A/N: Okay, I've got to get a couple things in here real quick. This will be posted on all chapters from now on. Disclaimer: I own nothing. These characters belong to J. K. Rowling. I don't have enough creativity for more than this. Thanks to my wonderful beta, Tom Felton Is SO HOTT, Bells, I couldn't do it without you! My best friend and sister, I love you! Without you, this would suck, Bella!

Harry glanced around, looking for one head in particular. When he spotted it, he walked over and simply kissed it. The head had been lying on its owner's mother's shoulder. Molly Weasly glanced up, having seen from the corner of her eye someone with messy dark hair kiss her daughter's head. She greeted him with a teary hello and fierce hug. Feeling both the kiss on her head, and her mother's movements, Ginny looked up to see Harry standing protectively over her. A look of pride, fear, and annoyance was on his face. Ginny moved away from her mother's arms, and arranged herself so that she could look up at him more comfortably. Harry opened his mouth to begin to scold her, but Ginny put her hand up, and told him to follow her, glancing at Molly to make sure this was approved. Molly nodded, and as soon as they were out of ear-shot, Harry turned to Ginny.

"I thought we told you to stay put and go back in as soon as we came out. Ginny you scared me. I thought I was going to lose you when you weren't out there. Ginny Weasly, I couldn't have done anything more if something had happened to you. Why? Why did you wander off into the battle?" Harry was near tears at the loss of everyone, and almost losing Ginny. "Has everything I ever wanted no longer valid in your mind? Do you know that the only reason I was even able to keep going was that I wanted to know that you were safe?" At this, the tears Harry fought, came out, streaking his face, not letting him speak. He just looked at her, and Ginny saw how much he had been hurt that day; the day her world fell apart. She saw that the fear of living without her really was why he broke up with her. She saw that he really would have thought it his fault if she had been hurt.

"I couldn't have stayed put! They were at us the second you guys shut the door! Tonks couldn't hold all of them off, I had to help! You thought you were going to lose me? I wonder how I felt every time you had to defend yourself? Every story you ever told? How do you think I coped with that?! Harry, I was constantly afraid I would lose you this year. But I knew that I couldn't fight for you. I knew that you wouldn't want me in trouble. This was the one time I could fight for you, and now you're telling me that I should have stayed put?!? I don't think so, Harry!" Ginny was fighting back. She was mad at Harry, and the world right now. The fact that he was scolding her, no matter what the reason, did not set well with her. "And you really think that I ever stopped caring what you wanted and thought?" as Ginny said this, her voice was soft. They had reached the commons room. Both of them were in tears, and neither of them could take their eyes off each other.

The door had swung open, and they both stepped in. Harry was speechless at Ginny's last question of him, and Ginny was trying to stench the flow of tears. Fred would be annoyed if she was crying over this situation. Voldemort was gone! How dare she be crying. Harry leaned down and kissed her. First her cheek, to catch the salt water gently tracing from her eyes down to her chin, and then her mouth, to convince her that his love had never stopped; that when he broke up with her at Dumbledore's funeral, it was because he loved her, not because he no longer wanted her around. Harry and Ginny both heard the portrait hole swing open and shut again, but neither of them looked away from each other. Ginny had pulled her face away just before, so she could bury it in Harry's broad chest. Harry simply laid his cheek on her head, content to just hold her. When Ron and Hermione stepped in, Ron spotted them, but for once didn't say anything. He just kept Hermione's hand in his and walked her to one of the couches. Hermione sat down, and as soon as Ron had, she placed her head in his lap and laid down. Ron leaned down and kissed her forehead. All four heard and ignored it when, once more the hole swung open and shut. But this time, the new occupants were not silent. Bill was consoling Fleur, and, thinking that the commons room would be empty, had taken her there. He saw his youngest two siblings, both crying some, and as he led Fleur to a chair and sat her in it, he leaned down and kissed her cheek, reassuring her. Then Bill went over to his sister, and Harry seeing who it was, then nudged Ginny, and went to sit by Fleur. All Bill did was hug his little sister and hold her close. Ginny's tears welled up again, and Bill just held her. As protective of Ginny as Ron was, Bill was more so.