Another Chapter with a HUGE gap... sorry peeps. I am writing and trying to finish/continue stories, so i hope your real patient. All i can promise is i wont leave any of these unfinished, promise :) xx hugs

The next morning Daniel woke to the unmistakable aroma of Christmas morning – or at least how he'd always imagined it should be. He turned over stretching, enjoying the general feeling of warmth, comfort and security he felt right at that moment.

After a few moments of enjoying just lying there he decided it was time to get up and shower. Daniel had a good feeling about what the day would hold for him, he'd even go as far as to say that he felt excited, something that he hadn't experienced for as long as he could remember at this time of the year.

Rolling over and sitting up Daniel grabbed his glasses from the night stand. As his eyes adjusted, he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing – a full, decoratively knitted, stocking. He hadn't woken to presents on the end of his bed for… well; he just couldn't remember it had been so long.

Remembering where he was, smiling and rubbing his hand through his sleep ruffled hair; Daniel grabbed the gifts and stumbled into his best friends' room.

Jack was still asleep. Grinning, the younger man pounced on his friend, the thrill of Christmas mornings long passed bringing back memories from his child hood and fuelling his excitement.

Jack groaned while aimlessly flapping away his attacker. "Daniel?"



"Presents, Jack, look !"

Jack rolled over squinting at his unusually excited friend. "Daniel, you're bouncing on my bed."

"I am?" Daniel suddenly realised what he was doing. Knees dug into the deep mattress, he was bouncing like an eight year old clutching his newly found stash of goodies. "Sorry, Jack, I'll get off." Daniel started to move away looking somewhat disappointed.

Coming around a little more, Jack recognised the 'puppy hit with a rolled newspaper' look on his friend and quickly shuffled up the bed trying to make his sleep addled mind function. "Hey, Danny, it's ok. Get over here and show me what Santa's left for ya."

Daniel cracked a small smile and a little less exuberantly sat by his friend. "Hey, you want me to pass your stocking too?"

"Course Danny, that would be great," Jack smiled genuinely.

The younger man gained a little more bounce while grabbing the stocking from the end of his friends bed before emptying the contents of his all over the bed.


"I'm the guest, Jack. I get to open presents first," the archaeologist grinned.

Jack rolled his eyes and watched Daniel grasp the largest gift and rip off the wrapping. "Oh Cool, it's that new Indianan Jones Lego game I wanted for X-Box," Daniel grinned before his forehead wrinkled. "Hey, how'd your parent's know I wanted this?"

Jack winked, "We do talk, Danny."

Now Daniel worried, "I hope what I've got them is ok?"

"Stop worrying, Daniel. It'll be fine."

Daniel smiled, "You gonna open one of your presents, Jack?"

"Ok, pass me one over here." Jack took the gift and shook it carefully near his ear.

"Oh, come on Jack, I'm waiting here." Daniel felt himself bouncing again, but right at this point he didn't care.

The Colonel rolled his eyes, "Ok, ok. " Sliding his fingers in the open crevices Jack tugged at the paper. "Cool, the fishing DVD I'd been looking at," the older man smiled.

"Ok you two, breakfasts ready and what have I told you about opening gifts before we eat, Jonathon?"

Daniel and Jack peered at the door framing the lady of the house who stood, hands on hips, wearing her ever present apron.

"Daniel did it," Jack grinned playfully.

Martha smiled, "Come on, you can shower and dress when we've eaten."

Deciding to feed Daniel's apparent enjoyment, Jack jumped to his feet and rushed past his Mom, "Catch me if you can, Danny!"

Daniel grinned, following his friend, "Coming!"

Martha stood back, observing the silliness and shook her head. "How old are these two?" she muttered to herself.

Crashing down the stairs and sliding into the kitchen, Jack came to a sudden standstill. Daniel ran into his still friend, not seeing straight away why jack had come to a dead stop.


"Colonel, Daniel, merry Christmas."