Umm...Ta DA! :D I wrote the next chapter! Hooray! (How is that a hooray? It's been how long again?) Shut up Mya. Anyway! It has been a really long time since I last updated, and I know you guys are probably expecting a great chapter and such and such. Instead, What I am going to do, is I'm going into flashback mode! (OMG 70's HERE WE COME!!) o.0; Mya, I didn't mean us, I meant were going to show Jack and Chaos' past, so the readers understand what happened. (Oh...) Why exactly would you want to go to the 70's? (...) ...Right, anyway!

PLEASE ENJOY THIS CHAPTER WHICH WAS SUPPOSED TO BE UP AGES AGO! XD (since the nut forgot to tell you, this is taking place around 5 years ago ok? So Jack was 11 and Chaos was 16. Get it? Got it? GOOD! ;)

"Jack! Chaos! Quit running around, you'll break something!" Queen Vivian scolded her children. Today was the day of celebration, the day the kingdom was born. Around 17 thousand years ago today, a group of different kinds of aliens landed here, and began to build what was today the Kingdom of Sephora. Many generations have gone, and every year they would celebrate with great feasts, tons of games, and a huge party for everyone to enjoy. Also, today was also Prince Jack's twelth birthday.

"But mom, Chaos keeps punching me!" The birthday boy complained, while Chaos stuck her tongue out. "Birthday punches for the birthday boy dummy." Queen Vivian rolled her eyes. Her children loved each other very much, but they could be so silly when they argue.

"Kids, I think you should be getting ready for the ceremony, it's in 20 minutes. Chaos you need to get your hair done, and Jack you need to wash your face. Now get moving you two." Vivian pointed to the stairs which lead to their chambers.

"Yes mother." Both children said in unision. They ran up the steps to do as they told, but before they made it to the stairs, Chaos punched Jack's arm, and shouted: "TWELVE! HAHA GOT YOU JACK!" Then Chaos was running up the steps, away from her angered brother.

() () () () () ()15 minutes later() () () () () ()

Both kids sat fidgeting in their seats. The cutain hadn't been raised yet, but both were nervous, worried they might ruin their speeches. Chaos looked over at her younger brother, then decided to give him his present now, to help him calm down at least.

"Hey Jack, want to open a gift now?" Chaos asked, which Jack gasped.

"But mom said I can't open the gifts until the ceremony was over!"

"Well this is different, this is my gift. Now here." Taking it out of her pocket, she handed the box to Jack, who took it with hesistant hands. "Go on, you'll love it."

Jack took a deep breath, then ripped the wrapping paper off the box, then opened the top of it. Jack's eyes widened and a grin spread over his face.

"I knew you'd love it. I remember how badly you begged mom for them. I got them the very next day." Inside the box was a pair of goggles, the lenses were yellow with a red swirl in them. Jack had been needing a new pair, since his last pair broke because of an expirement of his gone wrong.

"Oh my gosh thank you Chaos! Thank you times a zillion!" Jack started jumping a bit in his seat, then leaned over and hugged his sister.

"Here, lets put them on. Now hold still...and viola!" Jack now had the googles atop of his head, fitting perfectly and matching his outfit. Jack smiled, and before he could say anything else, the curtain raised, and the crowd cheered as Queen Vivian walked up to the podium. Raising a hand, the crowed quieted.

"Fellow creatures, we are here today, to rejoice and celebrate the anniversary of our humble home being born. Before we begin the party, we have Prince Jack and Princess Chaos reading a small speech. first we have Princess Chaos reading her part." Backing away, Chaos rose and went over to the podium.

"Today, we live in harmony. Today, all rivalries we have formed vanish, and friendships are made, even if only for a day. Today is the day we have perfect peace in the kingdom, and rejoice for everything we have made, started, and accomplished. I hope we stay as strong as we are today for another millenium. Thank you." chaos back away from the stand and people once again began to clap and cheer. Queen Vivian raised her hand up and once again the crowd fell silent. "And now, we have Prince Jack with his speech." Jack gulped and nervously went over to the podium. He smiled at his mother and sister, then turned to the crowd.

"Um...hi. I..." Jack paused an took a deep breath. He tired to bite back his stuttering and continued. "I hope that everyone is happy today. Not only because of the fact it is the kingdoms anniversery, but because we all deserve to be. It's not the party, or the feast, or the celebration that makes today special, it's the fact that all of you have been here long enough to make it this way. You to keep everything in perfect condition, you who keeps the peace of everything. I know that you all are very different, but I am glad that you have set aside your differences for so long that you are able to keep everything peaceful. I thank all of you for being...well, you." Jack smiled and felt his heart beating a mile a minute. the crowd began to clap once again, and Jack felt his face heat up, but it didn't last for long.

"JACK! LOOK OUT!" Jack whipped his head around to face his mother, who pushed him out of the way. A bang was head, and everyone watched as the Queen fell. Nobody moved.

"MOM!" Both children went over to their mother, who lay dead on the ground. Chaos screamed again, and Jack felt tears flowing down his face in waves.

"WHO DID THIS?! WHO KILLED QUEEN VIVIAN?!" Chaos screamed at the crowd. Then a few people in the front begain sturggling. A blue alien was being held down by a few others. The alien was hold a small, but very powerful blaster canon.

The rest of the day came and went in a blur.

Chaos had to stop the celebration, and faster then she could blink, she was now Queen. It was strange for her, and too sudden. However she wasn't worried about herself, she pushed taht aside because of Jack.

Jack had been struck harder by their mothers death. Every since she had pushed him away, he hadn't said a word. It was like he was a walking robot. At one point Chaos had thought it was a Clone, but when she saw fresh tear tracks down his face, she knew it was her baby brother.

'Jack...what is going on in your head. Please don't be blaming yourself. This is not your fault, please don't worry to much dear brother.' Chaos always prayed in her head everytime she saw him, even at the funeral.

The funeral was very gloomy, even more so when they shut the case and burned the casket. It was how Queen Vivian's race had done a burial. Everyone cried, whoever didn't was paying many respects, for Queen Vivian was one of the kindest queens they had had, and she had changed so much.

During the memorial, Chaos searched everywhere for Jack, and chatting to relatives she didn't even know when they pulled her away from her search. Finally she checked his room, and gasped at the sight of it.

It was almost completely empty, save for the basic things, like the bed, dresser, excetera. She walked over to the night stand, where a note was placed with her name on it.

'Chaos, I know you have been hurt as much as I, and how the impact has hurt you. However, I need to clear my head. I can't take this pain, this depression, this hurt. Every night, I see her face, and it scares me. I know that you need me now, but I can't stay there. I'm very sorry that I am abandoning you, and I hope you understand. I will be going to a planet called Earth. When I get there, I will contact you immediately. They won't hurt me, and I will blend in easily. I love you very much, and I will miss you. Promise me you will find someone to rule with you and make you happy, and that you keep mom's loce and devotion going strong. You brother, Jack.'

chaos crunched the letter in her hand. Part of her was screaming at her brother, enraged at how he could just leave her here, when she needed him the most. However, the rest of her understood that mom's death had taken a larger toll on Jack then it did her, and he needed to get away. If it was bothering him that much...

She walked over to the window, and let a few more tears fall.

"Jack, you better be safe you hear me. YOU BETTER BE SAFE JACK! I WON'T LET YOU LEAVE ME ALONE IN THIS UNIVERSE!" She shouted, then she smiled a bit. Something told her he would be ok.

IT WAS LONG OK! I MADE IT LONG BECAUSE I FELT BAD! Please don't be mad. I hope this explains everything with Jack and Chaos' past, any questions just ask in your review ok? (Yeah, don't be shy everyone, we won't bite...much. "giggles") ...Mya, don't do that. ANYWAY, please


-ChaosGirl08 (and Mya!)