Disclaimer: Totally don't own Gundam…just like to borrow the characters for a bit and play with them

Pairings: 1x2 3x4 1xOC

Author's Note: So I am finished this story actually, no idea why this seriously took my mind, but it did and it's sort of a short fluffy piece feel good. As always feedback appreciated, and thanks for reading.

Story: The war is five years over, everyone is moving on with life. Duo however is still very much in love with Heero, unfortunately Heero is involved with someone else. When things change however, Duo will get his chance.

If Only You Knew

Part 1 - Yesterday

Duo's fingers stilled on the keyboard as he herd the front door close, and the sound of men's muffled voices. Clenching his hands into first Duo looked down at his desk not really seeing the wooden top. His mind was down the hall at the door….with Heero and that….that….David. Not moving he listened as goodnights were said and what sounded like a kiss before the door closed again. Standing he moved to the door casually opening it as Heero was walking by.

"Oh…hey Heero home already?" Duo smiled tightly looking at his roommate. "Yeah, Dave has work in the morning we decided to call it an early night." Leaning against the doorframe of his room Duo looked over the top of his glasses at his best friend. "Ahhh see well, anyways I'm going to shower before bed I'll see you in the morning then." Moving past the shorter man he moved into the bathroom, "Night Heero…" he called closing the door behind him. Standing in the hall looking at the closed door he paused several seconds. Something was off with Duo….finally shrugging he turned humming on his way to bed.

Inside the bathroom Duo leaning against the bathroom door jerked his head back against the hard wood. "Stupid…stupid Duo…" sighing heavily he heaved himself off the door moving to the shower. Soon he was under the hot water trying to relax, letting the water work through his long hair he let him mind drift. It had been five years….five long years since the war had ended.

He still remembered that night vividly, Heero had shown up at his hotel room door looking lost and lonely. They had talked long into the night, more so then they ever had before. He and Heero had always been close, the best of friends…but Duo…Duo had loved Heero since he'd met him. From the very beginning. He had wanted to tell Heero that night, but he had not wanted to ruin the mood.

Soon they had moved to Earth together to share and apartment trying to set up their lives. Duo had thought to wait till they had settled into their new lives, then maybe bring it up. It never seemed the right time. Heero had turned down the Preventor's job deciding to take up with a computer firm, doing everything from design to security. Duo himself had accepted the job, but it was never really fixed, he worked bizarre hours, doing everything from mechanical work and explosives, to research and filing. He got the odd assignments sending him all over the globe, but he was never gone long. He did not like to leave Heero alone for long.

The months had turned to years and before Duo knew it they had been living together for four years when Heero introduced him to David. David was one of the big wigs at Heero's firm, top notch designer , suave sophisticated…everything Duo wasn't. He had almost felt his heart tearing from his chest as Heero introduced the slim athletic and tremendously handsome David to him. For the first time in a long while Duo felt awkward and unsure in his adult self. Still he had sucked it up smiling and attempting to get to know this David.

Turning off the shower he stepped out grabbing his dark towel off the rack right next to Heero's baby blue one. Moving to the mirror he wiped he steam off looking at himself in the wet glass. Running his hands of the days worth of bristle on his face. What did David have that he didn't? Standing up straight he looked at his shoulders, they were too wide, he looked at his well muscled chest, and arms, hard physical labour showed. David was slim as a reed, tonned but not overly muscled like Duo, his body was manufactured at the gym…Duo wasn't one for working out much, but Preventors work kept him tough. Looking at his callused and scarred hands he winced, David had soft well manicured hands. "David is flipping perfect…" he muttered to himself running a brush through his long hair going through the process of getting it ready for the night.

"All those suits, cost more then my entire years salary…" grunting he worked out a tangle, Duo's idea of dressing up was a suit coat over his t-shirt. "Buys him all these expensive gift," sighing Duo finally got his hair righted around towel still firmly around his waist he moved into his bedroom shedding the towel for a pair of fresh boxers moving to his laptop he hit the play button on his music list humming along as he tidied up his small room. Yes, he was rather neat now having grown out his adolescent hyperness. Still moving around he heard the cue on his Mac telling him he had a message. Moving to his black Mac he looked at who was talking to him, it was Quatre. Of course he kept in touch with everyone it was amazing, people seemed to open up to him. He had acted as confidant to pretty much everyone….even Heero.

He knew all sorts of things he would never tell a soul, but some of those things…he would have been happier not knowing. Chatting with Quatre for a bit he realized he'd forgotten his glasses in the bathroom, grabbing his towel he left his room again not really paying attention he bumped into Heero who was currently exiting the small bathroom. Duo who had been moving quickly hit his secret love with a thud causing the smaller man to ricochet backwards. "Whoa! Heero!" not even thinking Duo grabbed the slimmer man pulling him close in an effort to steady him.

Heero for his part was surprised at first then suddenly…well he wasn't sure what he felt. Strong warm arms surrounded him pulling him close, and Heero was looking into a lot of tanned, well muscled chest. "You ok?" the question came from somewhere above his head, Duo was rather tall, about six two last time Heero had heard. Nodding Heero pulled away feeling sort of flushed and giddy….something he had not felt in a long time. Letting his roommate go he smiled down at the shorter man, "Better watch where I'm going eh?" still grinning he moved around Heero into the bathroom. Heero sort of shell shocked watched as he grabbed his glasses putting his towel back on the rack.

Pushing the square wire frames up on his nose he left again passing by Heero on his way to his room. "Duo!" Heero blurted out, not really knowing what he wanted to say, just knowing he wouldn't mind looking at the almost nude Duo some more. Turning back Duo smiled, "Yeah Heero?" caught the blue eyes man stuttered racking his brain for something. "Ummm….you….ummm you working tomorrow?" blinking Duo's brow furrowed in thought, "No…no actually not tomorrow day off. Why do you ask?" Heero racked his brain again, "I ummm…I got some new movies maybe we could watch them?" Nodding Duo smiled wider, "Sure I love movies."

Heero tried hard not to blush as he waved Duo a good night heading for his own room quickly shutting the door and leaning against the cool wood. What on earth was wrong with him? The last couple of months he'd found himself watching Duo more and more. Thinking about Duo more, even when he was with David. He could not understand it, he felt comfortable with David safe….not that he didn't feel safe with Duo he just, he felt hot, and bothered as well as awkward and unsure of himself. He was always worried about the way he looked around Duo, what he was saying or doing.

He loved David he was sure he did…even though they had not yet had sex. Heero felt he hadn't been ready when they first met, he was still learning once more how to feel, how to be emotional and he hadn't been sure at the time whether intimacy was the best course for him. But now, now with David there was no spark…even when they kissed, Duo found himself wondering what Duo's lips would taste like, if all that smooth bronze flesh was as taught as it looked like. Moving too snuggle into his sheets he turned off the lights he sighed softly, trying too think of David. David nicely tonned body, David kind smile and gentle teasing, Duo broad shoulders…Duo callused hands running all over his body. Heero smiled as his blissfully drifted off too sleep dreaming of his best friend.