "cute" look she could muster. "You're coming, right?"

"Of course, just let me go put some things away." He smiled up at her.

"Great! Just head over to my home, okay? A couple people should be there already. I'll be there after I talk to Nee-san-taichō and Isane-fukutaichō, and some friends in the eleventh division." Leaving Hanatarō to get to that, she headed deeper into the fourth division. She quickly found her older sister and Isane in the captains office, going over paperwork. "Hi, Nee-san-taichō! Hi, Isane-fukutaichō! I was wondering if you guys could come to the celebration dinner I'm having."

Smiling kindly at her younger sister, Unohana shook her head. "I'm sorry, Kiriumi-chan, but we're quite busy tonight. Zaraki-taichō drilled his underlings, so there are quite a few injured, and we're needed here."

Feeling slightly disappointed, Kiriumi frowned. "Okay, I'll just bring you both some food later." Smiling again, she quickly waved to them and made her way to the eleventh division, which she had come to know quite well.

As expected, Ikkaku and Yumichika were out enjoying the fresh summer evening. What wasn't quite expected was that Yachiru and Kenpachi were there with them. The young pink haired girl was busy trying to catch all of the fireflies that were around. Being careful to land directly on Ikkaku's stomach, the cook joined their party. "Good evening, Kiri-chan." Yumichika smiled at her.

"Hi, Yumi-chan! Hi--" Before she could finish greeting everyone, Ikkaku shoved her off, causing her to fall on her ass. "Ikka, that was mean!" She whined.

He snorted. "It's your own damn fault! You shouldn't of jumped on me like tha-ow!!" Kiriumi had already gotten up and pulled Ikkaku into a rather uncomfortable head-lock.

"What was that, luck-luck-boy? And to believe I was about to invite you to dinner!" As they continued to wrestle, Kenpachi noticed how good she honestly was. Ikkaku couldn't really pin her down.

Meanwhile, Yumichika took note of her mentioning dinner. "Oh, Kiriumi, did you make one of your oh-so beautiful meals?"

Looking up from her current position of pulling Ikkaku's leg in a way it most definitely shouldn't be pulled, she smiled. "Why yes I did! I made a celebratory dinner for Renji, Izuru and I, who graduated, and I was inviting some of my friends! Renji, Rukia-chan, Izuru-kun, and Hanatarō-chan should already be there. Nee-san-taichō and Isane-fukutaichō couldn't come though. So I was stopping by to invite you guys! Although I'm not sure if Ikkaku deserves it," she said, giving his leg another pull, "but you're welcome to come, Yumi-chan! And if you'd like, Zaraki-taichō, you and Yachiru-fukutaichō are more than welcome to come!" That's when Ikkaku took the chance to flip their positions, so now he was sitting oh her stomach and holding her arms down with his legs, and her legs with his arms.

"You know I'd never pass up one of your meals." Yumichika smiled so beautifully he practically sparkled.

"I even made extra daifuku and steamed dumplings!" As Ikkaku got off of her, she soon found herself being tackled by Yachiru.

Climbing all over the young graduate, Yachiru was cheering. "Yay! I love sweets! Can we go, Ken-chan? Can we? Can we?!"

Kenpachi shrugged, gruffly mumbling, "Yeah, whatever."

Ikkaku stood up and brushed himself off. "This better be a good meal."

"When are my meals ever bad?" Kiriumi grinned, flipping her hair in a cocky manner. As everyone stood and prepared to leave, Yachiru jumped on Kenpachi's back. Grinning widely, the dark eyed girl jumped on Ikkaku's shoulders. "Onward to victory!" He didn't move. Glaring down at him, she continued, "Move or you don't get any food." Sighing in defeat, Ikkaku began flash stepping toward Kiriumi's home.

When they got there Renji and Izuru were talking together while Rukia and Hanatarō also made small talk. Jumping off Ikkaku, Kiriumi made her presence known. "Well, now that everyone's here, let the feast begin!"

Everyone began serving their own food and drink as they all chatted merrily amongst themselves. And that's basically how the night went, everyone just generally having a good time, enjoying the food, some getting a little drunk. Izuru, Rukia and Hanatarō were the first to leave, but Renji soon followed. Though the eleventh squad, along with Kiriumi of course considering it was her home, stayed later.

"So," Yumichika began, sipping his sake, "what are you going to do next? Do you know what squad you'll be put on?"

Leaning back, and setting down her specialty tea, Kiriumi sighed. "You know, I'm not quite sure. Nee-san-taichō said that she would love having me around, but Renji told me I have a better knack for causing damage than healing it. There's word going around that most of the graduates are being placed in the fifth squad, but I don't think I'd really fit in there." Lowering her gaze to her lap she noticed that Yachiru had fallen asleep there. "Oh, she fell asleep. I guess it is pretty late for her. Here I'll take her back to the eleventh division and put her in bed."

As the three men watched the two girls leave, a fairly comfortable silence settled over them. Until Kenpachi broke it. "You two think she'd be good in our squad?"

"Of course." The two answered simultaneously.

"She's quite determined, and loves a good fight just about as much as anybody else in our division." Yumichika added.

"Kiri-chan's always been violent, puttin' her in our squad might help put that violence to good use. Hell, she could probably even make fourth seat! We all know the fifth squad wouldn't do shit for her." Ikkaku snorted.

Kenpachi nodded, letting the silence settle over them again. And just like when she had left, Kiriumi returned to a generally silent home. "Well, she's happily sleeping in her own bed. I hope things haven't been too boring around here."

"No, I think we're set." Ikkaku grinned, refilling his cup of sake.

"Well then," she carefully stacked several dirty plates on top of each other, taking them into the kitchen, "I hope you all don't mind if I clean up a bit then."

"Oh, Kiri-chan, that can wait! You should come have a drink with us!" Yumichika smiled, pouring some sake into an empty cup.

Looking at the food which could spoil if she didn't put it away, the dark eyed girl debated in herself. "But the food--"

Her sentence was cut short when she felt a strong hand pull her down onto a seat. Under the curious eyes of the young woman, Kenpachi shifted slightly. "It's your party, you should enjoy it. Plus those two will help you later anyway." He motioned to Ikkaku and Yumichika who were sitting across the table from them. Then he put the cup Yumichika had poured in front of her. "Go ahead, have a drink."

Examining the drink set before her, she smiled. "Oh hell, why not?" She then proceeded to down the drink, shuddering at the bitter taste.

Kenpachi grinned widely, "Now that's more like it."

That's it for now. We'll skip a little bit ahead next, to where Kiriumi's part of the eleventh squad along with Renji.

"Horray! Renji's definitely one of my best buddies!" The young shinigami grinned. "And maybe some romance will show up soon!"

Yup. Kenpachi totally digs his own sort of way.......yeah...

"Well, he's a great captain. And he's actually much deeper than most would assume. But, you'll have to find out about that later" Kiriumi smiled, playfully sticking her tongue out at the audience.

So, adieu my friends, until next time!