"Are either of them improving?" Tsunade asked looking down at Naruto who was hooked up to a million and one machines that constantly beep or made an assortment of other noises. She turned over to Sakura who was hooked up to the same machines.

"No, Hokage-sama." Ino said quietly. "They haven't even flinched in hours." She said looking down at Sakura, "how did she go under? It makes no sense, I was just watching her and she… Will she be alright?"

"I'm not going to lie to you, I have no clue." Tsunade said biting her thumb. "I've never dealt with anything like this before. For all I know, she could have done it to herself."

"Sakura couldn't, I was watching her the entire time!" Ino shouted and then realized what she had done and covered her mouth.

"Sakura, by far, is currently the most talented out of all of you. She could have done it with you staring straight at her, though I wouldn't know what was done." Tsunade said. "Keep watch over them carefully. If they start to move again, come get me."

Tsunade walked out of the tent and left Ino to sit in between them waiting. "I know she didn't do it to herself…" Ino sighed and heard the ten moving and turned to see Shikamaru coming in on his crutches. "How's the leg?"

"Still broken. It's bothersome." He said sitting down on the edge of Naruto's bed. "There was a rumor they started moving, figured I come by and check it out."

"They did. It was weird, neither woke up but Naruto grabbed his head and right after Sakura began using some of her healing chakra. It's like they're in the same dream. Whenever something happens, both react. The other day they both acted like they fell at the same time or something."

"That is strange." Shikamaru agreed. "You don't think they're both in Genjutsus, do you?"

"First thing we ruled out." Ino said sitting down on Sakura's bed across from him. "We have absolutely no clue. Tsunade thinks Sakura may have done it to herself."

"Probably after staring at Naruto for two weeks… Still, I don't think she would have. It's out of her character." Shikamaru said and felt something at his side. "He kicked me."

"They do that." Ino said quietly. Suddenly both Naruto and Sakura lurched up and ripped the oxygen masks off coughing and hacking. Ino jumped up and ran from the tent. "I'll go get Tsunade-sama!"

"It's about time you two woke up." Shikamaru said looking at them. They regained their breathing and looked at him then at each other.

"What happened?" Sakura asked.

"After Naruto was officially dead for over a minute you did invasive surgery and brought him back to life. He was in a coma for two weeks and then when you and Ino were redressing his wounds you past out into a coma. You were out for another week." Shikamaru said slowly. "So what's a coma like?"

"I don't know, I just closed my eyes and then woke up." Naruto said and Sakura nodded in agreement. "Man, I'm hungry; do you have any food on you, Shikamaru?"

"Nope, sorry." He said and then turned to see Tsunade rush in with Ino in tow.

"They just woke up at the same time!" Ino said and Tsunade looked at Sakura, "Sakura, how'd you get in the coma?"

"I don't know, I was changing the bandages and then my eyes just shut." Sakura said and grabbed her stomach, "I need food too."

"Come on Sakura, I'll treat you to food." Naruto said standing up and unhooking everything himself. Sakura copied and then fidgeted with her hair. Finally Naruto reached over to his clothes and grabbed his money out. "Are there any restaurants still functioning?"

"Ayame and her old man have a ramen cart set up at the edge of camp. Right now only the Hokage's building and some housing have been rebuilt." Shikamaru said quickly and the two began to leave still in their hospital clothes.

"Wait!" Tsunade ordered and the two turned and looked at her, "where are you going, you two just got out of comas. You still need to be in bed if something happens."

"We'll be fine, Granny." Naruto said and kept walking out. Sakura bowed, "we'll be back after lunch." They both disappeared and Tsunade stomped on the ground, angry about being disobeyed. Ino was knocked onto the bed by the force of the small blast.

"I'm still the Hokage!" Tsunade yelled marching out of the tent.

As Naruto and Sakura began walking through the camp they saw all their fellow class working hard rebuilding but stopping to look at them. "What are they staring at?"

"We've been in comas; they haven't seen us in forever, Naruto." Sakura said and turned to see the cart and they walked over. "Hi Ayame, where's your dad at?"

"He's rebuilding the shop, nearly done too." She said smiling. "What can I get for you? Also, Naruto, you'll be happy to hear we had to move back to ramen."

"Four bowls." Naruto said smiling and Sakura looked at him. "Don't worry, two are for you."

"Here you go." Ayame said handing them four large Styrofoam cups with lids and chopsticks. "We won't have any bowls until we move back into the shop. Have a nice dinner you two."

"Thanks, Ayame." They said and began to walk away looking for a place to sit. Naruto smiled, "let's go on top of the Hokage's monument."

"Technically, it's illegal."

"Technically I don't really care. Who'd stop us?" Naruto asked. "Come on, Sakura-chan."

"Alright, but you're taking all the blame for this." She said and ran up the rock wall right after him. When they reached the top Naruto walked back some and sat down. He set the cups aside and looked at her. "Do you remember anything from your coma, Sakura?"

"A little, but nothing really important." She said quietly, "just you injuring your head, you slipped on something. What do you remember from your dream?"

"Me slipping on something and injuring my head. You had to sow it up and I passed out." Naruto said strangely. "Did we have the same dream?"

"Maybe. I had to fuse a lot of my chakra into you, maybe a little too much." She said nervously scratching her arm.

"Do you remember the sowing part? It hurt a lot." Naruto said feeling the back of his head to have nothing there.

"A little…" She said and opened one of her cups of ramen. "We'd better eat and get back."

"I guess." Naruto said and opened one of his cups. "I was just kind of hoping you had the same dream I had, even if it was just me slipping and breaking my head open."

"Why?" Sakura asked remembering the dream closely.

"Just because…" Naruto said beginning to eat.

"Are you asking about the part where you fell asleep on my lap?" Sakura said quickly setting her chopsticks down in the bowl. Naruto turned and looked at her with about a half a foot of ramen hanging out of his shirt. "You've got… ramen… on your shirt."

Naruto quickly ate it up and set the bowl down and turned to her and was about to say something but turned away and scratched his head. "So… we did have the same dream."

"I… I guess we did then." Sakura said blowing it off as nothing. She continued eating and Naruto spent his time nervously fidgeting. "You should eat; it's been a few weeks for you, Naruto."

"I know, but, I… DAMN IT!" Naruto said and punched the ground causing a little crater on top of the first's head. "Do you know how everything goes smoother in your head; I hate it when it does that!"

"It's because you can't control the other person in real life." Sakura said coldly. "Real life is what matters Naruto, not the dream."

"But I really… But then I… ARRGHHH!" Naruto yelled and Saukra moved over picked up his cup of ramen and chopsticks and shoved food in his mouth.

"I will continue to force feed you if you do not eat for yourself. Got it?" She said and held the cup and chopsticks out to him. Naruto swallowed the food in his mouth and took the cup and began eating like his life depended on it. Sakura tired to observe him but his hair was in the way. He quickly finished the noodles drinking the brother and began on the next cup. "You can calm down Naruto. What's gotten into you?"

"I…" Naruto said stopping before the chopstick reached his mouth again. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright Naruto." Naruto set the cup down and put the lid on it. He began to stand up and Sakura caught his wrist. "You're avoiding my question."

"I know. I'm sorry Sakura-chan." He tugged his wrist from her and began to walk away with his meal. Sakura got up and grabbed him and pulled him back from the edge of the monument and walked him over towards the forest and pushed him against the tree. Naruto didn't say anything but let out a whimper noise.

"Naruto." Sakura said softly. Slowly Naruto raised his head to show two small streams of tears. "Don't cry, Naruto."

"Isn't that my line to you?" He halfway joked. He used his wrist and wiped away the tears. "Sorry I worried you; I'm being a stupid little kid."

"What's wrong?" Sakura asked and then a little voice popped in her head she didn't recognize. 'Naruto really likes you, don't hurt him.' The voice said concerned and Sakura looked up at him and smiled.

Naruto just stared at her and watched as she walked over to edge and looked over the horizon. "The sun's setting. I haven't gotten to see it in three weeks."

"You were awake for two out of the three though." Naruto said not moving.

"I spent my time hovering over you. The only time I left he tent was to eat or use the restroom." Sakura said sitting down. "Come watch the sunset, it'll be your first in three weeks too."

Naruto slowly walked over and sat down next to her not lifting his head. Sakura quickly patted her leg and Naruto's eyes shot over to her. She patted her leg again and Naruto actually looked up at her, "you did that in the dream."

"I know." She said and patted her legs again. With a bit of uncertainty Naruto carefully laid his head down on the edge of her leg. Sakura put her hand on his head and ran it through his hair and Naruto began calming down somewhat. "This is what I remember doing last before I woke up."


"Should we go?" Sakura asked.

Naruto grabbed her hand and clenched it. "You know, I don't think it's that important." Naruto held her hand against his face and closed his eyes absorbing the feeling. 'Naruto. You better thank me, I saved our lives.'