A/N: Okay this is kinda jumpy In the time frame but I think i made it clear when Changes but if Not ask and I'll explain.

.all.:I wrote most of this during Detention and Math class..hehe

Allen:What did you do to get Detention?

DISCLAIMER OF NON OWNERSHIP!! it would be logically that if I owned this i would not have a disclaimer of non ownership, OH WAIT I do, So it appears I don't own this, *sigh* killing my dreams...

"Kanda? Can I talk to you really quick?" The White haired Exorcist said.

"Wtf? Beansprout aren't you supposed to be in China?" The Stoic Japanese was sort of Shocked to see Allen- and not that he would ever admit, Glad.

" I just got back. But I'm about to leave again for Germany for a few months, but I wanted to talk to you first.....I-I uh I--"


"AHH! Lavi what do you want I'm kind of in the middle of something..."

"We have to ,This very minute." And without waiting for a reply, he simply started dragging Allen away, despite Allen's Struggling. Sometimes I really love this job.

"WHAT THE FUCK? Stupid Usasgi!! Bring Moyashi back here I was talking to him!" Wait why do I care?

Wait he cares?!? OMG HE CARES-Allen was way to shocked and utterly happy to say anything, not that he had to, Lavi said it first..

"Why? It's not like you care do you??"

"No you Stupid Rabbit, I just wanted to hear what he was going to say.

" Right of course, whatever you say Yuu-Chan. But of course I'll Bring Allen back. You just have to wait two months. BYE YUU-CHAN!!!!" A few people in the area were just knocked out by the sheer loudness of Lavi's voice.

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-A month and a half later-

Had anyone seen Kanda in the training room they would have been surprised to find him pacing back in forth in the room.

Why Can't I stop thinking about what my moyashi was going to say? Wait when did Allen suddenly become mine?

When you fell in love with him?Baka.

What I hate him hes the most annoying thing in the world.

And why does he annoy you? Is it because you love him but you can't have him?

Who says i can't have him? Why can't I?!

Ohhhhh so you do want him?.....

Shut up......

Just because I'm right you get all-


The yell from the Green Haired Asian girl snapped him out of his fighting.(A/N: I wonder who would really have won?)

"Che. Don't call me that, Lenalee what is it that you want?"

"Niisan wants to see you-Immeditaley."

Something was wrong. Lenalees voice wasn't light like it normally is. That's when Kanda noticed that her eyes were puffy and red, and how tense she is. Shes been crying.

"Leny whats wrong?" God, he hated using her nickname but it seemed to calm her down so Kanda dealt with it. When the stupid Rabbit wasn't around.

She immediately broke down and started clinging to Kanda. He was shocked and didn't like to be touched but he would never push away Lenalee when she was like this. What kind of man would he be? He was about to ask 'what happened' but she said it first.

In between sobs she choked out "Its Allen."

Those two words froze Kanda to the core and sent him spilling into thoughts.

"What the hell happened to him?" Even the great Stoic Kanda Yuu couldn't keep the concern from his voice.

"Hes really sick...And Lavi says it would be really Dangerous to move him yet and Komui agrees..Just please go see Komui."

Kanda was really freaking out now. Sick? He must be really sick for everyone to be this concerned.

"I will Leny, you just go get some sleep okay?"

"I'll try Kanda" With that said she gave him a hug one more time and walked off.

Sitting on a train to Germany he thought back to the events that had gotten him here.


Kanda practically flew into Komui's Office,"Whats wrong with Allen?"

"Kanda! you scared me."
"I don't care whats wrong with Allen?!"

Before starting Komui paused and took and deep breath, he was really starting to piss Kanda off. But Right before He was ready to pull out Mugen Komui finally spoke.

"Its his Innocence. Somethings happening to it. Normally It takes quite a bit of Allen's energy. Which is why he eats so much. But lately Allen hasn't been able to eat, anything. And with him not able to eat Clown Claw is going into Starvation mode and its starting to eat Allen's body. Its only been a few days since he last ate but already hes losing his strength at a rapid speed. From Lavi's report yesterday hes already having trouble doing things on his own. Kanda, if Allen doesn't get better soon, hes going to..die..."

What?! DIE? Thats not possible....not fair!

"And Lavi doesn't even know how to handle himself half the time let alone another person. So I was planning on sending Lenalee but shes-"

Had anyone been in the room with them and paying any attention at all to Kanda's face they would have realized that he clearly did not like that idea. And Kanda being who he is, Shouted his discomfort.

"I'm going. Lenalee is a mess right now she won't be able to take care of Allen let alone look at him in pain with out bursting out in tears. Do you want your precious baby sister to cry?"

And the sister-complex shouted even louder than Kanda did."NOOOOO NOT MY PRECIOUS BABY SISTER!"

Komui was slightly crying and mumbling 'Lenalee' but Kanda couldn't care less, actually he could.(A/N: Isn't that a scary thought?)

"That's what I thought, Which leaves us with only one person, me.
No one is touching my moyashi....

"Uhhh okayyyy...This is shocking but I'm not going to say you can't go if you want to, but are you sure-"

A deep growl emitted low in the samurai's chest.

"When does the next train leave.

A/N TIME!!!! Okay so I planned on this being a oneshot but its getting long(for me anyway) and I'm getting Road blocks in my head, So!! I'm going to post this and then when I finish the rest of it I'll post that...This will end up being a Two-shot, maybe more who knows...