AN:EEP! I know its been a long time. I'm sorry . But me and Sarah spent last night writing this! (we talk too much, so we didn't get to write as much as i hoped...) and its for everyone that read it! even if you don't like it! PLEASE REVIEW :] No flames though, cause I'm not gonna pretend to be strong and say I'll use them to fuel some sort of metaphorical fire, cause really they'll just make me cry. :) I'M BACK TO SCHOOL NOW THOUGH! Stupid New Zealand summer... cooking me... oh man! I'm a fifth former now! Or Year 11 ! And to those of you in America, I'm pretty sure its tenth grade. I think.

ANYWAY about the school stuff in this story, I don't really know how American schools are. Here we have 2 classes, then morning tea (Interval, recess..whatever) for half an hour, then we had two more classes then we have an hour lunch break, then we have one last class then we go home. So if you get confused, even i don't know what I'm talking about when if comes to classes in this. :)

Disclaimer: Don't own. Sadly. If I owned either Bella wouldn't exist and neither would Ginny.

Chapter 4

Harry, having slept on his little dilemma with Jacob, found just the sort of magic that usually happened when you slept on something: the problem seemed to shrink in the morning light. He was therefore not feeling nearly as apprehensive as he did yesterday at the supermarket. Sure, he felt the butterflies in his stomach were fluttering incessantly, but Harry didn't feel constricted. If anything, this nervousness made him feel open and ready for anything.

So in this frame of mind Harry got out of the VW and walked into the car park. He looked around as he went, thinking to himself how Jacob got to school. He was even onto the exact sort of car he might own when he noticed something a little strange, and shiny. There was a car in car park, it truly stood out amongst the others. It was shiny. really really shiny. It was a Volvo, a really, really shiny Volvo, that shined. Shiny. Like, super-wicked-bright shiny. He was mesmerized by the shiny, which sadly, happened a lot. One time when he went to a jewelry shop to find something for Hermione's birthday he ended up entranced, staring at all things shiny for an hour and a half before leaving empty handed.

After snapping out of it, he continued walking down into the school thinking about who this car might belong to. As Harry walked down, he suddenly saw Jacob, half-concealed behind a wall. He then heard a soft feminine voice.

"Really, Jake. I don't know whats come over him. Hes just gone with Alice-"

The speaker stopped as Harry rounded the corner. She was quite a plain girl, and exceptionally pale, but not quite so much for Forks, next to Jacob however, it looked a little unhealthy. The girl stared at Harry, causing Jacob to turn around too, looking suprised.

"Oh, hey Harry," he said awkwardly. The girl looked at Jacob expectantly, obviously wanting an introduction. "Oh uh," Jacob started, "Bella, this is Harry. Hes new, from Britain. And Harry, this is Bella." He gave no explanation beyond that. Harry felt a little insecurity sneak up on him. Why were they looking so seriously just a moment before?

"Hi." Bella said, obviously playing the part of a friendly local girl to expel the tense atmosphere of only a few minutes ago.

"Uh, Hello." Harry said nervously. He patter down his fringe -not for any real reason, it was a habit he'd picked up. He didn't like the people staring at his scar, even in the muggle world. It was instinctive. The bell then rang, and all three of them departed for class in a cloud of goodbyes.

Harry remained throughout the morning strangely disconcerted about the girl, Bella. He had no doubt in his mind that Jacob truly liked him- in the 'crush' way of the word, at least. But he didn't understand how she fitted into Jacob's life. Was she into Jake as Ginny had been into him? No, she can't have. She'd said, after all 'I don't know what's come over him...' And so by lunchtime Harry was so preoccupied that he didn't notice someone sit down in front of him in the cafeteria.

"Hey, your names Harry, isn't it?"

Harry looked up, to see the girl from this morning.

"Yeah. And you're...Bella?"

She smiled "Are you Jacobs new friend or something?"

"Uh, I guess so..." Harry felt strangely awkward. He was so needlessly curious about her; was she important to Jacob? "And you... are you his friend?"

"Uh, Yeah." Confusion clouded her features as she looked at him strangely. A silence followed. Harry took out his lunch box without looking up at Bella. Luna made, this time around, what she had called 'Knedliky', a type of Czech food that was like a boiled dumpling, filled with pork and sliced. Harry tried to act as it there was nothing interesting about his lunch. He knew it didn't work, but he kept on keeping to himself. After finishing his Knedliky, he moved to his 'Rajska', a strange combination of meat, sauce and whipped cream. But this awkward eating was interrupted by-

"Bella." a voice said from over Harry's shoulder. Harry jumped. Behind him was perhaps the most stunning individual that he had ever seen. He was strangely reminded of veela as he took in the figures perfect posture, perfect accentuation of the nose, the posed balance of the shoulders- Harry only realised he had been staring when he head a couch from his other shoulder.

"Oh, hi Jake." Harry said, still quite unsettled. The perfect being gave Harry a calculating look, almost like Dumbledores, when something passed over the figures face, something like faint relief, perhaps?

"Oh, Edward! This is Harry, Jacob's new friend." Bella told them man. It passed over Edwards face again, this time slightly more -if Harry dared to think it- cheeky, and when he spoke the corners of his lips lifted slightly.

"Yes, of course, you must be such intimate friends."

Bella looked confused, but Jacob certainly didn't.

"I think its time for you to be getting along now." Jake said, with a slight glare towards Edward. Edward smiled, though by the look in his eyes you could tell he wasn't too fond of Jacob, took Bella's hand and walked off.

"What was that?" Harry asked, more curious than ever.

"That," Jacob accentuated the entire word in hate "was Edward Cullen." No further explanation was laid for Harry and for the rest of lunch they sat in silence.


Last period, Harry had English. His English teacher, persuaded that his apparent note taking was a sign of higher ability, had been moved to a class of more able-ability students. As he entered, he approached the teacher who was perhaps slightly more timid than most. He had large glasses, wore layers upon layers of brown and his desk was not so much a work space as a shrine to the greatness of beavers. Harry looked a little cautious, but was told to sit next to-

"Edward, would you mind?" the teacher asked, obviously out of politeness rather than Edwards liberty to refuse. Harry just wished this Edward guy would stop looking like he could see right through him. At least he doesn't know about my scar, Harry thought to himself. But no sooner had he thought that, than an exceptional change came over Edward. He now had a new look in his eye as he watched Harry, slightly weary and a tad fearsome. They both, however, remained silent until after their teacher (Mr. Collins) had finished his lecture. As they began to work on their activities, Edward broke the silence.

"What's that on your forehead?"

Harry turned to him slowly.

"Its just a cut."

"Did you hurt yourself?" Harry thought of his mothers screams a deadly flash of green.

"No, I didn't." At this Edward seemed to back off a bit before concentrating once again on his work, as if sensing the subject to be sensitive for Harry.

As the bell went, Harry left the building, going to wait outside for Luna as he thought about how...disappointing today had been.


Traumatised, Harry stared wide-eyed at the motor mouth in front of him.

Harry had been waiting outside for Luna to arrive, who was apparently coming a little late, when a youth showing far too much skin appeared out of nowhere, introducing herself as Jessica, before rapidly inquiring about his whole entire life and past residence. He kept getting a strange sense of Déjà vu whenever she fluttered her eyelashes or leaned forward, flashing him feral looks.

" must be so dreadful moving to boring old Forks after living in a place like London your whole life..." More eyelash movement. He was getting kind of worried, perhaps she needed to see a doctor about that?

Before he could inform her he was from Surrey, not London, he was interrupted by a loud shout.


Looking up, Harry saw Jacob Black making his way over. After winding his way past the few students milling around the school and reaching Harry, Jacob glared slightly at the bimbo hitting on his Harry, who quickly said her farewells and such before departing. Turning to Harry, he frowned slightly when an awkward silence descended on them.

"So.. How was classes today?" Jacob had to restrain the urge to awkwardly cough.

"Good, good. Met a few people, learnt...stuff." Harry didn't resist his urge and finished his sentence with a dainty little cough.

Before Jacob could comment about the weather or the lunch time specials, Luna rocked up in the Volkswagen, pulling up dangerously close to the two boys and crawling across to the passenger seat window, which had been wound down, and peeking over the windowsill, only her large grey eyes and forehead showing, with each hand clutching the door on either side of her head. She was trying to be inconspicuous and genuinely believed neither of the boys had seen her yet.

Harry looked at his friend who was barely inches away from her face before turning back to Jacob.

"Well my rides here, so I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Harry said, desperate to escape the awkward cloud surrounding them. Jacob kicked himself and cursed the day for making things award. "Of course, see you later!"

Harry smiled, the butterflies still going mad in his stomach. He smiled shyly and slowly climbed into the car after pushing Luna aside, waving as a blush crept up his neck.

Jacob smiled, happy to have gotten some Harry-Reaction that day and watched the strange vehicle leave the parking lot, taking the new centre of his universe with it.


"So, you no longer have to worry about Jacob chasing you now." Edward and Bella were quietly relaxing at the Cullens home, discussing anything and everything that came to mind.

"Really? Why's that?." Bella said, turning to face Edward completely, curious about whatever information he may have.

"Well, lets just say hes pretty infatuated with the new kid... and vice versa." Edward said, smiling slightly. Really, it was like a giant weight off his shoulders, and kinda cute. Not that he'd ever say that out loud and definitely not about a wolf.

"What?! Thats disgusting!" Bellas face was contorted in way that looked like she had swallowed something extremely foul.

"What do you mean 'disgusting'?" Edward was genuinely confused. Did he miss something as he skimmed over Harry's mind? Were they perhaps related or something?

"They're both guys! Its wrong!" Bella's eyes lit up with an angry, passionate fire that worried Edward to no end. Really, he had been around for a long time and had learnt a lot throughout his life, one thing being that prejudice never worked out well for the beholder.

"Love is love, Bella, no matter what age, location, race or sex. They haven't done anything gross, or wrong." Edward finished on a firm tone, that informed Bella that she wasn't going to be able to win this argument with the vampire any time soon, so she settled down and let it go, for now.

Thats it! :]

And Sarah actually wrote quite a bit of this, so claps to her :} Please don't forget to review ^-^