AN- Hey everybody! I know I have like...3 stories unfinished and I really should not be adding another one to that list, but lately, D2: The New Ducks has been begging me to write it's sequel. And I am a sucker for begging, I'll you that. Without further ado, I present to you (haha, that rhymed!) D3: High School. This takes place about two years after D2, and they are all 15.

Charlie bounced on the balls of his feet, looking over heads and around bodies.

"Calm down, Charlie." said a voice in his ear.

He turned to his best friend, Connie Moreau and grinned. "I'm excited. Sue me."

"I'm excited too, you know. It's been a long time since I've seen Julie."

"I'm the boyfriend." he flicked her ear. "I win."

Connie rolled her eyes and muttered something about boys. Charlie ignored her and continued to search for Julie Gaffney's face in the crowd of people. When he first found out that the Ducks had gotten scholarships to Eden Hall, he wasn't too thrilled. When he found out that Ducks had meant all the Ducks, including those who joined for Team USA, he was a little thrilled. And, when he found out Julie was coming to Eden Hall, he was ecstatic.

He'd be able to walk down the hallway with his girlfriend. He'd be able to see his girlfriend every day. He'd be able his girlfriend before class. He'd have a girlfriend in the same state. He was very, very happy.

So was his girlfriend.

When Julie had received her scholarship, she immediately called Connie. The moment Connie picked up the phone, they both began screaming about Eden Hall and being in Minnesota and how totally awesome it was. Next, Julie called Charlie, who was totally ecstatic.

She would be sharing a dorm room with Connie and she couldn't wait.

As Charlie and Connie awaited the arrival of their girlfriend/best friend, Julie was stepping off the plane, chatting animatedly with the person next to her. It was her father.

"Now, Julie." her dad began in a stern tone. "I've heard some rumors you might be getting a new coach."

Julie froze right where she was and a couple people ran into her.

"Where did you hear that?" she asked.

"Bombay called me the other day. He explained that he won't be at Eden Hall, that you guys would be in good hands. Sweetie, if you don't like this guy, you can come straight home, ok?"

Julie nodded and her father swept her up in a big hug. "I love you, Cat."

"I love you too, Dad." she sniffled slightly. It was going to be different for her. Sure, she managed to live in L. A for a few months during the Good Will Games, but now, she'd be spending the entire school year away from her dad and mom.

Her father led her into the airport where they grabbed her bags and began looking around for Charlie and Connie. Because the dorms weren't ready yet, Julie would be staying with Connie until they were. The Moreau's were thrilled to be having her,and Julie couldn't wait to talk to Connie about a certain important thing she'd mentioned in her last E-mail.

Finally, they spotted Charlie, still bouncing, while Connie tried to calm him. It was no use, the moment he saw Julie, he bolted, weaving around people and suitcases, until he got to her. He picked her up and Julie laughed, hugging him tightly as they spun around.

Connie arrived just as he was putting Julie down. He almost kissed her, until he noticed her father standing a few feet away. "Hey, Jules. Welcome back."

Julie smiled at him. "Hey, Charlie."

Connie hugged her next. Her father walked over to Charlie.

"Hello, Charlie. Good to see you." he said, holding out his hand.

"You too, Mr. Gaffney." he said, taking the offered hand.

The last time these two met was when the Ducks had come back home from their camp out. All the parents had flown to Minnesota for a celebratory party and...he might have caught them kissing. It was slightly awkward and Charlie really hoped he hadn't held that against him.

"Daddy." Julie said, stepping away from Connie.

Mr. Gaffney cleared his throat and opened his arms once more. Charlie and Connie stepped away to give them some privacy. They broke apart, he kissed his daughter's head and stepped back as she walked over to her friends. Charlie took her bags and led the way out of the airport. Julie turned and waved to her father, who waved back.

"That was nice of him, to fly this whole way for you." Connie said.

Julie shook her head. "He actually has a business meeting in St. Paul. Some guy from his company is coming to pick him up."

"Oh." Connie said as they exited the building.

Charlie led the way to Connie mom's car. Mrs. Moreau opened the trunk for him and rushed over to hug Julie.

"Hi, Mrs. Moreau, thank you for letting me stay with you."

"Of course, sweetie. And call me Karen."

"Ok, Karen." Julie said, smiling politely.

Karen and Connie got in the car as Charlie closed the trunk. He made to open Julie's door for her, planting a quick kiss on her lips. Julie got into the car, smiling brightly.

Yep, it was good to be back.

They dropped Charlie off first, who promised to call her tomorrow. Julie smiled and, while Karen and Connie looked pointedly away, leaned over and kissed him.

They drove to Connie's house and her father came out to get he bags. After greeting him, Connie led Julie into the house and up to her room.

"Sorry we have to share. The sibs have the other rooms." Connie explained.

Julie sank down on the camper bed, that was obviously for her, and waved her hand. "It's no big deal. I'm just glad I get to stay here with you. We haven't talked in ages."

"We haven't." Connie agreed.

" wanted to talk about something. You never gave me much detail, just that it was something important."

"Later." Connie said quickly as her father entered the room with Julie's bags.

"Thanks, daddy." Connie said.

"Yeah, thanks Mr. Moreau."

"No sweat, girls. Have fun." he told them.

"So, how are Jeff and Lauren?" Julie asked.

"Jeff's good. He's got a new girlfriend, actually." Connie laughed. "My brother, the ultimate player."

"And Lauren?"

"She's good. She's been looking into colleges lately. She does graduate next year. She's totally jealous about Eden Hall."

Julie laughed. "How have the Ducks been?"

"Great." Connie said, smiling. "We spent the summer, goofing around as always. Charlie really missed you."

Julie blushed. "I missed him too. I missed the Bash Brothers a lot, too. I really want to see Dean."

"You guys have been emailing?"

Julie nodded.

Connie grinned. "Don't let Charlie hear you say that."

Julie rolled her eyes. "He knows. And he doesn't care. Dean's like....the big brother I always wanted, you know?"

"I thought you already had two brothers?" Connie asked.

"It's a figure of speech, Connie." Julie said. "Besides, Dean is less annoying than my brothers."

Connie laughed.

"I haven't heard from him in a while, though. Not since we got the scholarships."

"I'm sure Fulton knows when he's coming." Connie said. "Wanna go get something to eat? Mickey's should be open."

"Yes, but before we do, spill already!" Julie exclaimed.

Connie laughed and went to close her door. "Guy and I broke up."

"What?" Julie gasped.

The last time she had seen Connie and Guy together was about about two years ago, when she first met the Ducks. They were so happy, always all over each other, and totally in love. "What happened?"

Connie shrugged. "It was a long time coming. After the Good Will Games, we kind of started to drift apart. Even the Ducks noticed. Of course, it was heartbreaking when it ended. I was pretty miserable, and so was he."

"So, why didn't you guys get back together?" Julie asked.

"That wasn't what we wanted. We needed time apart, I guess. Charlie was really helpful, he kept coming over to watch movies and stuff. Adam was really helpful too."

Julie noticed the blush creeping up Connie's face. "No way."

"We started hanging out more, Adam and I. One day....I."

"Kissed him?" Julie asked.

"No! I realized I had feelings for him. Nothing happened though, nothing probably will." Connie sighed and sank down onto her bed.

"Why not?" Julie asked.

"Uh, because, he's a Duck. I'm Guy's ex, I'm pretty sure there's some twisted code about not dating someone a friend/teammate has broken up with. Plus, he just thinks of me as a friend. That's it."

"Oh, Cons." Julie was sympathetic.

Connie shrugged again. "It's no big deal. I should get over it pretty soon." she stood up. "Let's go to Mickey's now, ok?"

Julie nodded and the girls left her room. After alerting her parents to where they were going, they left.

Mickey's was pitch black when they arrived.

"Er...Connie? I think it's closed."

"Hmm. Let's go in anyway."

As Connie led the way inside, Julie rolled her eyes. Did she think she was really that stupid?

Her question was answered as Connie flipped on the lights and everyone jumped up to shout. "Surprise!"

"Oh, wow, this is surprising." Julie said, trying to muster enough surprise in her voice.

She was hugged from everyone. Dwayne, Luis, and Kenny had already flown and in were also staying with various Ducks. She spotted Charlie in the background, chatting with Adam, and made her way over.

"Hey." she said.

"Hey." he said back, leaning down to kiss her. It lasted for several minutes and Julie felt alive all over. She really missed this boy.

"Hi Julie." Adam said, very pointedly and they broke apart.

Julie smiled at her boyfriend's best friend/very good friend of hers and hugged him.

"Hey, Banksie, how've you been?"

"Pretty good. My dad is thrilled about Eden Hall."

Julie smiled and glanced around the room. Her smile slipped off her face as she realized something. "Where's Jesse?"

She saw Charlie and Adam exchange a look. "Guys?"

"His family moved away a few months ago. Before we got the scholarships." Charlie said.

"Where did they go?" she asked.

"Michigan." Adam answered.

"Then, surely, he'd be able to go here....right? I mean, it doesn't matter where you live, all us non-Minnesotians are here."

"His family didn't want him coming." Adam finally said.

"Why not?" Julie demanded.

This wasn't fair, Jesse was a part of the team. He'd been a Duck since they started. He deserved to be here!

Charlie shrugged. "No idea."

Julie saw Adam's eyes and realized he knew something Charlie didn't.

"I'm gonna go help my mom bring out the food. I'll see you later."

He kissed Julie's cheek and headed towards the backroom. Julie immediately turned to Adam.

"Bombay isn't coming back. When Jesse's parents heard that, when Jesse heard that, they all refused the scholarship. Everyone knows but Charlie."

"Why hasn't coach told him?" Julie asked.

"You know Charlie loves coach like a dad. It's gonna kill him to know he's not coming back. He's saving Charlie for last."

"He'd better tell him before school starts." Julie muttered.

Adam nodded in agreement as Connie walked over.

"Hey guys. Enjoying the party, Jules?"

"Yep. Why am I the only one who got one?"

"You're not." Connie answered. "The other Ducks got here before you did. They all had a party at Mickey's. Weren't you surprised?"

She caught Adam's eye, who nodded, and smiled. "Totally surprised."

Connie beamed and turned to Adam. "Excited about Eden Hall, Banksie?"

He nodded. "It should be fun, the Ducks all together and stuff."

Guy walked over to their little posse and smiled at Julie.

"Hey Jules. Welcome back."

She hugged him. "Hey Guy."

They pulled apart and she carefully watched Connie as Guy started a conversation with them. She looked a little uncomfortable hanging around with him, but her gaze kept directing itself toward's Adam. Guy didn't seem to notice, and neither did Adam. Boys.

"I'm gonna go walk around, see you guys later."

Julie turned to find Fulton. She wanted to see him, and ask about Dean. She spotted him in conversation with Dwayne and Averman. She walked over and poked him. He turned and smiled brightly at her.

"Hey, Cat." he said, giving her a big hug.

"Hey Fult. How was your summer?"

He shrugged. "Pretty good. The Ducks hung out, but you probably guessed that."

She nodded. "Any word from Portman?"

He shook his head. "He stopped emailing you too, huh?"

"Yeah. I was kind of hoping you would have heard from him. School starts in a few days.....shouldn't he be here by now?"

"I'm sure he'll get here." Fulton said, but there was an uncertainty in his voice.

Julie suddenly thought of Jesse and wondered....what if Dean had felt the same way? She brushed that thought aside. He'd want to be here, with her and Fulton and the Ducks. She knew that.

Fulton glanced behind her and grinned. "See you later, Jules." He turned back to his conversation just as Julie felt someone take her hand. She smiled too and followed him outside the restaurant.

Charlie turned around and grinned at her. "Hey."

"Hey." she whispered.

She wanted to say something poetic and sweet. She wanted to tell him just how much she'd missed him, with his curly hair and bright blue eyes. She wanted to let him know how much she thought of his smile and how much she'd longed to hear his voice.

He placed his hands on her waist and leaned down to kiss her again, this time more passionately and, Julie realized, all that could wait until later.

She was home.

AN- Well, this was chapter 1. I have no clue when I'm going to update again. Hopefully soon....anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!