The day that changed his life Part 1

Jack had woken up that morning with a feeling of doom. He had no idea where the feeling had come from. SG1 were going through the gate but it was to a deserted planet. There was no sign of life. I must be getting old he thought, worrying about nothing. He showered , dressed and got ready to leave. He had a briefing at 7am so he decided to have breakfast at the commissary.

Half an hour later he was sitting opposite one of the usual reasons for him to have a headache. "Put that book down and eat up, Daniel." Jack said. It had no effect. Daniel was engrossed in his book. Jack grabbed the book, slammed it shut, pointed at Daniel's breakfast and said, "EAT!"

"Yes, dad," Daniel retorted. A couple of Marines who were sitting at the next table snorted into their coffee. They quickly lowered their eyes looking as if their breakfast had become very interesting. It was not a good idea to annoy O'Neill. No one on the base apart from Daniel would dare speak to O'Neill like that and sometimes even he should have known better. And this morning was one of those times. Jack's headache was getting worse.

"One of these days, young man, and I'm going to show you exactly what my father would have done to me if I spoke like that to him," he said softly as he leant close to Daniel's ear. Daniel blanched and quickly started to eat his breakfast. How was it that Jack could make him feel like a child, it wasn't as if Jack acted grown up all the time.

"Sorry," he muttered round a piece of toast. He looked up at the clock.

"You've got time to finish it," Jack said. "We've to be in the briefing room for 7."

"Did General Hammond not speak to you?" Daniel asked.

Jack's headache started to get worse. "What did he not tell me?"

"Oh! It's just that SG4 need an archaeologist to go with them to PX3 5T6 and they asked for me."


"Why what?" Daniel asked.

"Don't be obtuse, Daniel, you're the linguist. Why did they ask for you? There are plenty of other people available."

"Well.....," Jack just knew this would become a long tale.

"Just the facts Daniel, no long winded explanations." Jack stared at him.

God Daniel hated this. Jack made him feel about 5, he always started to babble and go off at tangents when Jack did this. After all he was a grownup he could choose to go off world with another team, especially if he wasn't needed by SG1. He didn't need Jack O'Neill's permission.

"Well they found a ruined city and they've found some interesting artefacts and John spoke to me about them and they sound really interesting and I spoke to General Hammond and he said I could go with them." It all came out in a rush but he'd said it. He hadn't mentioned the fact that General Hammond had asked if he'd spoken to Jack but he really didn't have to ask Jack, He was the Head of the Archaeology department not Jack.

"And you didn't think to ask me?" Jack's voice was dangerously low.

"I'm telling you now Jack. You don't need me today and this sounds so interesting, I knew you wouldn't mind."

Jack's head felt as if it was going to explode. Now he was worried. Daniel needed at least a full team of Marines to keep him out of trouble. He'd have to speak to Major Harrison, leader of SG4. "Okay, Daniel but remember..."

Daniel interrupted, "Don't touch anything, look or photograph, I know Jack, you say this every time."

"I know I do but it doesn't stop you and I won't be there to stop you."

"I don't need a nanny you know. I have looked after myself for years. Just because you're not with me doesn't mean something's going to happen." Daniel got up and left. Although he moaned to Jack about fussing over him, he actually quite liked it. When he was young no one had bothered about him and it felt good to have someone care, even though he wasn't about to admit it.

Meanwhile Jack had gone to see Major Harrison and given him explicit instructions on the care of one accident prone and trouble finding archaeologist. He also left him in no doubt what would happen to someone who let said archaeologist get himself into trouble. Major Harrison was quietly confident that Colonel O'Neill wouldn't do what he threatened but he was going to keep a close eye on Dr. Jackson and any way how much trouble could one man find.

About 6 hours later Major Harrison had the answers to most of these questions. The look Jack O'Neill had thrown him when he'd raced down the ramp would have put fear into Anubis himself.

Jack had been just about ready to head back to the gate when Hammond had sent the message that he was needed back on Earth asap. He had shouted on Teal'c and Carter to follow him. Awful thoughts ran through his mind as he sprinted to the gate. What the hell had Daniel done now?

"He's in the infirmary, " was all that General Hammond said as he ran through the gate. Jack could hear screaming coming from the direction of the infirmary.

Jack ran, when he reached the entrance to the infirmary he saw a group of doctors and nurses around a bed. They moved as he entered.

A small blond haired boy was sitting in the cot bed screaming. As the people moved the child saw Jack. He held up his arms as Jack moved forward. The screaming stopped.

"Daddy!" he cried as Jack lifted him up. Jack wrapped his arms around the small child. "Home, daddy, please."

"Yes, we're going home, Danny." And Jack turned around and headed for the lift. His top priority had now become a small blond boy who called him daddy. His headache had miraculously disappeared.